Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • Bristol Street can be made available on Thursday for Shannon/Eddy to play if Shannon/Eddy would like to play during the day before Shannon has to go to work.
  • well i goto school but i might just come down at like 12 i will see and let u know before wed
  • It's unfortunate that you didn't play your game three weeks ago when everyone had time as we'd actually have a hope of finishing this in time.

    I'm being put in a bad spot, because Jen gave me plenty of warning that this Sunday is not good for her, but I'm not going to penalize her for something that's not her fault.

    So, what the final thre people need to do is agree on a time that's good for evoeryone to get this finished. Shannon has already mentioned that nights are bad for him, and we know Sunday's bad for Jen.

    These are your choices available to you...

    Sat Dec 9th : 2pm -> ?
    Mon Dec 11th : 6pm -> ?
    Tues Dec 12th : 6pm -> ?

    Please response with which dates your are good with! Completing games before this weekend will reduce the amount of time it'll take to finish this up.

    If we can't agree on a time then we have no real hope of finishing before the Grand Final, which sucks, but we deal. If we can't agree on a time then the tournment will be complete from a points perpective; everyone eliminated will get the points they got, the remaining three players will each get third place points and you can take as long as you want to finish the rest of the tournament.
  • Jenn may not respond for a bit, since she's feeling a bit ill this morning. Also, she is available to play during the day most days - she just needs to do school runs at the start and end of the day, but is available in between. That said, she is waiting right now for Eddy/Shannon before her schedule even becomes an issue.

    Zithal - while a lot of the frustration is simply since this tournament seems to be going on forever, it sounds like part of it is due to the upcoming Grand Finale. If it alleviates any of the pressure, Jenn (and I - but I won't qualify ;) ) isn't available even if she does happen to win the HU (and Shannon is already guaranteed a seat as defending champ). Not sure if that "cancel in advance in case she wins" helps at all...
  • The rush is/was more about getting an accurate count of Player of the Year points, but since Jen can't make it, Shannon's already in, Eddy has only one other score, and Rob having all but locked up the Player of the Year race (after Tye's HU elimination), I came to the realization that we'd try and make one strong push to get it finished, but I won't lose any sleep if we don't.

    If the above dates don't work, then the remaining players can take their time and IF we run it again next year, I'm going to put much better controls in place.
  • Thursday at noon would be fine, all of the other dates that Rob proposed would also be fine. Let me know.

  • This may actually work out! Here's my proposed schedule...

    Thursday @ noon : Shannon v. Eddy
    Saturday @ 2pm : Jen v. loser of above (Jen's bad in the evening)
    Monday @ 7pm : FINALS.

    These times work for both Jen and Shannon. Eddy, how does it look for you?
  • i would be a bit later then noon tho but i can come down. lunch start at 1140 so then the drive down would be about quarter after or so depending on trafic
  • I'll be there Thursday at 12:15 then, is this ok Wes?

  • If Wes ain't there I'll make sure to open the house for you, so assuming we're a go.

    Eddy - how do the other times work for you? (Saturday and Monday)
  • Not a problem Shannon/Eddy, I'll be there physically even if my mind is elsewhere.
  • Ok, we're a go then. See you at Bristol on Thursday at 12:15 in the afternoon.

  • yep should be fun
  • Zithal wrote: »
    With the summer here and temperatures rising, it's getting more and more challenging to find a cool day to get 32 of us together in my place. So, a new summer tradition begins this year...

    Wow, how things have changed! It's not difficult at all to find a cool day anymore. Drive safe, see you soon.

  • For those that still care...

    Shannon defeated Eddy 12 minutes into the 100/200 5th level.

    Other then a few marginal leads I had Eddy outchipped for almost the entire match. I was up to about 9500 into the 3rd level when my preflop raise with 82 off hit a monster, 7 5 2. Eddy went all for about 2500 and I called Eddy shows KK. I turn an 8 and Eddy rivers a 5 for a higher two pair.

    I had Eddy covered two other times and beaten on the flop but folded to his all ins, running the cards (which is always a mistake) showed that I would have won both times. I still felt in control into the 4th and 5th levels even though Eddy and I were virtually even. I think a turning point in the match for me was calling Eddy down with my A6 on a straighted and flushed board. I felt as though Eddy slowed down the aggression and in turn I turned it up and finally started getting hands.

    Final hand: I limp in the SB with AQ, Eddy checks. Flop Q 8 9. Eddy goes all in for 1575 and I call after the count. Eddy shows 67. Turn 2. River K.

    Great game Eddy and GL to you against Jen. I'm sure your buddy Cole will want you to avenge his loss! GL to you to Jenn, the finals will surely be challenging regardless of which one of you I face.

  • yea it was a good match i was mostly low stack but the chips were moving back and forth a lot. i think i played pretty good for most of it except for a few bad reads when i should of just folded but decided to keep calling or betting
    good game and goodluck in the finals whoever you face
  • eddy are we a go for saturday at 2?
  • Congrat's Shannon!
    Eddy are we a go for saturday at 2?
  • KangaX5 wrote: »
    Congrat's Shannon!
    Eddy are we a go for saturday at 2?

    Thanks Jenn! I think Eddy said that he may be available tommorow up until 5pm if that works for you as well. GL, I'm glad we're all getting some extra Christmas cash :)

  • We were trying to get the rest of the schedule posted here and Eddy mentioned he's free tomorrow. If you are too, please post and see if you can arrange something.

    If you can't, then we'll hold the Eddy v. Jenn match at 2pm at my place. From there, we'll then work out when the finals are. Eddy mentioned he won't know about Monday until he gets his schedule.
  • Unless the match has already taken place (I'll guess not), then the next match is Jen v. Eddy at my place at 2pm.

    The finals are tentatively scheduled for Monday evening at my place.

  • Zithal wrote: »
    Unless the match has already taken place (I'll guess not), then the next match is Jen v. Eddy at my place at 2pm.

    The finals are tentatively scheduled for Monday evening at my place.


    Looking forward to playing Eddy tomorrow at 2:00 :)
  • I need to run out for a few errands, so if I'm not back home when you get here I'll likely only be minutes away.

    See you at 2pm!
  • ok Thanks Rob
  • We're currently waiting on Eddy who is no-showing for his previously agreed upon time.
  • It's 2:35pm and still no sign of Eddy and no posts on why he's no showed.

    My immediate reaction is to call the match a forfeit, but, in case something bad happened (ie. car in ditch, etc.), he has til the end of the day to explain why he missed his match and wasted both mine and Jen's Saturday afternoon.

    In all likelyhood, this is a DQ loss for Eddy in which case I'm hoping that Shannon and Jen's match can happen Monday evening.
  • I'm assuming that somebody actually confirmed the match for today with Eddy.

    I don't see anything from him in this thread that says he was IN for today.

    Maybe I'm wrong, I'm just giving an outsiders prespective.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I'm assuming that somebody actually confirmed the match for today with Eddy.
    Apparently he verbally confirmed with both Shannon and Rob for today.

    JohnnieH wrote: »
    I don't see anything from him in this thread that says he was IN for today.
    I agree, but in Rob's defense, Eddy didn't reply to any of the following posts:
    Zithal wrote: »
    I'd like the remaining three players to list all free nights and weekends from now til the 11th of Dec.
    Zithal wrote: »
    Everyone posts, their scheule,
    Zithal wrote: »
    It's unfortunate that you didn't play your game three weeks ago when everyone had time as we'd actually have a hope of finishing this in time.
    Please response with which dates your are good with! Completing games before this weekend will reduce the amount of time it'll take to finish this up.
    Zithal wrote: »
    Eddy, how does it look for you?
    Zithal wrote: »
    Eddy - how do the other times work for you? (Saturday and Monday)
    Zithal wrote: »
    Unless the match has already taken place (I'll guess not), then the next match is Jen v. Eddy at my place at 2pm.

    This is not the way anybody wants this to end, but it has to end sometime. Eddy didn't want to play before (since he was SOOOOOO far ahead), and hasn't responded to any of the repeated requests for scheduling from the TD. I think Rob has to draw a line somewhere, and has been more than accommodating so far. Also, Rob has always demonstrated fairness in the past, and I trust any decision he makes now will be just as good.

    That said, wait and see if Eddy (finally) posts...

    (and if he doesn't - congrats Jenn on making the finals ;) )
  • Hey maybe Rob can use this time to update the Grand Finale event!!!

    I need to know if I am playing!!!!!!!!

    Also, I think Rob has been very flexible when it has come to this months long event. I think we all (even those that busted out early) owe Rob a big thank you for running this and hosting so many matches.
  • I agree that the TD needs to draw the line somewhere. If Eddy was aware and had agreed to playing today, and still didn't show up, it should be a DQ.
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