Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • Quick results: "stpboy" Shannon d. Nicole 2h08

    We'll have the official online draw updated tomorrow morning with all of tonight's winners. Still awaiting word on "Quickfingers" v. "Metro" and "Shtebs" v "AcidJoe"
  • Great game Nicole, very disciplined style of play. I could not get chips out of her regardless of how tricky or aggressive I tried to be. I attempted to mix up my play as much as possible but eventually just found myself with a chip lead into the third level, I never relinquished it after that. Near the end of the third level I flopped top pair on a 955 board, I bet the whole way and Nicole called. Turn K, River 9. I bet 1100 on the river which Nicole begrudgingly called shwoing her 5. I had about a 1K lead at this point as the first two levels it really felt as though we were feeling each other out but Nicole managed to keep a 750 chip lead on me.

    The final hand had me pushing Nicole all in (1500TC) from the small with A4, Nicole called with KJc. My hand held up and I move on to face 800Over or Magithigs.

    gl all.

  • Thanks to Steve (Shtebs) for hosting.  After slowly building my stack, I had a fairly large advantage against Steve.  However taking his cue from Aimee he fought back hard and gained the lead.  I doubled him up when his KQ met my KT and both with 2 pair including the K, I was outkicked.  A few hands later Steve was getting aggressive, and I felt I was winning.   On the Turn I only called his bet, my gut said push...... Steve rived his straight and I did call his 1200 river bet.  I once again went on the offensive and through some selective pushing once again got the chip lead.  Final hand I called a raise with A4c.  Flop came A x x rainbow.  Steve bet I pushed he called he flipped over 6 6.  He didn't think I had the A he said.  Thanks to wolf for dealing the final 2 hands after his game with Aimee was over.  However, Steve said his fortunes seemed to go as Aimee's went, and a few hands later it was done. 

    GG Shtebs.
  • OK So blame it on me,, gawd men i dont know about you all...hahahahahahahaha......

    Thanks for having us over it was fun.
  • Great game Joe. Very well played with fluctuating doses of extreme aggression on both sides. I'm dissapointed with a couple plays I made in particular when I was simply trying to get too tricky at times. Like calling a small bet on the flop, a large bet on the turn and then a "suspicious" smallish bet on the river when a flush card hit. I had it mapped out in my mind if I missed my actual draw I'd try an represent a made flush, thus the baiting bet. I don't know why I thought you'd give me credit and throw away your pair for a small bet at that point. I outplayed myself and you made a great call. Same with the last hand where I raised preflop with 66 got called and pushed when a Axx hit. In my mind I put you on a middling pair, suited connectors or maybe a weak Ace. I thought I could protect my made (shitty but made) hand and possibly push you off a weak Ace. In retrospect it was a dumb move and you made another great call.
    It was a fun tournament and I hope you do well the rest of the way because I'm itchin' for a rematch at the finals. For the record I don't blame you in the least Aimee. It was funny that we were simultaneously down, really down, up, down, up and down again in our dual heads up matches.


  • My quick report.

    We played for 2 hours and 27 minutes. It was a long gruelling match. Both of us played very well and made some great laydowns and bluffs.

    A few turning points.

    I am a little over Rob and get AA. I raise it and Rob calls. Flop 9 8 10. Rob bets, I re-raise and he calls. Turn blank. Rob checks, I bet out and Rob calls. River J. Rob bets the pot and I reluctantly fold. Rob later reveals he had Q 10.
    I am low stacked.
    A few hands later I get J4d. I call Rob's raise. Flop is Q 8 3 with two spades and one diamond. Rob checks, I check. Turn is 2 of diamonds. Rob bets, I raise, he calls.
    River is a spade. Rob checks and I raise to 1300. Rob waits and waits and waits. Then folds. I brethe easy, we are now even again.

    Rob is lowstacked. I get A5 and call Rob's raise. Flop 8 9 A. We both check. Turn is 7. I bet and Rob pushes all in. If I call and lose I have about 2000 left. Blinds are now 200/400. I fold. Rob had a straight draw and not the Ace. Good bet.

    It was a great game and I anxiously await Mario so that I can move on and beat Rob twice in the finals.
  • News for July 13th.

    We had a number of great games last night, including...

    "Zithal" Rob d. "Flint Bones" Andrew
    "AcidJoe" d. "Shetbs" Steve
    "stpboy" Shannon d. Nicole
    "Wolffhound" Dave W d. "AcidJoesHo" Aimee
    "Quickfingers" Anthony d. "Metro" Tom

    The online chart has been update with the results and a number of second round matches are beginning to form.

    A reminder that the next open nights at Bristol are next Monday (17) and Wednesday (19), but feel free to arrange a time that works for you and your opponent. If you're hanving trouble contacting your opponent, drop me a line and I'll help where I can.
  • Well we had a good game last night - we play til half way through the 150-300 level.

    Anthony started off aggressive - and went up about 1500 in the two rounds - although I consider myself lucky because he had some monsters!!

    During the mid stages I was flopped a str8 and was able to get all of my money in by the river - I doubled up - taking about a 2-1 chip lead.

    Anthony was able to redouble up off me when we both went to the river - I thought my A hgh was enough to take it - and I was half right - he too had and A high - but his 9 kicker played against my 8 kicker.

    We played evenly for a while and he eventually regained.

    Then we had the final hand.

    The blinds were 150-300

    Anthony but another 300 preflop to go.

    I re-raised 1200.

    Anthony (stating you have a small pair) re-raises 2000.

    I push all in. He has me covered.

    I flip over AK - and could tell by the look on his face I was in good condition. Anthony shows K-8.

    (Well if I can be sucked out anywhere it is playing a Bristol)

    Flop is K J 6

    Turn 10

    River......drum roll please - a beautiful snowman.

    I thought I was going to be taking back a nice chip lead - but Anthony's 2 pair beat my single pair.

    And that was all she wrote.

    And for all of those who think online is rigged - My last Bristol I was removed from the final table when my AA v. AQ - previous to that final table removal AK v. A7 and ofcourse my Legends early exit 10-10 v 6-6.

    But that is why we all love this game :) Because we have all been on the other side of those ugly races.
  • Wow, I just looked at the match ups. All I can say is poker gods help. If I win my next match against either Jon or Jen I've got wolf, 2bullets, or Johnnie to look forward to. A loss and I got folded, prophet, tye or ron to look forward too. Probably there really isn't a good bracket to be in given whose playing this tourney. The winner will deserve this.
  • I'm too lazy to read this thread, when and where is far would the matches be from BCC? What's the buy-in? Maybe I'm too late and this has already started.

  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Maybe I'm too late and this has already started.
  • beanie42 wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    Maybe I'm too late and this has already started.
    Bingo! time then
  • Well I must say after a grueling effort and sacrifice on both our parts, Folded in the middle of moving and my ball schedule we finally agreed on a time to play and that was tonight at 8:30 pm.

    Normally my day starts at around 1:30 pm. Today was different, I was meeting a friend for lunch so I had to get up around 12:30 pm. Lunch lasted 2 hours and by the time I got home, it was around 4:30 pm. (normal I have a nap between 4:30 and 7:00pm) but I checked the forum and saw that Folded had said he couldn’t play next week at all. I quickly called him and said I was seeing BigE at 6:30 pm could play after my meeting would he be interested playing around 8:30pm so I said I would show up and we could play. (Didn’t really wait for a response seeing as he was open to the idea even though he had packing to do. I thought if I can skip my ball game he can take 10 minutes from his packing schedule to play a little poker.

    While I was at BigE’s Wolfhound stop by and we chatted for a while Eric scanned my computer. After an hour Wolfhound left and my computer was still being scanned for all the problems. It was 8:20 pm so we called it a night and off to Folded I went.

    When I found out I was playing Folded, I thought I was playing the most dangerous man in the tournament. If he could call magithighs (a world class pro) with a 7 4 off suit and say I am going to win, I felt I had my work cut out for me.

    Folded won the deal on the first hand by giving me a 3 and himself an Ace. I thought here we go….the first hand Folded raised 100 and I called, the flop was low I checked he bet 300, I folded and he let out a woohoo, chip leader. I smiled and said “there is more of that to come”.

    Soon after that he won a 1200 chip pot. And was playing with all his chips saying things like “mountains”, then peering over to my stack and say “looking a little short stack eh”. This is all in the first blind level.

    We played a lot of little pots which he didn’t seem to care that he lost. I was ahead by 300 chips as the blinds were winding down.

    I was dealt the “Legend” in the BB. He had raised to 200 so I said make it 800. He called. The flop comes Q 10 9, I bet 600 and he calls, the turn is a J, I check he checks the river is a 7, I check he bets 1200, the timer goes off first level over, and I announce I am all in. He shows me his 8 and says fold. I show him my eight and he isn’t even phased one bit. He is convinced I had a K.

    Folded played another hand where I hit a wheel on the turn and I could only get the pre-flop raise at 500 and a flop bet of 400.

    The next three blinds levels is lots of back and forth winning of the pre flop raises which got as high as 700.

    One such hand was I called 50 as the dealer, he raised to 500, I called with KQ suited. The flop comes 2 5 2. He checks I check turn 8 he bets 500 I fold and he says he had a full house. So I dodge that one.

    He dodged a set of 8’s and on it went.

    One hour and 40 minutes into the match, I get A 10 and after he called the 150, I raised another 700 and he quickly called. The flop comes 3 A 8 with 2 diamonds. I think about it wonder if I bet what will his re-raise be and will I give him credit for 2 pair or a set hoping for the draw. I decide 700 and he instantly goes all in and I instantly call saying you got two pair? He said no. And shows K 6 diamonds and burns and turns the 8 of clubs. I can see he is upset that I have the A of diamonds (one of his outs) and now the Hollywood act starts. It takes 10 minutes for him to turn over the next card and when he does it is the 10 of hearts. For a split second he thought it was a diamond.

    Match over.

    Folded is the ultimate competitor. I think if there were 1000.00 on the line it might have been a little easier to play him. He bets, checks, raises, re-raise and folded, with any two cards. I don’t know but I don’t think re-raise 700 with a 5 2 off suit with 1000.00 on the line.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • hey just wondering rob if you could get me and quickfingers for wed at ur house if hes avvaiable , and eddy and the winner of mandy and gow thanks
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Wow, I just looked at the match ups.  All I can say is poker gods help.  If I win my next match against either Jon or Jen I've got wolf, 2bullets, or Johnnie to look forward to.  A loss and I got folded, prophet, tye or ron to look forward too.  Probably there really isn't a good bracket to be in given whose playing this tourney.  The winner will deserve this. 

    My next match I could have Magithighs or Nik, if I win that one I'll face Trevor or Rob. If I lose I could be facing DrTyore. You're right it is going to be tough for anyone to win this. I have noticed that I'm on course to play Cole in the finals, that should please him :)

  • stpboy wrote:
      If I lose I could be facing DrTyore. 

    Big words from the man too chicken to join the Lazy Man Olympics!! :)

  • News for July 14th...

    Last evening was a quiet night, but with one of the more anticipated matches being played. The brackets have been updated with the result...

    "The Prophet22" Brent d. "folded" Cory

    Good luck to anyone playing over the weekend. I'll be back with updates on Monday morning and a reminder that my place is open for games next Monday and Wednesday night!
  • DrTyore wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
      If I lose I could be facing DrTyore. 

    Big words from the man too chicken to join the Lazy Man Olympics!! :)


    I wasn't chicken, just out of town :( I'm sure your match will be a walk in the park. A squash match as Trevor would call it. Just be glad that you're not playing GTA or what I said above may be true... Have fun at the Olympics.

  • Hey Rob,

    I think Mandy and I decided we'd play our game at your place on Monday. Hope that's okay.

  • stpboy wrote:
    My next match I could have Magithighs or Nik, if I win that one I'll face Trevor or Rob.  If I lose I could be facing DrTyore.  You're right it is going to be tough for anyone to win this.  I have noticed that I'm on course to play Cole in the finals, that should please him :)


    Well I certainly feel special now. I guess instead of playing I should stay home, eat a can of icing and have a good little cry.

    Dave Kostis
  • Jen what is happening with your game. I haven't seen or heard of a scheduled date. I believe there's a few happening on Monday night pokerqueen and 2 bullets are both playing that night. Could you advise?
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Jen what is happening with your game.  I haven't seen or heard of a scheduled date.  I believe there's a few happening on Monday night pokerqueen and 2 bullets are both playing that night.  Could you advise? 
    Jenn doesn't usually monitor the forum. Jenn and Jonathan are playing Tuesday night.
  • Thanks Trevor, I know she posts very rarely, but I knew you'd see it.
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Hey Rob,

    I think Mandy and I decided we'd play our game at your place on Monday. Hope that's okay.


    I'm going to assume that Jeremy will also be there, so I'll drop in for my match.

    Gow, if you need a lift, PM me.

  • Yes.......Jeremy and I will be there for our matches tomorrow at Robs......What time are we looking at?


  • Yes.......Jeremy and I will be there for our matches tomorrow at Robs......What time are we looking at?



    Mandy, Jeremy, Johnnie, how does 8:00 sound for our matchs? Hope to see you guys then.
  • JohnnieH wrote:

    Gow, if you need a lift, PM me.


    Should be able to get there, thanks Johnnie!
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Yes.......Jeremy and I will be there for our matches tomorrow at Robs......What time are we looking at?



    Mandy, Jeremy, Johnnie, how does 8:00 sound for our matchs? Hope to see you guys then.


    I'll be there about 7:30.

    See you all then.

  • Mandy, Gow,

    any chance that the loser of your match wants to play their second match against me tonight also?
  • Hey...Well be there around 7:30-45.......

    Diddy.....It would all depend on what time for me, I have to work in the morning, so I cant be up too late....but if there is time...and i lose...sure :)
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