Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • Thanks Rob, it was a great match.  I was nervous to begin it as I knew there was a better then good chance that I could be going over to the losers bracket.  Last time I played Rob heads up at Shopsy's he absolutely dominated me in 4 hands.  Rob explained what happened in our match perfectly, he seemed to have more "baby-mosters" where I had the "adult-monsters".  It was nice to play with such a class act as Rob, I was fortunate to win. 

    Good luck to all in the next round.

  • I just realized last night, on our way to the Jays game, that the 'winners' bracket could shape up to be a "8Ball" Tye vs. "stpboy" Shannon final. This is the same match up that took place at last years Bristol Street Tournament of Champions Championship. I know I'm definately not looking past Jenn as she has been playing some great poker of late, as has Eddy but it could be a lot of fun to play Tye heads up. I know he has been looking for a rematch for a long time now.

  • it wouldent be the finals it would be the semi finals ,
  • stpboy wrote:
    the 'winners' bracket could shape up to be a "8Ball" Tye vs. "stpboy" Shannon final
    cole woods wrote:
    it wouldent be the finals it would be the semi finals ,
    Shannon's correct, since he specified the winners bracket finals. Just like in the NHL you have the Eastern Final which is the same as a Stanley Cup Semi-Final.

    However, this is all based on
    stpboy wrote:
    looking past Jenn
  • Of course I did say that....
    stpboy wrote:
    I'm definately not looking past Jenn as she has been playing some great poker of late

    Although I could see how some would think it....

    I'm sure everyone looks at what potential matches they could have. If Brent gets lucky enough to win his next three and I lose my next one I could very well face him and send him packing :D

  • stpboy wrote:
    If Brent gets lucky enough to win his next three and I lose my next one I could very well face him and send him packing  :D
    LOL - I'd love to see you vs. Prophet, for so many reasons...  :wav:
  • stpboy wrote:

    Although I could see how some would think it....

    I'm sure everyone looks at what potential matches they could have.  If Brent gets lucky enough to win his next three and I lose my next one I could very well face him and send him packing  :D


    Shannon I'll back Brent a $1000 against you for a best of 5 heads up series.  $1000 in a side, NBC Heads Up format.  Best three of five.  Winner take all, loser pays dealer.  If you're interested. " :D "

    (Oh and in case you were going to say so, I am not joking.)
  • haddon wrote:

    Shannon I'll back Brent a $1000 against you for a best of 5 heads up series.  $1000 in a side, NBC Heads Up format.  Best three of five.  Winner take all, loser pays dealer.  If you're interested. " :D "

    (Oh and in case you were going to say so, I am not joking.)

    Oh wait, so I get to spend $1000 of my own hard earned legal money to sit down with a person I don't respect and like AT ALL for possibly hours on end just to prove once and for all that in this particular format one person was better on that day? Wow, I can't wait. That would be so awesome because I have soooo much to prove and my ego is sooo fragile that I may just have to do this. I'm way to busy these days working at a job I love, paying for my house, playing sports and being with my family, friends and girlfriend to even consider paying to play against Brent. It's really to bad that you and Brent can't say the same thing Haddon. Perhaps one day you guys will grow up and stop making these ridiculous childish can only dream.

  • Rob, do you want Jenn and I to play our match (a top 6 match) at Bristol? We have ours planned for Tuesday of next week, will that be an open night?

  • stpboy wrote:
    haddon wrote:

    Shannon I'll back Brent a $1000 against you for a best of 5 heads up series.  $1000 in a side, NBC Heads Up format.  Best three of five.  Winner take all, loser pays dealer.  If you're interested. " :D "

    (Oh and in case you were going to say so, I am not joking.)

    Oh wait, so I get to spend $1000 of my own hard earned legal money to sit down with a person I don't respect and like AT ALL for possibly hours on end just to prove once and for all that in this particular format one person was better on that day?  Wow, I can't wait.  That would be so awesome because I have soooo much to prove and my ego is sooo fragile that I may just have to do this.  I'm way to busy these days working at a job I love, paying for my house, playing sports and being with my family, friends and girlfriend to even consider paying to play against Brent.  It's really to bad that you and Brent can't say the same thing Haddon.  Perhaps one day you guys will grow up and stop making these ridiculous childish can only dream.


    Oh wait, so I get to spend $1000 of my own hard earned legal money to sit down with a person I don't respect and like AT ALL for possibly hours on end just to prove once and for all that in this particular format one person was better on that day?  Wow, I can't wait.  That would be so awesome because I have soooo much to prove and my ego is sooo fragile that I may just have to do this. 

    All this IS about is ego Shannon.  You rag on Brent in every post.  Whether in the thread or with your new catch phrase under your avatar.  The game wouldn't prove who is better THAT day, hence the best three out of five structure I imposed.  Brent hasn't even agreed, but since he would be freerolling because I respect his Heads Up game, I believed he would.  It's just you talk down about him every chance you get, so if he is in fact so bad, why not take my $1000 off of him?

    I'm way to busy these days working at a job I love, paying for my house, playing sports and being with my family, friends and girlfriend to even consider paying to play against Brent.  It's really to bad that you and Brent can't say the same thing Haddon.

    Again with the ego thing.  Whether you are prepared to admit it or not, this is about ego.  Look at the two sentences above.  I have all these great things, I am so successful, I am so much happier about you.  This isn't about who's life is better.  It about a fair shot at proving all the shit you talk on Brent in a situation where no one can make excuses.  It wouldn't prove the better man, hell, I'll give you that hands down.  But it could prove to everyone that you are right, Brent is lucky..blah blah blah.  Shannon, don't pull me into the fact that you hate Brent.  I don't fuck wtih you and I don't criticise any of your life choices.  I have a great relationship with my family, fuck, I paid for my Mom's PhD for Christ's sake.  I have a great friends who fly out here all the time.  Literally all the time.  I have a girlfriend and do what I love everyday, sorry I didn't follow The Shannon Guide To Smiling When You Wake Up book, but I got there, so leave me out of the bad blood.  As I stated, I just respect Brent's heads up game and am ready to stand up for it with words or money.

    Perhaps one day you guys will grow up and stop making these ridiculous childish can only dream.

    Tyson challenges me on msn while you are all at Mark's to a $1000 Heads Up game, I do it and it is childish.  I'm sorry I am not one of the cronies, so I guess I don't get to make real challenges, but its cool for the guys you play with regularily to challenge me to a $1000 Heads Up match with no intention of following through...

    All you had to do was say "no" :)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    haddon wrote:
    Shannon I'll back Brent a $1000 against you for a best of 5 heads up series.  $1000 in a side, NBC Heads Up format.  Best three of five.  Winner take all, loser pays dealer.  If you're interested. " :D "

    (Oh and in case you were going to say so, I am not joking.)
    You know Shannon (and most of the "regular" crowd) simply can't afford a $1k game, so making that sort of challenge is just silly.  It looks more like "my bankroll is bigger than yours" rather than a legitimate offer, since you know there is little to no chance of it being accepted (and you knew this before you made it).  If you want to throw down the gauntlet, at least make it appear like you want someone to pick it up.

    Let those 2 kids work it out themselves - it's entertaining enough without you involved ... 

    (as an aside, I'd deal for those 2 for free anyway - they're both good friends...)

    The amount of money should really be irrelevant. It isn't one game where someone can get lucky, it is 3/5, the best heads up player SHOULD win. The way Shannon talks about Brent's game it would be like an Olympic Runner not wanting to take my $1000 in a 5KM race. (The joke is I am an overweight chainsmoker). I wanted/want the gauntlet picked up Beanie, I honestly thought Shannon believed he was so much better than Brent that he would jump at this. I guess I read between the lines wrong. Also, Trevor, I didn't want it to come across as a who's got the bigger roll. Since Tyson challenged me to a heads up game for a grand, I've had the bug...I think its a nice price and both sides would be playing their hearts out.

    But you're right, I should stay out of it and let them squabble. I just know how lame it is to be shit talked on this board with no one sticking up for you even when they've told you in person they respect your game. I just thought I'd stand up for Brent as I CLEARLY respect his Heads Up play.
  • Please take this nonsense somewhere else. This has nothing to do with Bristol's event.
  • Please take this nonsense somewhere else. This has nothing to do with Bristol's event.

    Thanks Flint.

    Please stop hijacking my event thread and take it elsewhere. One thing Haddon mentioned is really, really intriguing, so I've started a seperate thread about it here.

    Please let the "Heads up Tournament discussion continue"
  • Al/Nik - any update on a scheduled match?
  • stpboy wrote:
    Rob, do you want Jenn and I to play our match (a top 6 match) at Bristol?  We have ours planned for Tuesday of next week, will that be an open night?


    So what do you think Rob? Sorry about responding to the earlier non-Bristol-related posts, my bad.

  • friday is good.... time??
  • stpboy wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    Rob, do you want Jenn and I to play our match (a top 6 match) at Bristol? We have ours planned for Tuesday of next week, will that be an open night?


    So what do you think Rob? Sorry about responding to the earlier non-Bristol-related posts, my bad.


    I *think* next Tuesday will be an open night. Since this match guarantees a cash finish for the winner, my place makes sense, but I do trust you guys in playing it elsewhere.
  • Any other upcoming open nights Rob?  Aimee is working till 8 pm on Tuesday but is off on Wednesday and Friday.  Both are good for me.  If we could get cory and anthony on one of those nights it would be good. 

    PS I just realized this upcoming weekend is the long weekend but it's still ok for us.
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    friday is good.... time??

    7:30 or 8pm?

    If tonight is no good, how about Monday at the same time?
  • Tuesday just filled up, but the Friday night of the long weekend will very, very likely be a "Casual Friday" at Bristol Street, (where we can also play some of our heads up matches) Look for an announcement next Monday.
  • 8ball wrote:
    Eddy11 wrote:
    friday is good.... time??

    7:30 or 8pm?

    If tonight is no good, how about Monday at the same time?

    7:30 or 8pm. At Bristol St. -- I *think* Rob would prefer to be around because the winner is guaranteed 3rd place money.
  • Folded is Wednesday good for you. We have contacted Anthony as it looks like both Aimee and I can get to KW.
  • could it be later like 9 or 10???
  • call me b4 cuz i dont know if i will check the forum in time so if u want to paly call me b4 like 6.....519 787 7448 or 519 993 7448
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    could it be later like 9 or 10???

    Sorry ... I start work at 6am. Maybe 9, but no later.

  • Joe we could play at my place on Wed nite?
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Al/Nik - any update on a scheduled match?
    Sorry about the wait folks.

    Al and I finished about half an hour ago (after a few false start dates of my fault). Here's the dish:

    At the beginning we were both playing slow with a few small raises and mostly limping in. We couldn't create any action though. I had two big hands that AL sniffed out and folded to my raises (note to self don't bet the pot after flopping the high straight.) After the first set of blinds ended AL had a small lead maybe 500 chips. The second level was more trouble for me. I think I had 4-6 about 4 times and Al was spanking my bluffs with nice raises. THe next 40 minutes was me being whittled down to about half my stack. I was pissed at some of my plays. The 75-150 round found me making a bit of a comeback till the final few hands. My K-8 suited raise was met with a rersaise that I stubbornly called. THe 8 high flop had Al raising and me left with raise or fold option. I raised and after playing with his chips and me fearing the all-in he folded. I think two hands later we both found hands to go all in on. The flop of A-4-A had both of us raising the flop turn (2) and the river (8). AL had A-Q to go to war with and I had 4-4 end it. Thanks AL for the great game. And I apologize to all who have been waiting for our game.

  • Anybody know Trevor's screen name so I can PM him and set up a match?
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