Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • The list has been updated and we're down to 6 spots remaining and I haven't heard from a few regulars yet... :)

    For the out of towners, I will be running another Saturday tournament soon. (And the garage has been cleaned out, so I'm sure we're going to be able to fit a few more tables in this one.) This one's hard to make accomidations for, due to the double-elimination nature of the event, so I think it's just easier if I leave things as is. If you can make it into town, great! If not, I understand and we'll make sure to run some bigger weekend events for you guys.

    For those that are not regulars to the Bristol Street games, could you PM your contact information to me so that we can more easily put people in touch with their opponents.

    If we fill the remaining spots before I leave work, there will be a casual Friday tomorrow to have the live draw... well... likely casual Friday will be going on anyway. :) Mmmmmm.... poker, pepi's and guitar hero.
  • Zithal wrote:
    Mmmmmm.... poker, pepi's and guitar hero.

    I AM IN!
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    Mmmmmm.... poker, pepi's and guitar hero.

    I AM IN!

    God damnit. I don't think i can really commit myself to this...finals are approaching quickly and over the course of the month, i don't think i can do this....bah!
  • ME TOO!!!
  • Bah. I couldn't resist. Add me to the list if there's still space.

    I won't be able to make Casual friday though...
  • That's the spirit!! Four spaces left and we begin. :)
  • Dunno if I'll make the cut but please put me on the list or the waiting/reserve.

  • Shtebs is in and we're down to three spots left open.
  • I am in

    Dave Kostis
  • We are now FULL!!!! The draw's been made, so check back within the next 24 hours to learn who your first round opponent is. I'll have the link on Page 1 updated very soon.
  • Oooh... oooohh

    ItsaMe and beanie42 is ON at my place RIGHT NOW

  • OOOOHH!! It's over... and I'm not telling who won!!!

    But I know

    nah nah :P

  • I really liked my pairing with Mario - better to get a tough one under my belt early. While some of the match-ups are what I consider "squash matches", I pegged our match-up as the second toughest in the first round. This is mainly because I consider us both decent players, we have a lot of history and experience with each other, and our styles complement/counteract each other. As much as I hoped to win and wanted an easy match, I wouldn't have wagered on either of us, I really thought it would be a coin-flip. My expectation of the match was that if one of us didn't bring our A-game, the other would win, and if we both brought it, the cards would have a large part in deciding it. Ultimately, this match fulfilled and exceeded anything I expected!

    We both hit long stretches of "card dead" and they were always at opposite times. I hit quad K's on the second hand, and earned a blind for it :( . The lead kept swinging back and forth, but never more than about 1000 chips. The first big hand of the night came at around the 50 minute mark with the blinds at 50-100. After missing my flush and straight draws, Mario made an amazing river call with middle pair, and took a 3-to-1 chip lead. I was hurting, but we took a break at the end of the level, and I was able to compose myself. I still had 20 BB, so I wasn't dead yet.

    I got pretty aggressive after break, and Mario hit another bad stretch of cards. I was able to claw back to around 5000 chips, and then our second big hand came down early in the fifth level (100/200). Very similar to before, I picked off a big river bluff, and I now had Mario on the ropes with a 3-to-1 lead of my own, but he still had 15 BB.

    Mario repeated my strategy of going hyper-aggressive, and my bad cards allowed him to claw back to even, when we hit hand #3. Dead even in chips, Mario bet, I raised, Mario re-raised, and I pushed all-in. Mario thought for a little bit and folded, and I was again a 3-to-1 leader.

    The fourth big hand went to Mario. Mario pushed his pocket 6's on a flop with 3 spades, and I called with Qs 10c. I knew I was behind, but not by much, since I had the flush draw, a backdoor straight draw, and 2 over's. I missed everything, and my lead evaporates, and I'm only ahead 6500 to 5500.

    Mario grinds me down for a bit and gets up to around 7700 to my 4300, then we reverse roles and I take the lead plus a little bit. Our fifth and final hand occurred late halfway through the sixth level (150/300) with me leading about 8000 to 4000. Mario raised 1100 with AJo and I called with K5o. On a K-high flop with 3 clubs, I checked, Mario bet 2200 (leaving 700 back), and I raised him all-in which he obviously called. No A comes, and the match is over.

    This was the most intense and enjoyable match I've ever played, and I never knew heads-up could be this much fun (or take this long). We really "played poker", with most flops and many turns seen, but showdowns only occurring about 10-15% of the time. We also raised and re-raised while but didn't really abuse the all-in, with only 4 all-ins during the entire match. Pretty surprising considering we played what we expect will be one of the longest first-round matches, finishing at the 1 hour 52 minute mark!

    Mario really didn't "deserve" to lose this one, but I don't think I did either. I think we both played our "career game" tonight, and I won 3 of the 5 "big hands", and thus the match. Congratulations to Mario on a well-played game, and I pity his next opponent! (also thanks to Mark and Dave for hosting and dealing this marathon).
  • Awesome report and congrats on your first win!  Sounds like you both played great. Oh great, I just looked at the bracket and noticed I'm on a collsion course with Lou "Magithighs", if I was to win my first match and then possibly the next I could very well meet up with Trevor in the third match. Not to get ahead of myself or anything.

  • stpboy wrote:
    Awesome report and congrats on your first win!  Sounds like you both played great.  Oh great, I just looked at the bracket and noticed I'm on a collsion course with Lou "Magithighs", if I was to win my first match and then possibly the next I could very well meet up with Trevor in the third match.  Not to get ahead of myself or anything.


    No so fast there bucko. Trevor needs to get by Rob or me first.
  • Is there any way to make the brackets less cluttered?
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Is there any way to make the brackets less cluttered?

    Once the first round is done, things will open up nicely.
  • First round match: Cole "Holly"Woods against "Ranger" Mike
    Total match time: about 1h 25m

    This was a very good battle throughout. I jumped into a small early chip lead but Cole quickly fought back. I had pocket aces a couple of times but couldn't get action, and a few other times Cole made very good, disciplined folds when I made two pair. Cole took down a decent pot with pocket Kings around the mid-point of the match, and I was left hovering between 2000 and 3000 chips for a while. After another big pot for Cole (which didnt make it to showdown) I was down to around 1800 chips. I doubled-up with A-5 against Cole's KJ when he missed the board (I hit an ace on the flop).

    The final hand: I had K6 with about 2500 chips left, blinds at 75-150. Flop came K 6 x (4?) to give me top two pair and both players checked (I bet you can see where this is going). Turn was a 5, check-check. River another 5. I bet a few hundred, Cole raised, I push all-in (much too fast I might add), and Cole made the easy call holding 8-5 for trips and the victory.

    All-in-all a very enjoyable match - obviously I wish it ended differently but Cole played good poker and deserved the win. My road to the finals just got longer :D

    "Ranger" Mike

    P.S. Cole: feel free to post corrections or additions...I don't have the greatest memory for details!
  • looks good to me not as much action as a normall heads up match but it was Good , both of us played well, surprisingly there wasn't alto of bad beats LoLi love giving bad beats Lil good luck to everyone and ranger good luck hope to see you again in this tourney.

    woooooooooow i found spell check
  • DataMn vs King Mob

         It didn't occur to me that other players would want details of the games (you kids and your crazy web hi-jinks) but I'll do what I can.Don't ask for specifics, I was too busy keeping up to take notes.
         The play was controlled and aggressive on both our parts. Throughout the game pots escalated easily in search of weakness and maximum profit, with the few all-in moves made after a pot had been built. No crazy moves, though I am sure we both bought a few pots. No really strange hands or bad beats, just back and forth play.
          Half way into the first blind level, I was reduced to half my stack when my AA99 lost to Al's 444. Al maintained the lead using his chip advantage to keep me down (and honest), while minimizing his losses. I won a lot of little pots and lost all the big and medium ones for quite awhile. I never dropped below 2000 but I couldn't get over 3000 for the longest time.
         During the third level I managed to double up when my top pair (AA) held up to Al's middle pair, putting me slightly behind even. Thereafter I won slightly more than I lost, slowly gaining the advantage, but never really dominating.
         The next time an all-in was called I had K9 with a flop of K rags. I pushed and Al called with K9 for a split pot.
         The final pot built up to me going all-in post flop with an over pair (QQ). A pot committed Al called with middle pair and did not improve.
         Al played great. If you play him you must pay full attention or he will pick you apart. I really feel I was only one hand ahead of him at the end (I realize all games literally end with one person one hand ahead, I don't need to hear about it).

              Dave Kostis.

         P.S. I predict that I will not be in a game that lasts to 100/200 blinds. Anyone one want to take that action?
  • Congrats Dave. You are not someone I look forward to facing, as I would like to actually win this event.

  • The online brackets have been updated with the results from last night.

    "King Mob" Dave d. "DataMn" Al
    "Hollywoods" Cole d. "Ranger" Mike
    Eddy d. "diddy" Paul

    All great matches... (I assume, since I was playing World of Warcraft most of the time..)

    Bristol Street will once again be open tonight (Wed. Jul 12) as "Zithal" Rob takes on "Flint Bones" Andrew. Other players are free to come over and play their matches here. The door will open at 7pm and as long as you arrive sometime before 10pm, you're welcome to stay and play some poker.

    A reminder that I'd like to have the first two rounds complete by Friday July 21st. I'll be announcing more open nights at Bristol Street in tomorrow's update.
  • Question:

    Can a second round match be played before all of the first round matches be played? Or do we wait?
  • Question:

    Can a second round match be played before all of the first round matches be played? Or do we wait?

    As soon as a pairing is made, you're free to start playing the match. So, for example, I could play Trevor later tonight. ;)
  • Maybe you forgot. Trevor won his match.
  • Zithal wrote:
    So, for example, I could play Trevor later tonight.  ;)
    After I play Andrew? Won't that be a bit late? ;)
  • cole woods wrote:
    woooooooooow i found spell check

    I can't believe noone has commented on this yet!
  • ElElliott wrote:
    cole woods wrote:
    woooooooooow i found spell check

    I can't believe noone has commented on this yet!

    Yeah, "Wow" is spelled wrong. We all noticed.

    Congrats to the winners thus far.
  • Match Results: "Zithal" Rob d. "Flint Bones" Andrew (2h27)

    What a crazy match. This thing was so back and forth with neither of us having over a 2-1 chip lead at any point. Lots of great bluffing, big laydowns, an unforuntate beat and a close coin-flip brought about this match.

    Early on, Andrew obtained a 2-1 chip lead, which then hit even. I took over the 2-1 chip, then back to even. I then return to chip lead and back to even. Andrew then hit a rush, got his 2-1 chip lead, back to even. Andrew hit another 2-1 chips lead back to even at which point I went on a rush on got Andrew down to 2,500 in chips. he fought back to even then, once again, battled me down to 3,000 chips.

    At this point we got all our chips in the middle with K7c (me) v. ATo (Andrew). The first card off was the King and I held up to hit just over even, then built up a bit more. Andrew fought back to 6.5k v 5.5k and we finally hit our first all in coin flip of the evening. AKo (Andrew) v. 88(Me). my 8's held up and Andrew was down to 1,000. He doubled up once, then we got it all on the next hand K3s v. Q?. The turn brought Andrew a flush draw and a gutshot, but it wasn't to be and I advanced to the next round. A hell of a match!!!
  • Thanks to Steve (shtebs) for hosting my match with Aimee tonight while he played Acid Joe.

    With 10 minutes left in the 3rd level I enjoyed a 3-1 chips lead. No real big hands, but, the chips had moved.
    We agreed to a break at the end of the 3rd the next 10 minutes Aimee had gotten things back to even.

    No real wild confrontations, lots of check, check, check, "i have 5 high...what's your kicker?" etc.
    Mid/late level 6 I again had about a 3-1 lead and we were all in A10o vs Aimee's A7h, the turn brought a wheel for both players and a chopped pot.

    5/6 hands later, I woke up with AA and was fortunate that Aimee pushed.

    GG Aimee.
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