Ranger's WPT Niagara Satellite Team(KW area)



  • after reading through the beginning of your post I relized I won"t be able to play on the 30th of Aug.


    after I saw your post to Dave I thought it was over on the 27th


    This Thursday will begin at 7:00
    Sunday Aug 27th will start at about 2:00 (we can adjust a bit earlier or later if desired)
    The final game will start at 7:00

    If you will be a bit late we can always post and fold you. 30 minutes shouldn't make a big dent in your stack (unless you are the short stack in the final game, perhaps). But an hour would definitely be pushing your luck.

    Thanks for the interest...hope you can participate!

  • Shopsy,

    Please feel free to come over anyway tonight if you want, even if you can't play in the sat game. There should be other non-sat participants there and we'll get a side game going once a couple people bust out. I'll have the WSOP final table coverage running on multiple TVs.

  • Wish I could make it, damn responsibilities and commitments getting in the way of me having a good time. Anyone looking for a trophy husband?

    Have a good time tonight and gla.

  • The results from Game #1:
    10 players participated

    Name    Time Out    Money Won (if any)    Chips Accumulated for Final Table

    1. "compuease" Jeff :    12:30   $120      9000
    2. "Ranger" Mike :     12:30   $40     6000
    3. "PokerQueen" Mandy :   11:30   $25    5000
    4. "Zithal" Rob :    11:15     4000
    5. Steve W :    10:50     4000
    6. "2BULLETS" Jeremy :    10:35     3000
    7. "Hobbes" Ron :    10:15     3000
    8. "Metro" Tom :    9:05    3000
    9. "moose" Rob :    8:50    1500
    10. "Flint Bones" Andrew :    8:15    1500

    $185 was given out in prize money. The remaining $215 is in the pool for the winner of the final table.

    Thanks everyone for coming! Games 2 and 3 will be played on Sunday August 27th, beginning at 2:00pm at my place. I'll post a reminder closer to the date.

  • Congratulations to Jeff!  :wav:
    BrennerM wrote:
    1. "compuease" Jeff :    12:30   $120      9000
  • Mike:

    Glad to see you atleast made it heads up after you took most of my $&*(%^$%* chips. :D

    Congrats Jeff.

  • Good game. Congrats, Jeff.

    I played liked crap last night.
  • Thanks for hosting.

    Your house is incredible.
  • Thanks again Mike for hosting and organizing...  Your "tv" room is awesome......   Are you sure you can't adopt us all?  Good start for me for sure, not too many good cards early other than pocket K's twice that paid off both times. When we got to 3 people I had a real nice run of cards, really didn't have to bluff at all.....  :D
  • compuease wrote:
    Thanks again Mike for hosting and organizing...  Your "tv" room is awesome......   Are you sure you can't adopt us all?  Good start for me for sure, not too many good cards early other than pocket K's twice that paid off both times. When we got to 3 people I had a real nice run of cards, really didn't have to bluff at all.....  :D

    Yup the story of my life.
    Finally get soemthing half decent with the short stack and get clobbered by KK.

  • Now that we have 10 players, I propose the following profit-share on the winner:

    1st - 80%
    2nd - 4%
    3rd - 3.5%
    4th - 3%
    5th - 2.5%
    6th - 2%
    7th - 1.5%
    8th - 1.5%
    9th - 1%
    10th - 1%

    We will confirm this split before the next game. Proposals for change are welcome.

  • And don't worry guys (and gal) your %'s are safe with me, I'll leave your shares in an airport locker before I get on the flight to South America...... :D    Jeff..
  • Just a reminder to the participants: we are still on for this Sunday at 2:00pm at my place in Elmira. We will be playing 2 games back-to-back, so it should go well into the evening.

    Buy-in will be $80 ($40 each game) and there will be payouts in each game, with some of the money going to the $645 prize for the final game, which is still scheduled for Thursday August 31st at 7pm at my place.

    See you on Sunday!

  • I'm still a go for both Sunday and next Thursday. Thx.....
  • I'll likely be missing a portion of one or both of the Sunday games, but I'm still in. Blind me out if I'm not there in time.
  • Good to go for Sun/Thurs.

  • Before we play the games on Sunday we will vote on the blind schedule for the final game.  I have included 3 possibilities.  I would currently vote for #1 because it gives quite a bit of play early but still won't go too late into the night.  Remember we are playing the final game next Thursday starting at 7:00pm (or 6:30 if everyone can make it by 6:30).

    Keep in mind there will be 120,000 in chips in play for the final table (3 times the amount of the other games).  Average starting stack will be 12,000.  The largest possible starting stack would be 27,000 and the smallest possible would be 4,500.

    Suggestions/changes/additions welcome in this thread.  No need to post your vote in this thread because we'll vote "live" on Sunday (I'll print out copies for voting purposes).


    Time   SB  BB   A
    0h 20m 25   50   0
    0h 40m 50   100 0
    1h 0m 75   150 0
    1h 20m 100 200 0
    1h 30m 10 MIN BREAK
    1h 50m 100 200 25
    2h 10m 150 300 50
    2h 30m 200 400 75
    2h 50m 300 600 100
    3h 0m 10 MIN BREAK (chip-up)
    3h 20m 500 1000 100
    3h 40m 600 1200 200
    4h 0m 800 1600 200
    4h 20m 1000 2000 300
    4h 40m 1500 3000 400
    4h 50m 10 MIN BREAK (chip-up)
    5h 10m 2000 4000 500
    5h 30m 2500 5000 500
    5h 50m 3000 6000 500    (cap)

    Time   SB   BB   A
    0h 30m 25   50   0
    1h 0m 50   100 0
    1h 30m 75   150 0
    2h 0m 100 200 0
    2h 10m 10 MIN BREAK
    2h 40m 100 200 25
    3h 10m 200 400 50
    3h 40m 300 600 100
    4h 10m 500 1000 100
    4h 20m 10 MIN BREAK (chip-up)
    4h 50m 600 1200 200
    5h 20m 800 1600 200
    5h 50m 1000 2000 300
    6h 20m 2000 4000 500
    6h 30m 10 MIN BREAK (chip-up)
    7h 0m 2500 5000 500
    7h 30m 3000 6000 500    (cap)

    Time   SB   BB   A
    0h 30m 100 200 0
    1h 0m 200 400 0
    1h 30m 200 400 100
    2h 0m 300 600 100
    2h 10m 10 MIN BREAK
    2h 40m 500 1000 100
    3h 10m 600 1200 200
    3h 40m 800 1600 200
    4h 10m 1000 2000 300
    4h 20m 10 MIN BREAK
    4h 50m 1500 3000 400
    5h 20m 2000 4000 500
    5h 50m 2500 5000 500
    6h 20m 3000 6000 500    (cap)
  • I like #3.

    It gives us something to consider in playing the Sunday Games (Do you want 4500 in chips with 100/200 blinds.... :D)
    and still shouldn't be too late for me when I woin....lol

  • I like 3 as well - especially since it is on a week night.

    Having said that, I also feel that this is something that should have been predetermined.

    If I were one of the players currently sitting with 1500 chips I would vote for 1 or 2 - unfortunately, since this hasnt been predetermined, I think we need to base this on the Canadian way of protecting minority rights. I would suggest that we do a vote, but provide the opportunity for discussion. Option #3 would put anyone with only 4,500 chips in a spot hardly worth paying their $40 since there M will be below 10 by the second level of blinds.
  • I want to vote before we play games 2 and 3 because the outcome is still in doubt...Jeff could end up with only an average chipstack even though he won the first game. Someone who lost the first game could be chip leader going into the final table. I agree I should have organized this before game #1 and I apologize for that oversight. I think we can work through it though.

    Tom, based on your comments I'm not sure why you wouldn't vote for #1...it gives additional play early but still finishes in a very reasonable amount of time. Realize however that someone who busts out early in all 3 games is going to be a longshot to survive the final table...that is the nature of this format. But amazing comebacks have happened before in poker!

    Note that there will be no additional buy-in required for the final table, we will simply be playing for the WPT satellite seat money which was collected from the 3 previous games.

  • You are correct Mike - I must have overlooked the blind length.

    I vote for #1 - the potentional winner could be in bed by 2am :)
  • OK, how about I ease everyones mind,,,, Since I am chip leader at the moment I will abstain from the voting.... The rest can determine blind levels, etc,,, then I'll take the rest of the chips in due time..... <sw> :D
  • My vote's for #1
  • Jeff you are truly a political genius

    Letting us Plebs concern the about a democratic issues, in a tyranny where you are Caesar.
  • I vote for 1.

    Not because I am a donkey and busted out first.
  • It is still today at 2:00, right?

    There has been such little talk.
  • Yes, we are still on for today at 2:00!

  • Mike, do we have plans for dinner?
  • I have no concrete dinner plans, but in Elmira we have:
    - pizza
    - McDonald's
    - Subway
    - KFC
    - chinese food
    - panzerotti's (Raphael's pizza place makes great panzerottis)

    So we could just order pizza, or we could have someone take orders and get subs or McDs, etc.

    If none of these appeal to you, feel free to bring your own dinner. I have a BBQ too and people are free to use it (although if you're still playing poker it might be tough...)

    I do not plan to take a long break between games, unless the first game ends quickly. I'd like to get the second game started by 7:00 if possible.

  • Results from game 2:

       Name                   Time    Money  Chips Accumulated for Final Table
                              Out     Won
    1. "Flint Bones" Andrew   N/A     $120   9000
    2. "PokerQueen" Mandy     7:35    $40    6000
    3. "moose" Rob            6:30    $25    5000
    4. "Zithal" Rob           6:45           4000
    5. Steve W                5:35           4000
    6. "Hobbes" Ron           5:20           3000
    7. "Ranger" Mike          5:17           3000
    8. "Metro" Tom            5:00           3000
    9. "2BULLETS" Jeremy      4:25           1500
    10."compuease" Jeff       4:09           1500
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