Ranger's WPT Niagara Satellite Team(KW area)



  • Results for game #3:

       Name                   Time    Money  Chips Accumulated for Final Table
                              Out     Won
    1. Steve W                N/A     $120   9000
    2. "compuease" Jeff       11:45   $40    6000
    3. "2BULLETS" Jeremy      11:42   $25    5000
    4. "PokerQueen" Mandy     11:25          4000
    5. "Metro" Tom            11:02          4000
    6. "Ranger" Mike          10:34          3000
    7. "Hobbes" Ron           10:17          3000
    8. "moose" Rob            9:45           3000
    9. "Flint Bones" Andrew   8:45           1500
    10."Zithal" Rob           8:21           1500
  • Here are the starting stacks for the final table, which will take place this Thursday at my place. 

    Please aim to arrive at 6:30 if at all possible.  Game will start promptly at 7:00, or earlier if everyone can get there early!

    There will be no buy-in for the final table.  The only prize will be for the first place finisher: the $645 collected from our previous games...and the obligation to play an official Niagara WPT satellite with that money.

       Name                   Final Table
                              Starting Stack                       
    1. Steve W                17000
    2. "compuease" Jeff       16500
    3. "PokerQueen" Mandy     15000
    4. "Flint Bones" Andrew   12000
    5. "Ranger" Mike          12000
    6. "Metro" Tom            10000
    7. "Zithal" Rob            9500
    8. "moose" Rob             9500
    9. "2BULLETS" Jeremy       9500
    10."Hobbes" Ron            9000

    Total chips: 120,000
    Average starting stack: 12,000
    Blinds: Option #1 from previous post about final table blinds
  • Should be an interesting final game.

    Congrats to Steve and Andrew the two winners yesterday.
  • Ouch...looks like I have my work cut out for me.

    Be the rock.....be the rock..... :D

  • This will be a good game.
  • Congrats to Andrew & Steve on winning yesterday.

    Also want to thank Mike for everything he has done to put this tourney together. Yesterday was a long day and we wanted to thank you for having us over. Thanks for the dvd as well, it was great!!

    The final should be a blast, can't wait. Good luck everyone!

    2BULLETS & PokerQueen
    :as :ah
  • Thanks Jeremy, it has been fun to host!

    We're still on for tomorrow: arrive anytime after 6:30, play will begin promptly at 7:00pm. I'm looking forward to it, should be a great game!

  • I booked Friday off work - so don't expect to get rid of me early.
  • Well, we had a great final game tonight.  It was quite a battle -- it took over 2 hours before the first person was knocked out.  Steve W ended up taking the prize.  Steve went into heads-up with a healthy chip lead over "moose" Rob, winning many of those chips in an earlier 3-way all-in with Andrew and Jeff (Steve had AQ vs Jeff's AK vs Andrew's 55 -- Steve hit the Q on the river)

    Although Steve is not a forum member (yet), he is no stranger to Bristol St events, having won the Omaha event earlier this year.  Steve will be getting a forum ID soon and posting his plans to go to Niagara for the satellite.

    Here are the results of the final game:

       Name                   Time    Percentage of
                              Out     any Winnings
    1. Steve W                N/A     80%
    2. "moose" Rob            12:00   4%
    3. "Metro" Tom            11:28   3.5%
    4. "Zithal" Rob           11:20   3%
    5. "compuease" Jeff       11:10   2.5%
    6. "Flint Bones" Andrew   11:10   2% 
    7. "Ranger" Mike          10:25   1.5%
    8. "PokerQueen" Mandy     10:06   1.5%
    9. "2BULLETS" Jeremy      9:45    1%
    10."Hobbes" Ron           9:35    1%

    Thanks to all who participated, we had a lot of fun and played some great poker!

  • Congrats to Steve and all who played.

    They were all great games.

  • Thanks for hosting Mike, it was a fantastic event.... grrrrr... I felt really good last night, felt that my reads were right on, and was confident that barring a bad beat would be successful. That's pretty well the way it went.... Built my stack to 20K early, went dry for an hour or so, down to 15K.
    Significant hands.....
    - Pocket Q's in big blind, Mandy with 10K at the start of hand raised with pocket 9's, I pushed, she called, Q's held, I had 25K.
    - Pocket 10's, raised 4 times blind, called by Andrew. 10 high flop with 2 to flush. Bet pot and took it down.
    - Q,3 diamonds in BB, Moose to my right completes in SB, maybe 2 other callers.. flop 2 diamonds all smaller cards.. Moose bets, maybe 1/2 pot? I call, others fold. Turn Q hearts, Moose bets again, I call with top pair, flush draw, River J diamonds completing flush, Moose bets, I raise, Moose folds after considerable thought, Nice fold Moose.
    At this point I think I have just over 30K, Moose in 2nd with 25K, Steve in third with 22K?
    Card dead again for 2-3 rounds, Steve gets aggressive and builds his stack to the lead.

    We are 6 handed, approx chip counts, I may be a bit off here but probably close.

    Steve 35K
    Compuease 30K
    Moose 25K
    Zithal 15K
    Tom 10K
    Andrew 5K

    Key hand of entire tournament (at least from my perspective)
    Zithal UTG fold, Tom UTG +1 folds, Andrew pushes his 5K, Steve pushes his entire 35K, Moose folds,,,, now since Steve has gotten real aggressive for a couple of rounds I'm looking to trap.... Peek at my cards, AKo. Hmmmmm.. Think this is it. If Steve has rockets or cowboys, he smooth calls to try and suck Moose or I in, so my thoughts are here, he has mid pair or big Ace... I think I'm either 50/50 or dominating him, I call.. He turns over exactly the kind of hand I put him on, AQ suited.. Fantastic,,, I have this one in the bag and a dominate lead in the tournament.. Noooooooooo.... Who says this only happens online.. Flop all blanks, no flush draw. By the way, Andrew had pocket 5's and was thinking triple up at this point. Turn, blank, yippee I'm 94% or so to take Steves stack. River.... pause... you got it, one of the 3 Q's and I and Andrew are out... What a kick in the gut..... LOL.... Not sure I understand Steve's allin push there, he was only getting called by a better hand A's, K's, AK or maybe Q's, but he won fair and square. Better take Niagara down Steve, we're counting on you. Ah well, I know I played well and can think of only 1 bad mistake I made and that was in game 2 last Sunday when I didn't re-raise with Pocket K's. On to the next one....
  • Pocket 10's, raised 4 times blind, called by Andrew. 10 high flop with 2 to flush. Bet pot and took it down.

    One small point. There were 3 spades on the flop and I had AQ clubs.

    I couldn't call that bet damn it!
  • Hi folks. Steve Wilson here. Sorry for not getting on here sooner. I was on poker-forums.ca (with an s) and could not find you guys. Finally found out there is also this version too!

    Still been counting my lucky stars on finding that miracle Queen on the river. See Jeff's post above for the details. Funny how my one tournament mistake ends up being the key hand for the tournament. If I play it any other way I may not even see that Queen on the river. Poker is funny that way.

    I will keep you guys up to date on Niagara plans. I am looking at next Friday Sept 8th as a possibility.

    Thanks, Steve
  • Good luck Steve.

    Make sure that you ask for the security video as proof you played. :D:D:D

  • Or the various forum winners can post when they are going to Niagara Falls so any forum member can go and cheer them on.  If I find out when the two Bristol $640 satellite winners are playing, I will try to go on the same day.

    Good luck to all the forum members at the Step 2 satellites!
    Hobbes wrote:
    Make sure that you ask for the security video as proof you played.  :D
  • Hi folks, OK my plans for this are to go to Niagara Fallsview tomorrow Sept 8th but only to watch the evening $640 satellite and play some of the cash games at Fallsview.

    I will be playing in the actual $640 Satellite for the Ranger team on Friday Sept 22nd (the evening satellite).

    Jeff I will call your cell to see if you want to go down with me tomorrow . I should be leaving KW approximately 3:00 PM tomorrow. If anyone else wants to go down tomorrow either email me or post a message here and we can arrange to meet.

    Steve W.

    PS I am looking forward to a discussion on the AQ of Diamonds hand. There are some interesting points to be discussed as to the reason for playing the hand as I did and also why it should not have been played that way.
  • Hey Steve, by all means call me, not sure if I can go tomorrow or not but will see if I can swing it.
  • So are you still planning on playing your 640 tomorrow Steve?
  • Yes it looks like today will be the day folks. I plan to leave work as soon as I can get away (likely around 2:00 PM) which means I should be playing in the early evening satellite that starts around 7:00 PM. Hope to have some great results to post shortly! Jeff I will give you a call in case you want to join me going down.

  • Good Luck Steve.

  • Folks sorry but last minute change of plans. I'm feeling a little under the weather so I decided not to go to Niagara today for the $640 satellite. I am now looking at Friday Oct 6th ao the official day.

    I want to make sure I am tip top and feeling good so that I have the best possible chance to win!

    Later Steve
  • Since I have a stake in you - I back your decision to go when you will be playing your best!
  • Folks sorry but last minute change of plans. I'm feeling a little under the weather so I decided not to go to Niagara today for the $640 satellite. I am now looking at Friday Oct 6th ao the official day.

    I want to make sure I am tip top and feeling good so that I have the best possible chance to win!

    Later Steve

    No prob Steve. Hope you feel better soon.

  • Did you make it on Friday???

    How'd we do??
  • So I see, said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw.
  • Hi Folks,

    Played the $640 satellite on Friday Oct 6th starting at 5:00 PM.

    Well after a hard fought battle I ended up in 7th at the satellite. No bad beats just a rather long run of bad cards until the olde M got down to less than 3 and had to take a chance on a final hand of K-6 where I pushed and got called by the BB who showed me a K-8. (Rats not even live cards for me).

    It was an experience that's for sure. This satellite was being played real tight. There were 4 spots at my table that had won a voucher from the lower buy-in satellites. About half the table was real weak-tight. I stole a couple of pots in mid-late position not so much by raising pre-flop but by calling their blinds and simply betting on the flop when they checked. It seemed to be a pretty good strategy that I could change up as the tournament moved on.

    A couple of interesting hands early that I played for your reading pleasure.

    You start with $2000 in chips and I was up to $2500 with the guy to my right having about $1800. Everyone folds to the SB with blinds at $50-$100. I am the BB. He completes and I look down and see A-3 of clubs. I decide to just check. The flop comes A-J-8 rainbow. He checks and I bet $200 which is the pot. He calls. I am thinking he has one pair and doesn't put me on the Ace. Turn is a 9 and he leans forward but checks. I check behind feeling the 9 helped him in some way. River is an Ace. Yahoo? He bets out $275 into a $600 pot and I call since he may have counterfeited a 2 pair hand made on the turn. He shows 10-Q for the double belly straight draw which the 9 completed. Rats why did the Ace have to come on the river! I would of folded otherwise. This knocks me back to my starting stack of $2000.

    A couple of laps later down to 7 players at my table everyone folds on my BB and the same SB guy tries to limp again. Blinds still 100-200. This time I raise to $600. He looks at me and I say don't want you making a straight on me again and he laughs and folds. Back to $2600 in chips.

    Finally I pick up a real hand A-A but I'm in the BB again and everyone folds except the same SB guy who limps. I raise again to $600 and this time the guy whips his cards in the muck and asks you going to do that to me every time? I reply only with a hand and he laughs. By the way I have tagged this guy as a very solid player just based on how he has played so far. And in case you were wondering the hand earlier when I didn't tell you what I had in the BB it was a 5-7 suited so my definition of 'a hand' is pretty subjective!

    We get down to 10 players and collapse the tables I started the final table about mid stacked with $3800 in chips. The average is $4000 and the blinds are up to 200-400 with a $50 ante. My position is decent when we draw seats since to my left I have two weak tight old guys so that is good and two of the chip leaders are to my right. The tough part is I like to play aggressive but not with trash hands and that's all I got once we got to 10. To compound it every time I was in late position one of the two chip leaders attacked first so I could not pound on the weak tight players in the blinds.

    We got down to 7 and I was down to $2000 with blinds of $300-600 with a $100 ante with the blinds coming up which was when I got the K-6 and pushed with just enough pressure that I might get an all fold. I almost did except the BB who had about $7000 in chips decided to give me as he called it a "loose call". Rats as his K-8 had me dominated.

    And for what it's worth the guy I tagged as pretty solid in the SB at my first table went on to win!

    So it was a fun experience and thanks to all those rooting for me. Sorry your horse couldn't pickup a few hands at the later stages!

    I will be putting up my own money and try one more $640 satellite. I know there are quite a few strong KW players around and I think any of us would cetainly have a real shot!

    Later Steve W.
  • Good effort Steve, I figured, as you found out, many of us would have a shot at these. If I hadn't always promised to play within my bankroll I would take a shot myself. Good luck on your next one.
  • Good effort Steve.
    Good luck with your own buyin
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