Ranger's WPT Niagara Satellite Team(KW area)

:DRanger's WPT Niagara Satellite Team :D

I would like to get 8 people (myself + 7) in the KW area to commit to play a set of games culminating in a single person entering a $640 WPT satellite at Niagara. We need people who can be fairly flexible around dates because we'll need to get all 8 people together on several different occasions.

The first game would be held at my place (in Elmira, just 5 minutes north of KW), and I could host the rest or we can host them elsewhere if someone volunteers.

If you are interested, respond in this thread


  There will be 3 preliminary 8-player single-table tournament-style games ($40 buy-in -- no rake!)
  $215 of the buy-in money will go toward the final game prize pool: a $640 WPT satellite buy-in (plus $5 spending money)
  $105 will be awarded each game to places 1 and 2 ($75, $30)
  - 4000 chip stack start
  - 20 minute blinds (with a cap)
  - Players will accumulate chips in the 3 preliminary games, to build their chip stack for the final game, as follows:
          1st  -  25%   (8,000 chips)
          2nd -   20%   (6,400 chips)
          3rd  -  15%   (4,800 chips)
          4th  -  10%   (3,200 chips)
          5th  -  10%   (3,200 chips)
          6th  -  7.5%  (2,400 chips)
          7th  -  7.5%  (2,400 chips)
          8th  -  5%    (1,600 chips)

FINAL GAME ($0 buy-in):
  - All 8 players
  - starting stack determined by chips earned in preliminary matches
  - Blinds - we'll vote on the blind lengths and amounts -- majority rules
  - winner gets the $640 buy-in to a WPT satellite

  - players will be awarded a share in the winner's WPT Niagara winnings (if any) based on final table order of finish:
     1st: 79%
     2nd: 4.5%
     3rd: 4%
     4th: 3.5%
     5th: 3%
     6th: 2.5%
     7th: 2%
     8th: 1.5%

1st game: Thursday August 10th
2nd and 3rd games : Sunday August 27th
Final game: Thursday August 31st

"Ranger" Mike


  • Current list of participants
    1. "Ranger" Mike
    2. "Zithal" Rob
    3. "2BULLETS" Jeremy
    4. Hobbes
    5. "moose" Rob
    6. "Flint Bones" Andrew
    7. "PokerQueen" Mandy
    8. "compuease" Jeff
    9. Steve W

    Alternates (in case of cancellations before game #1):
    11. BlondeFish (only if the Sunday date is changed)
  • I'm in (duh)!

    Preferred date: August 7th
    Also available : all other suggested dates
    I would be willing to play 2 in one day
    Away on vacation: August 14-19th
  • Sounds like fun! I like that the final day is about the buy-in with others winning a piece of the eventual winner. A thought, if you have the space, it to go to a 10 player tourney. That way you have $215 from each tourney going to the final and $185 awarded in each of the first three rounds. You could create prizes of..

    1: $120
    2: $65
    (to give the winner of each of the games a virtual "free-roll" into this event)

    or, to pay more people..

    1: $85
    2: $60
    3: $40-

    You could then award 1% to both 9th and 10th at the end.

    Anyway, sign me up!

    My best date is the 10th, but I can also go on the 13th. The 7th and 12th are unlikely.
    I'd rather not play 2 games in one day.. (although I know there's plenty of toys at your place to keep the early bust-outs occupied.)
  • If you make this more complicated then let me know, I may be interested
  • I'm interested, it would just depend on the dates that you set. I am in though.

  • GTA Poker wrote:
    If you make this more complicated then let me know, I may be interested
    I'm interested in just about any rake-free WPT satellite.  However, I highly doubt that the same 8-10 players will be able to agree on 4 different dates and locations, then actually show up in all 4 tournaments.  What about making it a one-day event (or 2)?

    Since the Fallsview events will be 10-player tables, I agree with Zithal about having 10 players.
  • One of the reasons I went with 8 is that it might be a bit easier to agree on dates with only 8.  I will think about making it 10 but I'll keep it at 8 for now and we'll see how the list goes.

    Ideally I would like to do this in 2 days only (2 games each day) but it depends if everyone is up for a lot of poker in one day.  Once we have enough people signed up, we'll see about availability and set the dates.

    GTA, I stole the basic format from the KW Grudge match, so the complexity is not my fault. I'll see what I can do to make it more complex for you. :D

  • Thanks man, I'll check back periodically
  • You can count me in for this one!

    I am available any time, day or night, except for Friday August 11th - Sunday August 20th. I will be back in the evening on Sunday (around 6:00 pm).

    This sounds like a great format, can't wait!!!

    :as :ah
  • I'm in.

    I am pretty flexible except Aug 11-20.

    My preference would be 2 days at most.

  • I am currently leaning toward the following dates:

    1st game: Thursday August 10th
    2nd and 3rd games : Sunday August 27th
    Final game: Thursday August 31st

    These are still negotiable but something to consider for those still pondering this.

    Given the probable length of the final game (bigger chip stacks, longer blind levels) and a current leaning toward the 10th for the first game (meaning only one game that evening), I don't think we can squeeze the whole thing into 2 days.
  • Please PM me your address (or major intersection). If it's too long of a round trip for 3 separate days, I will have to bow out and look for other WPT satellites to play in. :(
    BrennerM wrote:
    1st game: Thursday August 10th
    2nd and 3rd games : Sunday August 27th
    Final game: Thursday August 31st
    I don't think we can squeeze the whole thing into 2 days.
  • I'm in and I can start the 10th.
  • I think I would like to sign up.

    I am pretty flexible with evening dates.
  • BrennerM wrote:
    I am currently leaning toward the following dates:

    1st game: Thursday August 10th
    2nd and 3rd games : Sunday August 27th
    Final game: Thursday August 31st

    These are still negotiable but something to consider for those still pondering this.

    Given the probable length of the final game (bigger chip stacks, longer blind levels) and a current leaning toward the 10th for the first game (meaning only one game that evening), I don't think we can squeeze the whole thing into 2 days.

    This works for me.

  • Could you please sign up PokerQueen for me as well.

    :as :ah
  • Alright....looks like we have our 8.... :D
  • I will send PMs to each participant to confirm attendance on the 10th, give directions to my place, and for future dates. Please check your PMs over the next couple of days.

    "Ranger" Mike
  • Shannon (stpboy) had to drop out due to work schedules, so we are still looking for 1 or more players.

    We could continue with just 7 but 8-10 is definitely preferable.
  • I'm signing up to complete this 8-10 person satellite as long as I am available in the dates agreed upon by everybody else. I am playing in the Pokerbowl tournament on August 27 so I would not be able to make it on that Sunday afternoon. Tuesday and Wednesday nights are best for me, but I can make it on just about any day except Saturdays and August 27.
    BrennerM wrote:
    we are still looking for 1 or more players.
  • Based on the responses so far it looks like everyone else is available on the 27th. I'd rather do 2 games on a Saturday or Sunday than try to find two additional common weeknights, so for now I will leave you on the reserve list. If dates change before the 10th for any reason, you'll be the first person I contact...sorry 'bout that.

    Zithal assures me he'll be running a single-day (evening) WPT satellite tournament at some point...perhaps when the weather cools off a bit, so hopefully you can get in on that one if this doesn't work out.
  • I've gotten some PMs on this, so I want to confirm that we are still ON for Thursday at 7:00pm. Currently we have 7 players. If we end up with just 7 we'll have to adjust the prize money a bit for the individual games but the basic format will stay the same.

    If anyone else can make the dates, feel free to sign up!

    "Ranger" Mike

    P.S. for those participating, I will likely be ordering the WSOP final table pay-per-view so we can keep track of the action and you are welcome to stay after the game to watch it.
  • Sounds great, count the Queen and me in!

    :as :ah
  • I just posted on your other thread. I am interested in playing but I need to know the start times before I can commit.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Dave,

    This Thursday will begin at 7:00
    Sunday Aug 27th will start at about 2:00 (we can adjust a bit earlier or later if desired)
    The final game will start at 7:00

    If you will be a bit late we can always post and fold you. 30 minutes shouldn't make a big dent in your stack (unless you are the short stack in the final game, perhaps). But an hour would definitely be pushing your luck.

    Thanks for the interest...hope you can participate!

  • please add me to the list. Please send me the directions.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Hey Mike.

    Thanks for the times. Unfortunately I can't make a couple games.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Mike,

    Now that I know Shannon won"t be there I think I"ll come out to play. :D:D

  • shopsy wrote:

    Now that I know Shannon won"t be there I think I"ll come out to play.  :D:D


    Is it because:

    a) I knock you out of most tournaments

    b) I smell really bad

    c) You get lost in my eyes
  • Its a toss-up between A and C
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