Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • hey tye , when can u play me is bristol open tommrow
  • I am out.

    Gow moves on.

    Blinds 100/200

    I get A9 in the SB and make it 500 to go.
    Gow calls.
    Flop is 4 6 9 rainbow.
    Gow bets 1500. I think and move all in for 1500 + 2200.
    Gow thinks and thinks and calls with K6.
    Turn is a 6.
    River is an 8.

    Damn suck outs.

    Good game Gow.
  • In my defence, i was suited. :)

    And you thought for awhile before pushing all in. If you wanted me to believe you didn't have the 9, it worked.

    Sorry about the suck-out. Only way to make money off you.

    Good game.
  • Hey Trevor.....are u available to play tomorrow at Robs......I guess around 7:30ish?

    Let me know


  • Well my match with Tye is done and the emotions have died down where I can type out the results.

    Our first big hand I knew I was ahead before the flop when Tye made his big bet. I called. Flop came and I had improved when he made a bet I re-raised. He called Turned gave me a straight draw check check.. Bad mistake. River brings an Ace. I think he missed his draw and the Ace didn't help him. I bet 2000 left with 825 Tye calls and show his Ace.

    Down but not out. Oh well!

    Doubled up

    Got him to pay off a straight one hand, a flush one hand, 2 pair another hand and think I am setting him up good. He gets away from paying off 2 pair again and I show him that he got off the hook. Tye hits a 5 on the river for a chop pot, that would have given me a boat load of chips.

    Tye i believe (maybe I am wrong) frustrated that he didn't get me out starts raising. I pick and choose the calls and folds. And then ...

    I am all the way back and ahead by 500 in chips. Tye raises our 300 big blinds by 450. I go all-in. He announces I am making a move and calls with K9 diamonds. I show Ace 10 Clubs. Very happy, got what I wanted. Tye gets a 9 on the flop no help on the turn or river. I am out.

    It was a good battle, Tye I will say this you have a new nick name Houdini you are a true escape artist. Good luck next round against my protege.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • 2BULLETS wrote:
    Hey Trevor.....are u available to play tomorrow at Robs......I guess around 7:30ish?

    Let me know



    If Trevor isn't available tomorrow, did you and Jeremy want to play our matches sometime on Saturday at Rob's? As I'll be there for that. Saves you and extra trip into town.
  • 2BULLETS wrote:
    Hey Trevor.....are u available to play tomorrow at Robs......I guess around 7:30ish?
    I PM'd a few days ago. I'll be at Rob's, and while I should be there early, it might be as late as 8:30. Assuming that's ok, I'll see you there. Otherwise, I will be at Rob's Ssaturday.
  • Mandy and I will be there tomorrow at 7:30. We will see you both tomorrow!

    :as :ah
  • News for July 26...

    - Two matches last night including...

    "8Ball" Tye d. "Prophett22" Brent
    "Fallen Angel"" Gow d. "Flint Bones" Andrew, making Andrew our first 17th place finisher.

    - The online brackets are now up to date along with the recent update to the results on the 1st page.

    - Next Tuesday turns out to be a bad night for me, so the open nights next week are the Monday (31st) and the Wendesday (2nd)
  • tye u good to play tonight ?????
  • cant wait to see who i play next should be a good game.. leeeeetssss goooooo
  • rob is tye ok to play sometime tonight or no
  • cole woods wrote:
    rob is tye ok to play sometime tonight or no

    My ability to read Tye's mind is sadly not functioning today. Feel free to give him a call.. I've PM'd you the number.
  • Zithal wrote:
    My ability to read Tye's mind is sadly not functioning today.
    or your reading ability is working, and Tye's mind just isn't functioning today ;)
  • cole woods wrote:
    tye u good to play tonight ?????
    cole woods wrote:
    rob is tye ok to play sometime tonight or no

    C'mon Tye. He gave you twenty minutes to read the post.
  • Well my match with Tye is done and the emotions have died down where I can type out the results.

    Our first big hand I knew I was ahead before the flop when Tye made his big bet.  I called.  Flop came and I had improved when he made a bet I re-raised.  He called Turned gave me a straight draw check check..  Bad mistake.  River brings an Ace.  I think he missed his draw and the Ace didn't help him. I bet 2000 left with 825 Tye calls and show his Ace.

    Down but not out.  Oh well!

    Doubled up

    Got him to pay off a straight one hand, a flush one hand, 2 pair another hand and think I am setting him up good.  He gets away from paying off 2 pair again and I show him that he got off the hook.  Tye hits a 5 on the river for a chop pot, that would have given me a boat load of chips. 

    Tye i believe (maybe I am wrong) frustrated that he didn't get me out starts raising. I pick and choose the calls and folds.  And then ...

    I am all the way back and ahead by 500 in chips.  Tye raises our 300 big blinds by 450.  I go all-in.  He announces I am making a move and calls with K9 diamonds.  I show Ace 10 Clubs.  Very happy, got what I wanted.  Tye gets a 9 on the flop no help on the turn or river.  I am out.

    It was a good battle, Tye I will say this you have a new nick name Houdini you are a true escape artist.  Good luck next round against my protege.

    Prophet :2h :2s

    Hey Brent

    You played AMAZING poker.

    Two Things I knew about our match.

    1) You don't throw alot of chips into the pot on a pure bluff. Only enough to kill any draws.

    In other words, if you're in, you've got something.

    2) With relation to #1, you know how to read a situation and when to bluff.

    Ofcourse, my greatest challenge was choosing between #1 or #2. Ouch!

    Finally, dear readers, yes; I had a TOTAL brain-fart when I call down Brent's A-10 with my K-9. Only luck, pure and undistilled, saved my bacon.

    Good Luck Brent. And to Brent's next opponent, you are in for one Hell of a match!

  • tye poker , u ok for tonght
  • cole woods wrote:
    tye u good to play tonight ?????
    cole woods wrote:
    rob is tye ok to play sometime tonight or no

    C'mon Tye. He gave you twenty minutes to read the post.

    Ofcourse he did.

    I, on the other hand, am using this tactic to burrow into his psychy and put Cole into...

    Pre-Match Tilt! (Insert ominous music)

    Any way....

    Yes, I can be available to play. The earlier, the better. Get me your number, or call me and we can set something up.

    Thursday until Tuesday-ish is no good. I won't be at Jour de Poker on Saturday.

    Wait...wait. I see a small window opening on Friday, Maybe.

    Till later.

  • tonight at 8 ???
  • cole woods wrote:
    tonight at  8 ???

    Sounds Good.

    7:30 would be better. But 8pm works.

  • ok im leaving elora right now see u in a bit , at the bristol stree lounge bye bye
  • Match: "Metro" Tom vs "Ranger" Mike
    Duration: 2h 10m

    A long battle which saw Tom leading by quite a bit for most of the first few blind levels (I was down to about 2500 a couple of times).  By the time we took a break before the 200-400 level, I had regained the chip lead by about 1000 chips with mostly small-pot poker.  Then things got a bit crazy...

    I won a big pot when my J2 made trip 2s and Tom hit top pair.  Not long after that, I had 44 in the BB, raised an extra 2000 (in retrospect the raise was far too big, my mistake) but he went all-in.  At that point I basically had to call the extra 1800 and Tom turned over JJ.  When the flop/turn came 2x65 Tom was nervous: I needed a 3 or 4 on the river...but I didn't get it.

    The next hand Tom got JJ again but fortunately I didn't have a hand and I folded.

    The final hand, not long after:
    I had K9o and raised 1000 from the BB.  Tom then pushed all-in.  With my remaining stack now smaller than the pot, I called, knowing I was probably an underdog.  Tom showed 44 and the race was on (Tom being the favourite but only about 53% to 47%).  The flop/turn came AQJ8, every high card except the ones I needed (K9 and now T).  The river was a 4, giving Tom the victory with a set of 4s.

    A very good match in the sweltering heat of Rob's basement!

    "Ranger" Mike
  • GG Jeremy, the time keeping on our match was a little wonky, but, we had to be damn close to the 3:15 that Mario and Flint Bones put up.
    Anyways, after 3hrs...Jeremy moves on in the winners bracket. Well played Jeremy. GL.
  • Hey Trevor............

    Good Game last night.....Good Luck in your next round :)
  • Wow... tough match

    So last night it's me vs. "King Mob" Dave. It was pretty much what I expected from this match, aggression from Dave, and a lot of little edges being paid. No real bad beats that I can recall, chip lead changed hands a few times, and there was never really a dominance displayed by either of us. A few key hands

    Dave makes his (standard) pot raise pre-flop, and I call with 5--8 suited. Flop comes K - 7 - 2 with two spades. Dave makes the continuation pot bet (as he has been all game), and I call. the J of spades falls completing my flush. I bet out and Dave calls. River isn't a spade and doesn't pair the board, so I think I'm good. I check, hoping that he'll think I was bluffing at the flush - it works, and he bets 1500 of my remaining 2500, so I push all in. Dave doesn't let good money chase bad, so he folds his set of Kings!! WOW... lucky me. He also had the Ks so any spade or board pairing, and I'm beat. This hand gave me the biggest chip lead either of us had had, about 9500 / 2500.

    With Dave short stacked, and the blinds at 100/200, I was now able to apply pressure liberally, and the hands I was getting helped too. Dave doubled up when I pushed him all in when he held QQ (K8 don't make money BTW), and he hit his set, but that only brought him back to about 2500. Ironically enough, Dave decided with a total of 1500 to take his stand with A4o, and I called with QQ... a raggedy board later, and another dangerous competitor is added to the "B" bracket.

    Great game Dave... Eddie... we're next!

  • Good Game last night.....Good Luck in your next round :)
    Thanks Mandy! It was fun playing with you. I think the cards helped determine this one, considering how dead we both were.

    Mandy and I never played a pot over 3500, and we seemed to have a knack for folding the blinds pre-flop anytime the other had a monster. With the mediocre hands we played the rest of the time, mine were usually a little bit better, and I was able to keep winning most of the small pots. When Mandy got low, she kept doubling up with bigger kicker at showdown, so the match was always pretty close. On the last hand, with blinds at 200-400, Mandy pushed her last 750 into the 800 pot, and I didn't want to double her up by folding. I called with my Q9 thinking I'd race against K-rag, but she showed a dominated Q7. Neither of us hit the board, although 666 on the board gave a lot of chop outs, but they never materialized.

    Now I wait for the winner of Will vs. Al ...
  • News for July 27th...

    - Five matches took place in the heat of my basement, (perhaps it would be a good idea to get an AC unit for the weekend...), in all, we had a few more eliminations, and one player guaranteeing themselves at least a tied for 5th place finished. The matches included..

    "Metro" Tom d. "Ranger" Mike (eliminated)
    "beanie42" Trevor d. "PokerQueenie" Mandy (eliminated)
    "2BULLETS" Jeremy d. "Wolffhound" Dave (will now face Tom in the losers bracket)
    "Dirty Whore" Mark d. "King Mob" Dave (setting up Mark v. Eddy)
    "8Ball" Tye d. "Hollywoods" Cole (Tye can't finish worse than 5th)

    - Brackets and standing have been updated.

    - I'll be working the rest of the week on getting people in touch with each other to finish up some of the early round matches.
  • Aimee,

    I'm to good to go this weekend or next, and any weeknight with the exeption of Wednesdays.

    Let me know what works for you and Joe.


  • mark when can u play i am good anytime after 9pm if i am working and if i am not then im goood so give me some dates that you can play and i will post back when i can
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