Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • News for July 17th...

    - No weekend matches took place that I'm aware of, but there are a number happening at my place tonight!

    - A reminder that, since today has some near record-breaking temperatures with high humidity; dress appropriatly!! (I'll try to get as many fans going as I can in the basement.

    - The next open night at Bristol is this Wednesday (19th)
  • hey diddy,

    if i lose, i don't mind playing tonight.
    i guess i'll be there around 7:30 as well then.

    see you guys tonight
  • hey gow and mandy if u guys win would u be willing to play right after vs eddy , and zithal can u get quickfingers for the match tonight around 830, iam only avabaille for tonight and tommrow night i think, wed going to wassga beach thanks so lets go anthony anytime u want tonight
  • i can either play tonight or 2moro busy the rest of the week
  • cole woods wrote:
    hey gow and mandy if u guys win would u be willing to play right after vs eddy , and zithal can u get quickfingers for the match tonight around 830, iam only avabaille for tonight and tommrow night i think, wed going to wassga beach thanks so lets go anthony anytime u want tonight

    Anthony's not at work today, so you'll have to hold off on your match for now.
  • so can i play tonight or no?
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    so can i play tonight or no?

    eddy, i'd be able to play tonight if i win and i think Mandy will say the same thing she said to Diddy which was that it depends on time as she has work the next morning..

  • anthony are u ok for wed around 930ish
  • Time to throw in my update....

    So, I meet Will, and we watch an episode of the "Hilarious House of Frankenstein"... damn, anyone else remember that? Rocks!

    Anyways... we get to poker

    Will takes an early lead as we seem to be feeling one another out. First real action happens in the third level (50-100) when I get this funny idea in my head that I can outplay Will with 8-2 suited... oops! So I'm down to about 3400 (out of 6000). Our first make or break hand is shortly after when Will re-raises me preflop and I call with QJ suited. A flop of 9-10-K looks good for me, and I push for my remaining 2800 I believe, Will calls with 10 10, and I *luckily* avoid a paired board. I'm back baby! And now with chip lead.

    Will gets worked down a little more, and our next "big hand" occurs when I have 10-Jo, and call Will's pre-flop raise (blind 100/200, I think he went to 500). Flop comes down 10-8-4 rainbow, and I raise, when Will pushes all in for the remaining 2k, I call and am overjoyed to see his Q-8! Unfortunately, I forgot to scream not to pair the board, and a turn 8 doubles will up! Well, back to even!

    The blinds hit 100-200, and some theft is happening. I win a big pot (about 2200) when I bet an open-ended straight draw. A few smaller pots that I got the higher kicker, and Will's feeling the pressure, being under 2000. After being whittled down to about 1300, and I raise from the button with J-9o, but Will senses weakness and pushes all in for his remaining 750. I call and am surprised to see his 3-4o (especially when he cheered - I thought he had AA!). So I'm pretty good up until the flop of 2-5-6 rainbow. Oh well.... that can't happen TOO much right?

    More whittling, and Will's at about 2100. I actually can't remember the final hand, but I believe it was both of us with top pair, but Will was out kicked (this happened a LOT tonight). A great game Will!! Looking forward to the tallest competitor on the board!

  • Congratulations Mark.

    Any chance you can make Wednesday at Bristol?
    By the by,I definitely remember The Hilarious House of Frankenstein. Recorded in Hamilton, it was a frequent school field trip (when I was slightly less tall). I still find Billy Van funny.

    Dave Kostis
  • News for July 18th...

    - Yay! The boards are back. Was worried there for a moment.

    - Five matches took place last night, including..

    "DirtyWhore" Mark d. "FASSman" Will
    "Fallen Angel" Gow d. "PokerQueenie" Mandy
    "2BULLETS" Jeremy d. "JohnnieH" Johnnie H

    (and in second round matches...)

    Eddy d. "Fallen Angel" Gow
    "PokerQueenie" Mandy d. "diddy" Paul

    - Paul becomes our first player eliinated from the tournament and I'll momuntarily have the OP updated with the results and the people that have paid.

    - The online brackets are now up to date with last night's happenings.
  • Rob can we e mail money transfer to you or is paying on the 29th at the jour de poker ok?
  • With all the great matches that have gone on in the first round, there is another one happening tonight. OnTilt98 and Tye will be playing there match at 8:00 pm at Bristol. Bring the coffee this could be the longest match of the first round.

    Good luck to both of you! And I look forward to playing the winner whomever that may be.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Rob can we e mail money transfer to you or is paying on the 29th at the jour de poker ok?

    I'm ok with the 29th.
  • update - Hollywoods Defeats Qucikfinger anthony
  • Hey,

    Wolfhound, please let me know when you would like to get together to play our match.

    :as :ah
  • If you'd put the second F in Wolffhound...I'll let you know...

    Seriously though, I'd say tomorrow, but, there is a Memorial Race for a friend of mine at Flamboro Speedway tomorrow night, so, I'll be there.

    When/if Rob posts dates in the next week or so, I'll p.m. you for one of those.
  • Anyone heard who won between Tye and Ron

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Anyone heard who won between Tye and Ron

    Prophet :2h :2s

    Altough not quite the longest match, I did take it down in the end.

    VERY solid play from Ron! The only large pots involved AA or KK, but after I got the chip-lead it took an hour to finish the job.

    Great playing Ron! Good luck in the next round.

    Brent, when do you want to do this thing?

  • Brent, when do you want to do this thing?  Tye

    Congrads. Tye, I told Ron that it would be a tough match.  Wednesday night I am at Terminal Four midweek bounty tournament.  For those who haven't been it is worth the drive. 

    I could be ready to go Thursday at around 8:00pm and we could play on your home turf or at a bar like the Press Box or something.  Let me know.  If that date is no good for you PM 3 or 4 to pick from and I will get back to you.

    Again Congrads.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Update "Kanga" Jen d. "Oragami" Jonathan

    Congrats to Jen on a great game and a great win.

    Early on, I was able to catch a couple of big hands and a decent chip lead (3:1 I think at that point).  A lot of back and forth blind wins, and more "who's crappy kicker beat who's" hands then I care to mention were interjected by Jen winning a good number of decent sized pots bringing her back to even. She didn't stop there, as she continued to pick up decent sized pots and moved to a 3:1 chip lead of her own.

    Final hand had me sitting with a gut shot straight draw or hoping for running cards for a flush.  Neither hit and I'm done. This round anyway :)

    Again, great game Jen!
  • Oragami wrote:
    Update "Kanga" Jen d. "Oragami" Jonathan
    Before she gets upset, it's Jenn ;)
    Oragami wrote:
    Early on, I was able to catch a couple of big hands and a decent chip lead (3:1 I think at that point).
    Actually, after she overplayed her Aces (my opinion - I may pay for this comment...), you kept grinding and got her down to about 1500 (7 to 1) before she started her comeback.
  • Oragami wrote:
    Early on, I was able to catch a couple of big hands and a decent chip lead (3:1 I think at that point).
    Actually, after she overplayed her Aces (my opinion - I may pay for this comment...), you kept grinding and got her down to about 1500 (8 to 1) before she started her comeback.

    I don't think i over played my AA i just had a bad read. assumed when Jonathan called my preflop raise and my flop raise that he would have something better then what he had. I thought he has top pair with a decent kicker... but i paid for that bad read

    That hand took most of my chip but i was able to claw my way back from Jonathan's 8-1 lead.

    At break we were back to even, who ever won the first pot was chip lead :0)

    Our last hand i was holding a 6 i raise pre flop. Jonathan calls board comes a 8 10 i raise near pot 1500 Jonathan pushes all in for 8700 i call Jonathan needs a q for a s8 or runner runner for a flush, my pair hold up and i win.

    Our game lasted just under 2hrs ( I think).

    Good game Jonathan.

  • decent chip lead (3:1 I think at that point).

    you kept grinding and got her down to about 1500 (7 to 1)

    That hand took most of my chip but i was able to claw my way back from Jonathan's 8-1 lead.


    I think you're all wrong, I heard it was a 20 to 1 chip lead.

  • News for July 19th...

    - A number of matches happened in a number of venues last night, including...

    "8Ball" Tye d. "OnTilt98" Ron
    "Hollywoods" Cole d. "Quickfingers" Anthony
    "Kanga" Jenn d. "Oragami" Jonathan (after coming back from Jonathan's 100-1 chip lead, I heard!!!)

    - With only one first round match left, the brackets are shaping up for the next few rounds of matches. The online brackets are now updated to reflect the recent matches.

    - Next week I'm a little busy, so the only open night at Bristol Street will be Wednesday, July 26th, then I start setting up for Jour de Poker 4 on Saturday. Players are free to play more Heads-Up matches that day.

    - A quick reminder that Bristol Street is open for games tonight.
  • Any word on when that one remaining first round match will be happening?

  • Any chance that you can make it to Rob's tonight Jonathan? If not, give me an idea when might be good for you. I'm available most weeknights.

  • Hey Steve, sent you a PM
  • stpboy wrote:
    Any word on when that one remaining first round match will be happening?


    Just finished half an hour ago.  Magithighs (Lou) and myself took over a Tim Hortons for our instant poker room. Although neither of us really got out of line too much, 2 hours and 15 minutes of poker finished with me on a bit of a card/flop rush to take the game.  Thanks again Lou for bringing everything. Great game.  So when is a good time for your Shannon?
  • 800OVER wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    Any word on when that one remaining first round match will be happening?


    Just finished half an hour ago.  Magithighs (Lou) and myself took over a Tim Hortons for our instant poker room. Although neither of us really got out of line too much, 2 hours and 15 minutes of poker finished with me on a bit of a card/flop rush to take the game.  Thanks again Lou for bringing everything. Great game.  So when is a good time for your Shannon?

    Great job by Nick in whilttling me down. I didn't like playing defensive poker, but it was a chess match with two trappers and no cheese for the other. On a paired board we both had a straight and very few chips went in. It was that kind of match. Well done 800.

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