Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • OK Lou

    Anyday is good for me.. except for thursdays. In the afternoon would be best. or sunday or monday nights. Let me know asap.
    Let me know

  • IF you want we could play tomorrow that is Friday Nov. 17th.. Sometime during the day.. or next week... thanks
  • i would like to play when the rest of the tourny catches up adn then whoever looses from our match can play right away
  • Eddy11 wrote: »
    i would like to play when the rest of the tourny catches up adn then whoever looses from our match can play right away

    If you look at the brackets, you'll realize what about your statement makes no sense. Please play your match as soon as you can. Why?



    The online brackets are now caught up with the rest of the tournament. There are three matches coming up...

    Aimiee v. Lou (currently behind - please schedule no later than Nov. 23)
    Cole v. Jenn
    Shannon v. Eddy
  • Eddy11 wrote: »
    i would like to play when the rest of the tourny catches up adn then whoever looses from our match can play right away

    I can play anyday next week from 5pm on except Friday to Sunday. Why don't we say Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday at 7pm?

    Should be a fun match! Perhaps we can play at Bristol?

  • lets try and set a match up eddy vs shannon Cole vs Jenn sum time next week .
  • Jenn's out of town until Monday, so I'll try to set something up for her.

    [quote=stpboy;99114Should be a fun match! Perhaps we can play at Bristol?[/quote]
    lets try and set a match up eddy vs shannon Cole vs Jenn sum time next week .
    What night(s) is Bristol open for games? Do games have to be played there since it's so late in the brackets? If it's not available and it's ok with Rob, you could play at our place. Monday is best for Jenn, but she could be available (as could our house) Monday - Thursday. 7:30pm starts would be better, but she could make 7pm if necessary.

    Also, if PM'ing, please PM me rather than Jenn since she won't get them until late Monday.
  • Zithal wrote: »
    If you look at the brackets, you'll realize what about your statement makes no sense. Please play your match as soon as you can. Why?



    The online brackets are now caught up with the rest of the tournament. There are three matches coming up...

    Aimiee v. Lou (currently behind - please schedule no later than Nov. 23)
    Cole v. Jenn
    Shannon v. Eddy

    Aimee isn't behind, Lou is. (Sorry Lou). She has posted her availablilty. Hopefully this whole thing will be done in time for the Bristol street year end.
  • Hopefully tuesday Nov 21 our game will take place.. Kinda hard to play when Lou is out of town and stuff. I did pm him.. and said i could play anyday.. afternoon would be better .. He also said afternoon would be good for him...
  • Update

    I have just send a private message to Lou. about are game . I know he is out of town but should be back today.. Hopefully he calls and we can play are match tuesday novemeber 14th.. in the afternoon. If not i dont know, I am trying my hardest to get this done..
  • AcidJoe wrote: »
    Aimee isn't behind, Lou is. (Sorry Lou). She has posted her availablilty. Hopefully this whole thing will be done in time for the Bristol street year end.

    My apologies. I meant to say that the Aimee v. Lou match was now the furthest one behind (and hence affect by the "Hurry Up and Play" rule), but it came out worse that that.

    The two of you have been EXCEEDINGLY accomadating during this whole tournament, and it's been much appreciated!
  • OK yesterdays attempt to contact Lou, has not brought any contact.. Other then wait for him to call me or post. there is not much I can do unless someone has a number for him and can pm it to me..
    I will send him another pm. right now and maybe today he will contact me.. and we can get this done..

  • Eddy, I will have a tough time playing for the next two weeks if we can't get this in before Friday. Let me know if you can play tonight, Wednesday or Thursday night.

  • BTW... Bristol Street is open for games tonight and Wednesday this week. I'd like games to be played here, but in the interest of getting this thing finished, I'm ok (as long as both players are ok) with playing it offsite.
  • Cole - Jenn is available tonight and Wednesday night (Wed is better). Are you free to play either night?
  • OK Everyone ,

    Lou and I are going to play, Wednesday, November, 22nd.. In the afternoon,
    We will be meeting in guelph to play. Since it is in the afternoon, I didnt think bristol would be open before 6pm. If it is possible that i could be open in the afternoon. Let us know. I would gladly drive all the way to RObs to play. If not we will keep the guelph location. Thanks
  • this tournament has been going on for way to long as it is. i was availible all the time earlier in the tourny so it is not my fualt that it wasnt running quickly. so i will wait atleast a week because i work.
  • Cole - when are you available? It appears Eddy isn't willing to play this week, so it doesn't look like both matches can go at the same time.
  • when ever u are during the week monday to thursday
  • Eddy11 wrote: »
    this tournament has been going on for way to long as it is. i was availible all the time earlier in the tourny so it is not my fualt that it wasnt running quickly. so i will wait atleast a week because i work.

    Edited out as I lost my cool and I apologize.

    Play you're match and lose the attitude.
  • so tonight at 7:00 in bristol street ? is that ok ?
  • Bristol Street will be open Wed. evening!
  • I'm available tonight and tommorow night to play at Bristol (tonight) would be best.

  • so tonight at 7:00 in bristol street ? is that ok ?

    Great, I will see you tonight at Bristol 7:00
  • sorry iam goona have to cancel tonight i cant get the car but ne time from monday to thursday next week is great for me even tommrow at bristol street is good for me.
  • Rob - what nights is Bristol available next week?
  • OK

    Lou and I have played.. I am out :(.. Lou is a big bully... Naw Just kidding.
    It was a great game.. lasted about only an hour and half.. FOr the first bit it was back and forth. then with the blinds at 75-150 Lou made a few huge bets that i foolishly called then ended up fold on the river. So with that level almost being over and me with a little chip stack. I have k4 suited or sumtin like that.. Lou checks and we see a flop.. flop comes 6 k 8 I think, I check Lou bets about 400 hundred I reraise he calls we see the next card doesnt help me and I think it doesnt help Lou. I check he bets 1000 or sumtin so I go all in for the rest of my stack about 2475. Lou thinks and thinks .. I think great he is gonna fold.. But Lou calls with his kq off suit. and wins.. I go home brokenhearted for making it so far.:( But hey I had fun. It was great to make it as far as I did.. Thanks LOu .. Good luck with the rest of the heads ups...

  • Alright Lou. Looks like it's you and me.

    PM me when you are available. Tuesdays and Thursdays are generally not good for me. I work during the day and thus am only able to play at night, unless it's on the weekend.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

  • Congrats, Lou!

    With Lou's win that means we are only a round behind now. So, Cole v. Jenn and Tye v. Lou now have 1 week from today to arrange their matches.

    Please have them arranged by Nov 30th.

    On a side note, the two matches above are "In the Money" matches. The winner's of those matches will be guaranteed at least a 4th place, in the money, finish, so GOOD LUCK!!

    PS. Front page finishes and the online standings, have been updated.
  • beanie42 wrote: »
    Rob - what nights is Bristol available next week?

    Monday through Wednesday is open next week. (Possibly also Thursday if one of Tye or Wes is home)
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