Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • i was called in for work in the morning and wasn't off until 4 so i don't think it should be a DQ but if she agrees to make my prize money $200 i will take 3rd place without playing otherwise we will have to get together to play some other time and i work on Sunday as well. not sure about the rest of the week yet
  • Eddy11 wrote: »
    i was called in for work in the morning and wasn't off until 4 so i don't think it should be a DQ but if she agrees to make my prize money $200 i will take 3rd place without playing otherwise we will have to get together to play some other time and i work on Sunday as well. not sure about the rest of the week yet

    Prehaps you could have posted this before Rob and Jenn waited for you to show at Bristol.

    Rob, what are the payouts?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Prehaps you could have posted this before Rob and Jenn waited for you to show at Bristol.
    Ya think? Or maybe even have played weeks ago while your schedule was less busy. Yeah, this couldn't have been prevented. :rage:
    JohnnieH wrote: »
    Prehaps you could have posted this before Rob and Jenn waited for you to show at Bristol.

    Rob, what are the payouts?
    They're on the first page.
    Zithal wrote: »
    $$$ Pay-out (assumes 32 players)$$$
    1st place - 50% ($480)
    2nd place - 25% ($240)
    3rd place - 15% ($144)
    4th place - 10% ($96)
    So his proposed deal would give 3rd $200 and Jenn would get $184 unless she beats Shannon twice. Sounds like a great deal ... :fish:
  • Eddy11 wrote: »
    i was called in for work in the morning and wasn't off until 4 so i don't think it should be a DQ
    Getting called in to work sucks, but you could have at least posted/phoned/PM'd to let me or Rob know. It cost a lot of time/effort/gas to arrange with the kids/transportation, and I ended up losing a few hours of my afternoon. It was inconsiderate not to contact either Rob or I!
    Eddy11 wrote: »
    if she agrees to make my prize money $200 i will take 3rd place without playing
    This is a stupid offer just based on the math, but either way, I'm not looking to deal.
    Eddy11 wrote: »
    we will have to get together to play some other time and i work on Sunday as well. not sure about the rest of the week yet
    When will you be sure? I scheduled this afternoon with you and was ready to play as agreed, and you simply didn't show up. Further, the final was planned for Monday night and I've already hired a babysitter so that will work.

    Basically, your attitude and availability over the last month (with Tye, Shannon, etc.) has caused this delay, and this "sudden emergency" could easily have been prevented by any sort of prior effort. I have already wasted enough of my time because of this, and I've also gone to a lot of effort to make the schedule agreed upon work. While I'd prefer to just beat you rather than a DQ, I honestly have no sympathy for your problem now and am not really interested in spending my time trying accommodate you, again! (and possibly have you simply not show yet again).

    I trust Rob and I will respect whatever he decides is, but I'm not offering you any special deals or accommodation!!
  • Worst deal proposal ever.

    Stick to your guns, Jenn.
  • Worst deal proposal ever.

    Stick to your guns, Jenn.


  • To me, this has all come down to common sense and common curtosy, neither of which Eddy has ever demonstrated.

    He refused to initially play two of this matches (Shannon, and the months long refusal to play Tye), even after I asked him repeatedly to. It's just common sense to get your matches played when you can so that the tournament remains flexible, as well as curtious to do so if the TD is asking you to.

    No showing a match that you confirmed and making NO EFFORT to contact the players to tell them that you'd not be able to make it, is just plain rude.

    I really am honestly shocked that when you got called into work, you didn't think, "Hey! I scheduled a match today. I should spend a minute going online, or making some effort contact people, to apologize for my last minute change of plans and letting people know who've arranged their schedule around me that I'm unable to make it, so that they could do something else with their afternoon."

    While Shannon was with us on Thursday, you also mentioned that you had the following day off so I asked you to see if that would be a good day to play for you and Jen and you made NO EFFORT to do that either.

    Had you shown me, this tournament, or the participants an ounce of curtosy at any point during this run, I'd return the favour, but instead I'm going to take a page from your book and demonstrate the same 'no effort' approach to address your needs as you've done with me.

    Congradulations on third place. I'll have your prize waiting for you next time you're in town. Feel free to PM me to arrange pick up.
  • youve wasted time? i was at bristol street once waiting to play tye but he wasnt did not come ive had to drive back and fourth wasted more gas and money then u have and i said i was available friday and u said u would make a post to see if jenn would be available i looked on the forums and no post by u or jenn said friday was a sure thing so when i went to sleep on friday and got a call from my work to come in right away my first instinct is not to rush to the computer. it is to have a shower and get ready for my job and that is why there was no post or call to say i couldn't show up
  • Jenn,

    Monday at 7pm at Bristol good for you?

  • stpboy wrote: »

    Monday at 7pm at Bristol good for you?


    Yes, looking forward to it.
  • Anyone coming by to watch the final?

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Anyone coming by to watch the final?
    Of course I am. Good luck winning 2nd "captain" ;)
  • I'm sure Eddy will be there?

    Congratz on the final two, this has been a marathon to say the least and to be the last two standing should make you both proud. Congratz should also go out to Rob who has done a terrific job juggling this thing to it's conclusion...confirming the fact that he indeed was dropped off many, many years ago when the travelling circus went through town!

    I do hope this event runs again, I was disappointed I could not compete!
  • Thanks Eric! It surely is a marathon but well worth it. I'm very excited about tonight and to be honest care more about the title then I do about the money. Although, the money is nice. I know it will be a tough battle against Jen as I'm sure she will want to better her performance the only other time we played heads up. I'm sure she'll bring her 'A' game!

    Trevor, why is Captain in quote's? Am I only a "captain" to you, lol? I'll see you there tonight, no coaching from the rails!!! Not that Jenn needs it obviously! LOL...

  • By the way Trevor, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when you and Jenn discussed strategies that may work to defeat me...

    I've thought myself if it may be worth it to change my game up and become super wreckless in the first game just for the fun of it....

    It'll be fun, that's for sure!

  • stpboy wrote: »
    Trevor, why is Captain in quote's? Am I only a "captain" to you, lol?
    Ryder's cup reference - but tonight I'm on a different team ;)
    stpboy wrote: »
    no coaching from the rails!!! Not that Jenn needs it obviously! LOL...
    We already determined in a previous thread that coaching is ok between hands ;) , but (as you mentioned) she doesn't need it. I'm there just to watch - I expect this to be a pretty good show!
    stpboy wrote: »
    By the way Trevor, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when you and Jenn discussed strategies that may work to defeat me...
    You would have been a very bored fly. The only reason my HU game has even become respectable is from watching and listening to Jenn. I can help her with ring/MTT, but HU is her thing, so how can I help? The only strategy I gave her was pretty simple - play your game and don't get unlucky...

    It's going to be worth the price of admission, one way or the other ;)
  • BTW.. People are welcome over this evening to watch the match. Side game(s) are welcome to break out.
  • I'm just down the road tonight so I may swing by.
  • A few minutes to SUAD!

    Congrats Shannon and Jenn!

    Best of luck.

  • Any live updates?
  • Don't you live there????
  • An unbelievable tournament with an amazingly difficult final. I was nervous to play this match as I felt that Jenn had little to lose and I had everything to lose. I was expected to win just for the fact that I only needed to once and not twice. I also had a lot of respect for Jenn's heads up game and after tonight I know I was right to. Jenn is a phenomenal player! Jenn didn't play 'her' game the first time we played and I knew that this time she would be ready.

    Early on, some chip movement here and there but no real significant leads for either of us. Jenn was playing decidedly more aggressive then our previous encounter. You know when your heads up and you 'think' your hand is good but your not sure and your opponent is betting all the way to the river? Well, Jenn would bet aggressively the whole way down and put me past that threshold of what I could call. It's an amazing ability to know what amount of chips it takes on any given hand to get someone to fold.

    Jenn and I are fairly level in chips at the 50/100 level and I make it 300 with AQc, Jenn calls.

    Flop AKQ I bet 300, Jenn calls. Turn 10. Jenn check raises me from 300 to 800. I reluctantly call hoping for that A or Q. River blank. Jenn bets out 1500. I think forever on this one as I know she is able to make this kind of move with anything if she senses weakness. I eventually call after misreading something I saw her do earlier. The mind has an amazing way of convincing ones self of things....

    I'm down to about 1900, Jenn has 10100. I turn up the aggression and find Jenn starting to protect her stack. I pull to about even about an hour into the match with nothing significant coming to mind. I then raise from the small (100) with AK and make it 600 total. Jenn insta calls. Flop K 7 2. I fire out 800 and Jenn insta calls. Turn 4. I fire 1500 and Jenn again insta calls and looking confident. I look at her inquisitively, am I being trapped here I think to myself. River A. I move all in for my remaining stack of about 3K, Jenn goes into the tank and says out loud you didn't have AK did you? I say nothing. Jenn calls off all of her chips but 250 and I rake in the 11750TC pot. I start my victory speech in my head..."I'd like to thank Rob for hosting this...."

    Jenn is all in blind with 89 I call with K10d, Jenn hits an 8.
    Next hand I have A5, Jenn 23....Jen hits trip 2's

    Unbelievably Jenn takes the lead back 20 minutes later!!!


    We battle into the 200/400 level playing hand after hand (two dealers!). We take a short break with me having a lead of 8400 to 3600 into the capped 300/600 level. I'm thinking that I really hope I can win this because I wasn't sure if I could play another 2 hours! First hand of 300/600 and 2h22minutes into the final Jenn raises all in from the small for 3600, I tank again but eventually call knowing that this is going to start getting pushy.

    My QJo vs. Jenn J9d

    Flop Kd 7c 6s

    Turn 6d

    River Ah

    Great game Jenn, I really don't want to play you again!!! Thanks to Rob and all that were accomodating through this tournament, it was a tonne of fun!

  • Congrats Shanny!

    Well done Jenn!

    Sounds like it was a great match! (again) Jenn, what did you have when Shannon had AK? That seemed like the TSN Turning Point

  • Well played Shannon - you deserved to win (although it took you a while ;) ). I thought it was over after the AK vs KQ hand, but a few lucky double-ups and Jenn just kept going. You both played great, and it was fun to watch. Congrats on the win!
  • Everyone take a nice deep breath, it's over!

    congratulations Shannon, sounds like it was a fun battle and congratulation Jenn you had a great run, neither of you are allowed at my home games anymore.......geesh, by not inviting people that can beat me my games are getting really small now, I mean it's basically me, my dog, and my kids?

    Again, kudos should go out to Rob for all his efforts.....hope you do it again so I can at least donate.
  • Congrats Shannon..........

    Congrats Jenn....

    I cant believe its finally
  • i will be going to conestogo to go shopping on saturday so i will pick the money up then
  • Thanks everyone, much appreciated. I'm very proud of this accomplishment. It really wasn't easy, one of the most challenging victories I've had to face.
    Thanks again to Rob for running it!

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