Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • Congrats to Nick, Tye and Jenn.

    I heard on the radio that Jenn came back to win after being down 1000-1!!! :D:D Well done!!!

    Aimee, would you want to play our match next Saturday? Maybe before Jour de Poker, or after we both bust out?

  • We'll see Johnny, Aimee doesn't get her work schedule until this weekend for next week. If she's working she won't be attending the jour de poker. I guess if I read this right I'm playing Jenn so I have to organize that game too. Either she or I'll post once we know.

  • AcidJoe wrote:
    We'll see Johnny, Aimee doesn't get her work schedule until this weekend for next week. If she's working she won't be attending the jour de poker. I guess if I read this right I'm playing Jenn so I have to organize that game too. Either she or I'll post once we know.


    Thanks Joe. I'm avaiable most weeknights, with the exception of Wednesdays.

  • Me and Flint Bones will be there around 7 ish tonight.
  • let the games beginn
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    Me and Flint Bones will be there around 7 ish tonight.

    So that's why you weren't cheering us on at softball......nice.

    Update please!!
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    ItsaMe wrote:
    Me and Flint Bones will be there around 7 ish tonight.

    So that's why you weren't cheering us on at softball......nice.

    Update please!!

    Oooo, i play winner, I really want an update!
  • I was totally outclassed tonight, and Rob beat me handily in less than a 1/2 hour. I misread the board once, and misread Rob twice (paying off both his monsters), and that's all she wrote. On to the loser's bracket :(
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Oooo, i play winner, I really want an update!
    I won't steal their thunder, so I'll let them update ;) , but they did set a new "longest match" record...
  • Well I'm out :'(:'(:'(

    Match went 3hrs 15mins. I'm tired so I'll make it quick. There were some great bluffs, great lay downs and some bad calls. In the end my slow playing a flopped straight came back and bit me in the ass when Andrew rivered the bigger straight.

    Thanks again Rob hope to better in the next one.
  • I have never been so tired after a heads up match. This one went for a long time. It was a good match.

    Last hand:

    I have a about 2000 or so more chips and I get AJ in the BB. Mario limps and I raise another 1350 (Blind 300 - 600). Mario calls.

    Flop K 10 9. Raindow. Mario looks at me. I check. He checks. I think he has the King.
    Turn is a 4 to make two hearts on the board. Check. Check.
    River is a Q of hearts for three hearts. I bet 1200 and Mario goes all in. I call. Mario flips QJ for the flopped straight and says, "Sorry, Buddy. I flopped it." I turn over my nut straight. At first Mario and Rob think it's a chop but then they see that the game is over. I move on.

    Great great great match.

    Gow is next.
  • News for July 20th...

    - Two matches last night at Bristol Street including...

    "Zithal" Rob d. "beanie42" Trevor
    "Flint Bones" Andrew d. "Itsame" Mario (eliminating Mario from the event.)

    - The matches last night were both our fastest (27m) and longest (3h14m)!

    - Updates are available on the online brackets as last night's wins/loses set up matches between "Flint Bones"/"Gow" and "beanie42"/"PokerQueenie".

    - The next available free night at Bristol St. is Wed., July 26th, but please feel free to play your matches elsewhere if scheduling works out better for people.
  • Alright Andrew,

    When are you available to play? Next Wednesday at Rob's sounds good to me since i can't really host anything and i'm not sure if you have a place we can play. Let me know.

  • my match with anthony only lasted 17 mins
  • Since I know you read this Trevor could you please advise me when Jenn can play? By Saturday we'll have Aimee's work schedule and would like to schedule her match at the same time. Thanks
  • Gow...

    I am not sure if I can play on Wednesday, however, my place is available. I have a table, chips, cards (KEM and COPAG!).

    So let me know what your availability is. I am free most weekdays after 6.

  • Gow...

    I am not sure if I can play on Wednesday, however, my place is available. I have a table, chips, cards (KEM and COPAG!).

    So let me know what your availability is. I am free most weekdays after 6.


    Hey Andrew,

    Can you PM me your address and i may be able to come over say monday or tuesday to play our game if that's okay with you.
  • Johnny, Aimee is working all next week except Friday night. She also is working Saturday. So it would look like next week is out.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Johnny, Aimee is working all next week except Friday night.  She also is working Saturday.  So it would look like next week is out. 
    Joe - Jenn is taking the kids to the cottage on the weekend, and won't be back until next Saturday, so she's not available next week either.
  • Tom,

    I'm available on Wednesday if you can make it to Rob's place to play our second round match. Send me a PM!

    "Ranger" Mike
  • 800OVER wrote:

    Just finished half an hour ago.  Magithighs (Lou) and myself took over a Tim Hortons for our instant poker room. Although neither of us really got out of line too much, 2 hours and 15 minutes of poker finished with me on a bit of a card/flop rush to take the game.  Thanks again Lou for bringing everything. Great game.  So when is a good time for your Shannon?

    I am free Monday night, possibly Thursday and Friday evening to play. Otherwise I am free most of this weekend (not the day) or all of next weekend (for the most part). Let me know when is good for you, should be a nice battle. The winner gets the priviledge of playing Rob, he usually doesn't make it this far in his own tournaments so I think he's due to lose.

  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Johnny, Aimee is working all next week except Friday night. She also is working Saturday. So it would look like next week is out.

    Sure Joe, just let me know when you guys can commit.

    See you next Saturday.

  • Wolffhound let me know if Wednesday is good for you at Rob's. Also, Trevor if you are free Mandy will be available for Wednesday as well. Congrats to all the first round winners and good luck to everyone in the second, or third for some.

    :as :ah
  • Wolffhound, let me know if 7:30 is good for you. Trevor, please post or PM Mandy or me to let us know if Wednesday at 7:30 is good for you as well.

    :as  :ah
  • See you at 7:30.
  • Rob,
    Jonathan and I will be at your place around 8ish to play on Wednesday if it's still an open day.


  • News for July 25...

    - No new matches to report since last Thursday. Let's get those matches in!

    - Tomorrow night (Jul 26) is still an open night at Bristol Street. Find your partner and come out and play a match anytime after 7pm. The next "open" day is Jour de Poker, this Saturday.

    - Next week, Tuesday and Wednesday, (Aug 1, 2) are the "open" nights at Bristol.
  • Gow and I are playing tonight at my place.

    I will update when the match has completed.
  • Does anyone know how to contact Tom? Mike's up for a game on Wednesday if he is.
  • Zithal wrote:
    Does anyone know how to contact Tom? Mike's up for a game on Wednesday if he is.
    Hey Tom,
    Go put a pink shirt on and eat a salad.

    That should do it.

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