Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • i can play tonight if u want ???
  • DrTyore wrote: »

    So it looks like Bristol will be playing an actual BSC that night.. perhaps we need to reschedule fellas?


    I won't be playing in the BSC, so I am available for heads-up action. If it doesn't work for everyone, then we should reschedual. Thursday or next Monday are good for me, anyone else?

  • Thursday, or next wednesday / Thursday works for me

    (Mondays are dodgeball now)

  • Anyone happen to hear how Dave/Lou went?

    In sad news, Gow has had to back out, so the winner of this match will jump directly to Jeremy.
  • Just got word that Lou moves on in the tournament, gets a bye over Gow and will now face "2BULLETS" Jeremy as his next match.

    Lou/Jeremy have until Nov. 14th to arrange and play thier match. (And, as the new DQ rule states, if both are making a solid effort to get together, a 7 day extension will be given)

    We're close to caught up though, so I'm hoping we can get this one done sooner than later.

  • I am free to play my match Thursday of this week, or even Friday afterternoon. If you would like to play at my place Lou, let me know. Other than that I am free Sunday - Wednesday next week. Please let me know, as soon as possible Lou.

  • Yea faster guys.. Then i get to play again :) :wav:
  • 8ball wrote: »
    I won't be playing in the BSC, so I am available for heads-up action. If it doesn't work for everyone, then we should reschedual. Thursday or next Monday are good for me, anyone else?


    Hey Eddy.

    Since you didn't respond, I'll assume tonight is off. I'm available this Thursday, Friday and Sunday, next Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Next Thursday can be arranged with enough notice.

    I'll cordinate with Cole and Mark tonight to try and getour matchs on the same night.


  • yea ill be there maybe a bit late let rob now thankd alot iam leaving now to kitchnear caio
  • Okay...

    Eddy / Tye
    Mark / Cole

    WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15! Is it good for all? Good for me! 7:30ish?

  • 2BULLETS wrote: »
    I am free to play my match Thursday of this week, or even Friday afterternoon. If you would like to play at my place Lou, let me know. Other than that I am free Sunday - Wednesday next week. Please let me know, as soon as possible Lou.


    Lets go with Friday afternoon -- say around 1:30. PM with a venue -- your place would be fine.

  • Lou,

    Sorry I didn't get back to you, but I had to take care of some personal matters on Friday. I will be available next Monday afternoon/evening, as well as Wednesday afternoon/evening. Let me know. If you want to call me, that would probably be easier, 519-496-1358. Talk to you soon!

  • DrTyore wrote: »

    Eddy / Tye
    Mark / Cole

    WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15! Is it good for all? Good for me! 7:30ish?


    I LOVE it! Wednesday is perfect for me.

    At Bristol or is there another location people would prefer?(Bristol is available)

  • Bristol seems to work since everyone knows where that is.

  • Sadly, I won't be there Wednesday, but other's are welcome to come over and play thier matches that night.

    Jeremy/Lou - YOU HAVE TWO MORE DAYS LEFT TO CHOOSE A DATE FOR YOUR MATCH. Please do so, quickly.
  • To ensure this comes to and end, I'm including one more rule to get this over with. Once again, if you feel slighted by this rule, I'll refund your entry fee..

    Final Play Date: Sunday, Dec 10th @ 1pm

    The remaining tournament (ie. all matches left to be played) will be played on Sunday Dec, 10th. If there are only a few remaining competitor, I'm willing to anytime the week before if it maches everyone's schedule.

    Any one that doesn't show for the final play date is DQ'd. (Obviously, I'm willing to be as accomodating as possible so that this doesn't happen)

    If you'd rather not play a lot of matches that day, or are unable to, then ensure your matches finish before that day comes.

    Once Wed's games are complete, I'll send a email with this info to the remaining players.

    Next year, the Final Play date will be announced at the beginning of the tournament.
  • Aww Come on guys.. sheesh If I can make it to games and I live and work in Bradford .. surely you guys can get togther and get this done.. PLEASE.. I dont want to have to back out of this becuase of work and stuff.. So i beg you to go faster and faster.. :) thanks
  • Zithal wrote: »
    Sadly, I won't be there Wednesday, but other's are welcome to come over and play thier matches that night.

    Jeremy/Lou - YOU HAVE TWO MORE DAYS LEFT TO CHOOSE A DATE FOR YOUR MATCH. Please do so, quickly.

    I posted on Saturday the days I would be available this week. Lou, I can play either Wednesday or Thursday. Please call me on my home phone at 5192081138 as soon as you read this. I will expect you call. If you can't play during those 2 days, call and we can talk about an alternative.


  • Lou,

    Let me know if you can make it over to Rob's tonight? Please call me at (519)4961358

  • I have been trying to get something going with Lou, if anyone sees him or knows how to contact him email me or tell him to look on the forum.


  • wats up tonight 730 eddy woods 8ball mark
  • Its on for tonight...
  • yes its on 730
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Its on for tonight...

  • Cole defeats Mark with 4 minutes and 55 seconds left in the 75/150 level
    Tye is still playing Eddy with Eddy having a chip lead of 9000 - 3000
  • westside8 wrote: »
    Cole defeats Mark with 4 minutes and 55 seconds left in the 75/150 level
    Tye is still playing Eddy with Eddy having a chip lead of 9000 - 3000

    Eddy took it down at 16.5 mins. into the 100/200 level.

    I was sitting with 1450 in chips. J9d on the button. Raise to 500.

    Eddy moves all in. With 1150 left, I call.

    Eddy shows 10-10. No help on the flop, 10 on the turn, my night ends before the hand does.

    Good Game Eddy. Good luck with Shannon.

    As for myself, it seemed the only hands I caught whould be beaten or out kicked. Slightly frustrating.

    I'll post after I check the tourniment board to set up my next match.

  • I'm ready when you are Eddy. I was looking forward to playing you again Tye, another time I'm sure.

  • A great match Cole..

    Personal thoughts; I'm sure Cole pushed me around some, but when he rivered his 2nd pair to my over-pair for a little over 3300, well, he could afford to.

    I think I made generally good folds, as mentioned his rivered two pair, and then when I made the J-high flush on a 4-diamond board with A and Q exposed, well, I had to pay him off. Any other time I hit a pair, the board seemed to have four the the straight and three to the flush, so I didn't get to make a lot of cash.

    A great tourney, and Cole is deserving to move on. GL to the remaining competitors

  • Wow it's almost looking like this thing might come to an end.
  • 2BULLETS vs. Lou

    Lou defeats 2Bullets after 2 hours and 11 minutes. After the play started, we both were playing semi tight and casual. There wasn't much raising preflop, which meant we had to both make some tough reads. The chip lead went back and forth for the first 4 levels until a couple big hands came down.

    The blinds were 75-150 and I was on the button with 88, I called the blind and Lou raised to 500. I called and the flop came down J 8 Q rainbow. Lou leads out with a 1000 bet and I call. The turn is a J, and Lou checks. After thinking for awhile I put Lou on either AQ or AJ, so I go all in. I can't see Lou putting me on a huge hand here, or why would I go all-in. Lou thinks and folds, as he says, "I think you hit the staight". Afterwords he revealed he had AK.

    The hand that turned the momentum though was when the blinds were 100-200 and I pick up JJ on the button. I raise to 700 and Lou calls. The flop comes 2 4 A, and we both check. The turn brings 10, Lou checks to me and I bet out 1500 with a possible flush now on board. Lou looks at me and reraises 2500 more. After going in the tank for what seems like forever, I reluctently fold. Lou told me after our match he flopped the straight.

    After that hand I am down to 3600 in chips and play goes on for another couple levels. I started pushing with any A or suited connectors, but Lou folded every time. Our final hand went like this, blinds are 200-400 and I look down at J10. I call the blind and the flop comes out 2 6 K and we both check. The turn brings a 10 and Lou bets out 1000. I think for a minute and call the rest of my 2400. Lou flips over K4. No help for me on the river, and that's all she wrote for me.

    Great match Lou, and good luck to the rest of the competion still alive.

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