Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • Hey Johnnie, Jen and Trevor, are you all free Tuesday Aug 1st. If so Joe and I could come to ummm someone house to play are heads up.. I was thingin If Jen and Trevor are ok with it ... That we do it at there house... If not let us know
    my email addie is or .... either will work ...

    Thanks guys
  • Eddy

    I can go either Monday or Wednesday next week, whatever day Rob's hosting would be fine for me... if he's hosting.

  • Monday of next week is good for me Nik, let me know. Congrats Mark and Tye and all others that have moved on. It's shaping up to be a great final. I'll be there to watch if I can....or play!

  • Hey Johnnie, Jen and Trevor, are you all free Tuesday Aug 1st. If so Joe and I could come to ummm someone house to play are heads up.. I was thingin If Jen and Trevor are ok with it ... That we do it at there house... If not let us know
    my email addie is or .... either will work ...

    Thanks guys

    Sounds good to me.
  • Wolf - let me know when you want to have our match.
  • There's two F's in Wolff....for those that have heard me speak, there's a lot of F"s in what the F I say...2 F's.

    That said...Tomm, I am available to host almost any night other than Tuesday and/or we can meet up at Rob's next time he has an open night.

    GL to all those still participating and congrats to Tom for winning your match with Ranger.
  • Rob, sorry I've been slow with my money. I'm sure your not worried anyway. Cory we have to set a date. Get back to me i'm good anytime next week or this weekend except Monday.
  • Wolff, I believe Rob is hosting tonight. If so, I am available, are you?
  • News for July 31...

    - No new games over the weekend, but I received a few more payments at JdP4. The first page has been updated with the people that paid.

    - This weekend, open nights at Bistol Street are tonight (Monday) and Wednesday (Aug.2).
  • Nik, I'm available tonight. Rob knows my number....

  • im on my way over now
  • ON TILT 98 ... It's okay if you must hide... lol

    Contact me please for our game.
  • News For Aug 1...

    - In the only game of the evening...

    Eddy d. "Dirty Whore" Mark, setting up a Tye v. Eddy match where the winner can do no worse than third place.

    - Updates have been made and the next open evening is this Wedesday at my place. Let's get those games played!! :)

    - Next week, Tuesday, Aug 8th will be the only "open" day at Bristol St.
  • Wolff - I am good for tomorrow night if you are??
  • Great game Mark.Sorry about the late post, but Hillside devoured my week

    I can't remember ever being so spent from an hour of cards.I've been in brawls that were less work (with better results).I don't really have anything to add to your summary but I do need to make a tiny correction...
    DrTyore wrote:
    Dave decided with a total of 1500 to take his stand with A4o, and I called with QQ...!


    ...I went all-in on A8s. Not a big difference but it is on my permanent record now.

    Now that my festival schedule is over, I'm ready for my next match.

    Dave Kostis.
  • So FASSMan and I finally get to play our match.

    We start out slow, kind of feeling each other out. I find myself with a lot of 2nd best hands in the second half of the first level, and quickly find myself down 500. I win a few pots in the 2nd level, and find myself back at even. Then I hit 2 pair to his top pair and go up 1000 by the end of the 2nd level. We keep on dancing around with me up 1000-2000 for a while, and then I start applying pressure. Whenever the pot was small we would split it, but I won most of the "big" ones while keeping the pots relatively small and safe. (I learned something from my match with Dave)

    I chipped away until I was up 8500-3500. Holding KhQs and the blinds 100-200 the flop comes down with 3 low hearts. I bet 500 on the come, and Will called. The next card was another heart. I check, he checks. A 3s comes on the river. I bet 1000 and Will calls. I show the Kh and he shows the Th.

    Pretty soon after that, I have 64o in the big blind (my lucky hand!). No raise before the flop. Flop comes down 7 8 Q. Will makes a pot sized bet and I call (I know - not the best call - but I knew I was calling 400 for a 11 to 1 chance at his whole stack). the turn comes a beautiful 5. He checks and I look at his remaining stack of 2000. I decide putting him all in would be too big at that point, so I bet 1000. He called. River is a J. I put him all in, and he calls with Q9.

    It was a good time playing with Will. Looking forward to the next match!
  • Lou, Nicole would like to know when you would like to get together, to play your match? Please post or email me and I can get you in contact with her.

    :as :ah
  • "Oragami" Jonathan d. "Shtebs" Steve

    A quick match (41 minutes) but there was definitely some very good play happening.

    By the time we hit the final hand we played, or stacks were not that far apart (I had one really good hand and was up maybe 1800 chips for a 7800-4200). From the hands we did play I could tell I was seeing better hands on average, but things were pretty even. Lots of play back and forth, trying to figure out each other's style in these early early hands.

    The final hand turned out to be one neither of us could walk away from.

    (and Shtebs, correct me if I'm wrong. My memory sucks)

    Blinds are still 25-50 and the hand starts off in the dying minute of the second blind level. I'm dealt QK offsuit. I'm dealer, so I get to lead off betting. I raise to 150, Steve re-raises to 300. I call.

    Flop come down QAQ. Really nice flop for me, and I'm hoping to make this count for another blind level or two. Steve checks and I check as well. Turn is a J, still feeling good with the trip queens. Steve gets to act first and bets 1500. I re-raise to 3000. Steve thinks for a moment and calls.

    River is another J. I'm looking at a Queen high full house. Steve pushes all in with his remaining 400 chips and I make the easy call.

    I turn over my cards, and Steve flips his AJ for the lower of the two full houses.

    Great game Steve. Too bad it was short (and I'm not just saying that because you have central air :D )

    So Brent, when is good for you?
  • 2BULLETS wrote:
    Lou, Nicole would like to know when you would like to get together, to play your match? Please post or email me and I can get you in contact with her.

    :as :ah

    I passed Lou Nicole's cell phone number. Hopefully you guys will be in contact soon.
  • Tonight Joe and I played.

    Great game Joe, thanks :)

    Last hand 10 minutes into the 100-200 level

    Blinds are 100-200 Joe raises to 800 i call in the bb. Flop comes down 8 q 9 i check Joe moves all in i count the cards to be sure (my blond moment of the night )
    i call with the straight Joe had k 7 turn and river are both 6's so i win.

    it was great night with amy and johnnie!
  • Thanks

    Jen and Trevor for hosting tonight's game.. It was a great night out...

    My aces held up against Johnnies favorite hand... king , nine i believe..

    I don't remember the flop or turn or river... Jen and Trevor have it written down.. unless Johnnie took it with him..

    Great Game Johnnie... Thanks
  • Great Game Johnnie... Thanks

    You played a great match.

    Congrats on the win.

  • News for Aug 2..

    - A number of matches took place last night around the city, hopefully in the comfort of AC, as my place is a sweltering box now. In summary from last night...

    "kangaX5" Jenn d. "AcidJoe" Joe
    "AcidJoesHo" Aimee d. "JohnnieH" Johnnie (Johnnie's out)
    "DataMn" Al. d. "FASSman" Will (Will's out)
    "Oragami" Jonathan d. "Shtebs" Steve (Steve's out)

    - Online brackets and results have been updated.

    - A reminder that there is an open night at Bristol St. tonight! Doors open around 7pm. Prepare for the heat, so please feel free to play elsewhere.. it's VERY warm in my house right now.

    - The next open night at Bristol is next Tuesday, Aug 8th.
  • Rob..

    My name's not in the loser bracket yet.... "Loser B4"

    Mmm... I even lose at Bingo.

  • Now that I"ve been at work for 8 hours and had time to think I'll post. Good Game Jen and thanx to you and Trevor for hosting. It was one of those nights where nothing seems to work (short of going all in). You didn't catch a lot of good cards but neither did I (or at least the one I saw and the ones I showed). There was a lot of not seeing flops or folding after the flop. When we did get down to the River I was usually outkicked. HU I"ll bet top pair medium kicker down to the river unless the board gets very scary. When the river came down my kicker was usually out kicked. It obviously wasn't in the cards for the men last night as both Johnny and I lost.

    Congrats on the win and GL against 2bullets. Next time your wondering if you have the straight count to 5 before I go all in please..... :)

    Now on to either Cory or Ron.
  • Congrats Jenn on your win against Acidjoe. Please let me know when is the best time to get together to play our match.

    :as :ah
  • Congrats Jonathan on a well played game. Not much else to say since you covered it pretty well in your post (and it was a fairly short match).
    Rob, I still have to get you the money I owe for this. Maybe I could drop it off tomorrow night if someone's gonna be home at your place. Please let me know what works for you since I don't think I'll be there in the near future otherwise.
    In spite of bowing out in two matchs I wanna thank Rob for, yet again, provide another fun, innovative and exceptionally well run tournament.

  • GG Tom, thanks for letting me host, -5C made for a comfortable 2+ hrs.

    In the end, my AKh vs Tom's pocket 9's. K flopped and the game was over minutes before 300/600
  • News for Aug 3...

    - In the only match of the evening,

    "Wolffhound" Dave d. "Metro" Tom

    - Apparently no one felt like playing at the Bristol Street Nightclub, Casino and Easy-Bake Oven as it was a pretty quiet (and hot) night for yours truly.

    - Tues, Aug 8th is the next open night at Bristol.

    - I'm going to be mostly out for most of the holiday weekend (including tomorrow), so I'll be back on Tuesday morning for my next update. Have a great holiday weekend!!
  • Congrats Eddy.

    Unfortunatly our match might have to wait a bit.

    I'm busy all weekend, then I have appointments until Thursday next week. And on Friday I'll porbably be heading out of town.

    I live at Bristol St. P.M. me for a phone# and we might be able to set something up.

    "8ball" Tye
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