Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • thanks.. ya no problem on the wait i have all weekend off so if u wanted ot squeeze somthing in then thats cool. if not thats alright to cuz ill be drinking :D i am leaving for the Turning Stone Casino Holdem Tourny on the aug 12 whitch is the saturday i believe and i wont be back untill the 16th ot the 17th so let me know what you want to do
  • Well it was late Saturday afternoon and with my air conditioner broken, I was looking to get out of my hot, sticky apartment. I was on the forum and saw Origami John looking around. Seeing as we couldn’t play this week because John was heading out of town, I PM him on the off chance he could play tonight. He said he could and the plan was to me at 6:30 pm. I fell asleep and woke up at 6:50 pm and then headed over hoping he was still there, he was and we were able to play.

    There was much to talk about in this match. I paid off his KK, but with the blinds being 25/25 he didn’t get that much. He also had a lot of queens in his hand and the joke became any queen, I folded. He was able to take advantage of that a few times.

    One hand Jonathan paid me off a good bit when a Jack came to complete a straight. What he didn’t know was the Jack gave me a straight to the King.

    I was able to dodge a flush when he had the Ace high flush.

    The only other hand of any consequence came down like this.

    The blinds were 100/200 with me being in the big blind. Jonathan called the blinds, and I raised to 800 total. Jonathan hummed and hawed and made the call. The flop comes A3Q. Now because he took so long to call pre flop I figured he had the ace, so I thought if I check, he might go all-in and I wanted that seeing as I had AQ. I checked, he went all-in and I called. I saw the Ace and then he showed me the 3. I showed Ace Queen and he got no help.

    It was a good match.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Great Match Prophet, and you lived up to your name. Some absolutely fantastic reads during the match. You more than deserved the win.

    Good luck with the rest of the tournament
  • Okay, here's a quick recap. I haven't been able to speak or track down Ron in about 3 weeks. Shopsy and I are running around last night playing in different areas and we run into Ron at the P. Box playing $1/$2 NL. So, Ron busts out of this game 30 min after we get there. I say, bring a table over and I 'll play our match on the side... Sure enough, we do.. I tell him I will push early.. lol

    We start off, first hand, I look down and see AK suited. Ron calls, I push all in. He thinks, shows 2/2 and folds. We run it for fun. K 9 7 7 2 ... PHEW.... Sneak by..

    About the 14th hand our so, we both call the flop. Flop 7D 8D 9D. I check, Ron checks. Turn 2H. I bet 300, Ron calls. River is 6D. Oh, oh....... I bet 400, Ron thinks about it and re-raises to $1200 or so... I re raise Ron all in since I have him covered by only 200 or so....

    Ron flips 5D, I flip 10D....

    On to Acid Joe!!! It was extremely difficult trying to play 2 different games live, but, a lot of fun.
  • Before everyone replies that I am looking past Acid Joe, I'm not...

    HOWEVER, DO I EVER WANT TO PLAY THE WOLFF HEADS UP.... It may take 2 days to complete, but I would love to beat Joe and play Wolff!!!

  • News from Aug 8th...

    - Two matches over the holiday weekend...

    "folded" Cory d. "OnTilt98" Ron (Ron's out)
    "The Prophett 22" Brent d. "Oragami" Jonathan (Jonathan's out)

    - There is an open night at Bristol Street this evening. (Aug 8th) If you're in some of the few remaining early rounds, please, please, please, please, make an extra special effort to get your matches completed this week.

    - "Ranger" Mike has offered to host an open night at his place this Thursday at his combined WPT Qualifier / WSOP Final Table PPV party. If you're interested in coming for this, PM me and I'll pass on the address.

    - That's about it! Bristol Street has cooled off tremdously this past week and is once again an enjoyable space. :)
  • I guess we have to arrange my game against folded and Aimee's game against Anthony to be sorted out. We are gone for a few days to Turning stone and work right now for me isn't good for me to get out to waterloo this week. Mid to late next week would be best. Cory if your going to Turning stone let me know as we can play our match there.
  • Hi Rob.

    Any chance you could fix up Lou and Nicole for a date. I'm eager to play on the rebound with the winner.
    My schedule gets hectic soon and I don't want to hold up the other players too long.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Be prepareed for a post sometime tommorow with an update indicating whether "800Over" Nik or myself will be moving on to the 3rd round in the winners bracket. Our eager opponent is none other then the Host extrordinaire "Zithal" Rob. If anyone wants to drop by to witness this match, we'll be playing bright and early at 9am Thursday morning. Sorry for the delay in getting this underway.

  • With the blinds 25-25 Nik and I, as most players do, seemed to be feeling each other out and making some casual chit chat.  I ended up being on the end of a number of higher kicker check check checks.  As the blinds increased to 25-50 Nik seemed to be gathering momentum and loosening his game up a bit.  I limped in with a few Axsuited hands and had to let them go to his increased aggression.  Nik was now in the lead by a couple of hunded.  We're fairly deep in chips at this point and the flop comes down 249 rainbow.  Both players check.  Turn is a ten and Nik pauses, thinks and bets 125.  I call.  Turn is another 10.  Again Nik pauses and thinks and bets 125.  I call and show A5, Nik says "I've got nothing and shows Q7".  This felt great as it was the first showdown bluff we had seen.  I've now got the chiplead back but can't be to aggressive as I really respect Nik as a player, he's tricky enough to pull anything on me.  Between him and Lou I really wasn't looking forward to being sent to the loosers bracket.  However, that wouldn't happen today. 

    Next hand Nik limps in and I look down to see red99.  I make it another 100, Nik re-raises to 350.  I announce "well, this hand is way to strong for me to lay down heads up.  I call."  Flop comes in this order 10 9 K.  I check and Nik bets 700, I'm concerned about the AJ or AQ draw out there but know my hand is certainly good.  I raise it up another 1000.  Nik calls.  Turn is a deuce.  I fire out 2000 knowing that Nik only has another 2500 or so back.  Nik announces "well, it may be time to go home" (by home of course Nik means's 10am!) Nik goes all in for another 350 and I of course call.  Nik asks if I have 2 pair, I announce my set and he shows AK.  Drawing dead to the river 5.

    Great game Nik, I got lucky to win the race and have you hit your tptk.  Nice chatting with you as well, we should make a trip to Niagara sometime together and take down those passive 1/2 tables :)

    Bring it on Zithal!

  • News for Aug 10...

    - No matches took place at the "open" night this week at Bristol, but there was one this morning...

    "stpboy" Shannon d. "800Over" Nik

    - Sadly there are no open nights next week as I'm running auditions Mon-Wed, have a writer's meeting on Thursday and will be out of town for the weekend. :( The next date(s) will be reported as soon as I know!
  • News for Aug 14...

    - No games reported over the weekend and Bristol's closed down for the week. Any games that can be arranged elsewhere this week will be much appreciated!
  • Sigh..

      Allright... I think I got the itch again, I'll post a game at my place tonight, and we can do the heads up thing if anyone needs... PM / call my cell for directions (519-241-1572)

  • Eddy11 wrote:
    thanks.. ya no problem on the wait i have all weekend off so if u wanted ot squeeze somthing in then thats cool. if not thats alright to cuz ill be drinking  :D i am leaving for the Turning Stone Casino Holdem Tourny on the aug 12 whitch is the saturday i believe and i wont be back untill the 16th ot the 17th so let me know what you want to do


    Well, I'm back and ready to play. Tuesday and Thursdays are generally no good, but I might be able to squeeze something in. Friday MAYBE (girlfriend-dependent). Wednesday is best.

    Let me know.

  • alright well i go into work tommorw so i will check when i work n post back the days i can play
  • Shannon,

    PM me your availability for next week and we'll set something up.
  • i am availible the 18-22 24-25 if you want to play any of those dates let me know
  • Jeremy can over tonight for our match. It lasted 1hr 10min. He survived 1 all in his 5 5 against my A J.
    Final hand, blinds are 75/150 I raise with my AK he pushed all in for 4400. I called his pocket 10.
    Board comes down J 4 K 4 8.

    Good Game Jeremy
  • Hey gang,

    I was crippled from the get go, when my pocket KK got crushed. The hand played out like this:

    Blinds are 25/25 and I check my KhKd, Jenn raises 100 and I re-raise 300 more, she calls.
    The flop comes out QsJs7h. Jenn checks to me and I bet 600, she min raises. At this point I think she may have me beat, but I can't fold. The turn brings a 4 spades and Jenn leads out for 2500. I think for about 2 minutes wondering if she hit her flush or if she has two pair. I can only go all in as I have about 4100 left, so I fold. Jenn flips over her pocket 77's.

    From that point on I went card dead and tried to survive by making some timely bluffs to give myself a chance to double up. I get 55 and Jenn raises for 600 and I go all in for 1700 more and she calls with AJ, my hand holds up.

    Final hand was when the blinds were 75/150 and Jenn raises for 575 more. I only have 3900, and think if I call that leaves me with 3300 and she will probably push on the flop, so I go all in with my 1010's. She thinks about it for a couple of minutes and finally calls with her AK. The rest, as they say, is history.

    Congrats to Jenn for a well played game.

    :as :ah
  • Quick note before I'm gone for the weekend...

    - The next open night at Bristol Is Monday (21st?) at 7pm. I'll update the brackets when I'm back in town on Monday. Have a great weekend!
  • News for Aug 21

    - In the only match played the last few days...

    "Kanga" Jenn d. "2BULLETS" Jeremy

    - A reminder that tonight is an open night at Bristol St. Contact your partner and bring them out. (Aside: Just saw word that Lou is on vacation which is way that portion of the brackets have completely stalled. Hopefully he'll be back soon)
  • See you tonight Rob, likely around 7-7:30pm.

  • can i get my match going tongiht??
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    can i get my match going tongiht??

    I'm not sure if Tye will be home or not. Feel free to call later.
  • Folded what's good for you to play our heads up match. I need to schedule my match against you and Aimee's match against Anthony. Right now our work schedule's are very busy so let me know what's good for you, if it works for us then I'll e mail Anthony.
  • just went 6-1 in heads up online whooohoo lol get me on msn if tye can go
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    can i get my match going tongiht??

    Sounds good.

    7:30 or 8pm?


    Later that night...

    My next date is this Friday. How does that suit?

  • stpboy wrote:
    See you tonight Rob, likely around 7-7:30pm.

    I am assuming Rob won, because the results haven't been posted yet.

    Prophet 22
  • lol.

    Sadly, not. Shannon played an good game, but short game as we kept running into monsters at the same time. And the big difference in the game was that I paid Shannon off with his, and I got little from mine.

    In the span of about 5 hands two played exactly the same where one would hit trips, but the other would hit trips and his kicker would also hit the board for the full house.

    The hand that I lost on was a flopped two pair for Shannon v. my opened ended straight draw. The turn completed my nut straight and the river completed his boat. I was 70% that he had the boat, but I had too many chips in the pot to lay down the nut straight, and that was it.

    Congrats to Shannon who moves on to face Jenn in the next match!
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