Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • OK More complications... I wont be able to do this week at all ... Due to work
    There is no way in hell I would be able to get to KW then back to Bradford .. for 1:30am start at work both days tuesday or wednesday..
    So we will have to see what my schedule is for next week.. Sorry guys.. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later with my new job... Hopefully next week will work.. I should find out thursady what my work week is like for next week...
  • Oh well.. a little more delay never hurt nobody

  • HOw does monday night or tuesday night sound ... MOnday would be way better for me.... If you guys can please lets do it Monday night :) ...

    Let me know thanks
  • Monday works for me RAW afterward Rob?

  • Monday is good for both Joe and I... ROB!????
    Let us know ...
  • Monday is good!! Huzzah!!

    PS. Does anyone have Comic Book Dave's #? (Please PM it to me) I'd like to get him and Lou playing soon too.
  • GREAT!!! See you Monday night .. say what time... 7ish... :)
  • Works for me.
  • I'll be there around 7:00 - 7:30 ish, since I work until 6:30

  • Great Joe and I should be there about 7 730ish as well... Unless he works late blah work is for the birds.. But i dont see a problem with it...

    See ya Monday night then boys :)
  • I'm there too....but can we find a bar to play in since I Never win at Bristol street. If not I'll try and break my curse of the Bristol street night club and casino.
  • If anyone else would like to play some HU matches, Bristol Street will be open tonight for..

    "Dirty Whore" Mark v. "AcidJoe" Joe
    "Zithal" Rob v. "AcidJoesHo" Aimee

    Mark.. bring your Guitar Hero guitar. I picked up the GH2 demo and we can try out the co-operative mode. :)
  • OMG we've made it to game day with no cancellations. Does that mean we are going to play?

    Curse of Bristol street be gone as I try and take this puppy down.
  • I continued my NEVER win at Bristol street streak. After a back and forth match that went over an hour and a half. I raise with K :c: 8 :s: Mark re raises me with A :c: A :s: I push knowing my K8 is going to suck out. Flop hits me as well as it could K s K h 3 s Mark is going nuts..... turn J s River .......... A d for the boat. The Ace was the case A as it turns out the other A was burned and one other spade was also burned.

    It was a good game but I"m looking forward to not travelling to KW for a while, or until g2 hosts his next tourney. It was a great run, thanx to Rob for hosting it.
  • Only reason i havent palyed is because there is no point. If we paly win or loose you will ahve to wait some more before the tournament is over so whats the point. If you wait now you get all your matches right away together so you wont be off your game for the matches where you can be eliminated
  • A great game to be sure Joe...

    The CRAZY min-raises... blind... twothree would have been proud. I thought for sure I was going to sell you on that straight... oh well, I sucked out the suckout... great game


    P.S. Eddy, did you and Cole go to school together? Or at least have english together? Wow... :) * joking *
  • In news from last night.

    "Dirty Whore" Mark B d. "AcidJoe" Joe
    "AcidJoesHo" d. "Zithal" Rob L

    The online brackets are now, once again, up to date!

    Not much to report on my match. KT was my downfall twice.

    In other news, this tournament needs to be over before the end of November. Eddy, if playing a match now, prevent potential scheduling conflicts in the future, then play the match.

    Lou and Dave NEED to get together now and finish thier match. If Gow is reading this, I'd like to get the three of us together to bang off a couple matches as the Lou/Dave 2 month holdup has now put that side ***4 MATCHES BEHIND*** everything else.

    I'm going to start harrassing people a lot in the coming weeks. Find free time to play or please drop out, so that we can get this thing moving.
  • Looking ahead, does anyone have contact info for Gow?
  • Hey Mark when are you free ???
  • Nothing to report in our match ROB!!!! OMG... That was the hardest match I have played so far.. I was very much down in chips working my way back winning small pots,when Rob decides to go all in with AQ I called all in with my first KT.flop brought me a K.. and no help for Rob..That hand doubled me up nicely, And having more chips thenI thought I had.. Putting Rob with I
    believe it was about 4 grand in chips... Not wanting to double him back up I folded and only gave him back about 1000 or so.. Then the next KT I get I raise and ROb goes all in.. I get a count on Robs chips.. he has something like 2600 after calling my raise.. I decide to call.. We turn our cards over and Robs goes OH NO NOT KT again.. flop has Rob winning with high card A.. turn has Rob winning with high card A.. River oh yes the River has me taking Rob out with the T... It was a very good game Rob... :)
  • Hey Cole

    Best nights are Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday... what nights work best for you and Eddy? That way you save another trip, we can play while eddy and tye (finally) play, and Rob avoids an aneurysm...

  • Congrats Mark, you're a great player and REALLY deserve to have made it this far!! Wooohhooo yeahhh!!!

  • well iam good for tommrow at zithals if u want and i can try and get eddy to come too
  • well iam good for tommrow at zithals if u want and i can try and get eddy to come too

    Oh... I was talking next week... this Thursday I got some things to do... check with Eddy, and I can make it Monday, Wed, or Thurs of next week if that's cool with Rob

  • Hi all,

    As we're all aware, this tournament has been going on forever and it needs to come to an end very, very soon. I'm instituting a new rule that will hopefully encourage play to speed up. This new rule will start on Monday, Nov. 6th.


    If you're in a match that's behind the rest of the tournament, you have 7 days to catch up and play your match.

    1. If both players are making a visible, sincere effort to arrange a time, but it just isn't working, you get a 7 day extension to come up with a new match.

    2. If one player is making a sincere effort and the other is not, the player that is not will be disqualified from the tournament and his opponent gains a bye.

    3. If both players are not making an effort to arrange thier match, both players are disqualified.

    I don't like that I'm introducing this rule part way through, but something needs to be done as this is effecting the 2006 Player of the Year race and the upcoming Grand Final.

    If this rule causes you get DQ'd and you feel slighted by it, because it wasn't stated when you signed up, I will personally refund your entrance fee out of my own pocket.

    In related news. I need to get a hold of Gow immediately, as I fear he's out of the city. If someone has contact info for him, please forward it to me ASAP.

    Also in related news, Lou v Dave is taking place on the 6th.
  • Ok 8ball and Mark me and eddy can play wed at 730
  • Ok 8ball and Mark me and eddy can play wed at 730
  • Wednesday works for me...

    I'll see you at Bristol.

  • Ok 8ball and Mark me and eddy can play wed at 730

    ALRIGHT! Eddy and I can get this thing DONE!

    7:30 at Bristol.

    See you there!

  • Ugh

    So it looks like Bristol will be playing an actual BSC that night.. perhaps we need to reschedule fellas?

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