Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • beanie let me know next open night u can play i dont care when i just wanna keep it simpe iam not good with directions soo next time at robs when u wanna play let me know ill go there.
  • Hey Rob,

    Any idea how the match between DaveK and Lou is shaping up? It's been two weeks (less a day) since the last update, let's get working on this people!! :)

  • I'll send Lou an email tomorrow (Thursday) to let him know when I'm available over the next couple weeks.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Sorry for my invisibilty everyone. Worked blocked the site from work, so it's hard for be to check this with any frequency. Between that and the play I'm directing, things are busy. I've talked with Joe and Aimee and the next time we're free is early October, so I apologize to everyone because I'm going to become the one holding us up.

    I did think this would be over sooner, so I hope no one else minds how long this is taking.
  • Hey Eddy, you still alive? When and where?

  • eddy will play when beanie plays me , we both will come down
  • cole woods wrote:
    eddy will play when beanie plays me , we both will come down

    Isn't he at DisneyWorld for the next couple of weeks?

    Eddy and Tye need to play this match soon! I'm sure stpboy is waiting!
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    cole woods wrote:
    eddy will play when beanie plays me , we both will come down

    Isn't he at DisneyWorld for the next couple of weeks?

    Eddy and Tye need to play this match soon!  I'm sure stpboy is waiting!

    Patiently :'(


  • The end is in sight! Just a few more days to go. Joe/Aimee/Mark - let me know when, in the first week of October you're free. Currently I think I'm good Mon-Thurs.

    After Friday, I'm on a week's holidays from work and won't be back in town til the Monday after Thanksgiving. Hopefully we can get our match in before that.
  • cole woods wrote:
    eddy will play when beanie plays me ,  we both will come down

    Well then ... Beanie, you and I have to get together to plan a match. ... or something like that.
  • First week of October, I should be free Monday, Wednesday (maybe), Thursday and Friday.

  • Hopefully Aimee will know her schedule by Friday night. Once we have that we'll let you know. Right now I should be good for Monday, tuesday and Wednesday.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    cole woods wrote:
    eddy will play when beanie plays me , we both will come down

    Isn't he at DisneyWorld for the next couple of weeks?

    Eddy and Tye need to play this match soon!  I'm sure stpboy is waiting!

    Eddy (& Cole?)

    I might have been hasty with my last post.

    Johnnie has a point. If Beanie is out of town then we might be waiting a couple of weeks. Besides, I don't need anyone to make a special trip. If your in town for another tourniment we might be able to work something, or I might be able to come to you. I have a car and a fair sense of direction. Besides, you must be as anxious as me to see who plays for the "A" side finals vs. stpboy.

    Right now we're ahead of the pack, so to speak. If we wait another two weeks, we'll be holding everyone up.

    So, please, let me know about your schedule and we'll see what night can work.

  • i am back from disney land
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    i am back from disney land

    Were you out of town? If so, how was the trip?

    Beanie, Kanga and their little clan of Kanga/Beanies are away.
  • OK I am free MOnday or Wednesday. even thursday... But JOe is only free Monday or Wednesday.. So I guess pick the day Monday or Wednesday .. that is oct. 2nd and Oct. 4th.. Either one works for me..

  • OK Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday Is good for both of us.... ROB, MARK >>>>

    Anyone ???? Hello out there :)
  • I think Monday works for me.... then we could watch RAW Rob!! :)

  • i wasnt out of tonw iw as just doing a bunch of stuf....brent y arnt u on msn nemore?
  • Wednesday is my preference if that's ok with Mark.
  • Hrm... sure.. I can do wednesday

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Isn't he at DisneyWorld for the next couple of weeks?
    Yup - sorry for being so quiet, didn't have time to check the forum during the last week.  Disney was a blast (anyone interested can check Jenn's blog from the week at and our timing was incredible.  We rarely waited in line for more than 10 minutes, we saw almost every show and went on almost every ride at all 4 parks, and the free meal plan Jenn found was worth over 2k (I'm still full ;) ).  The family is very glad they let Daddy play so much poker...
    8ball wrote:
    Beanie, Kanga and their little clan of Kanga/Beanies are away.
    I like to think of them as "Beanie Babies"  :D
    8ball wrote:
    cole woods wrote:
    eddy will play when beanie plays me ,  we both will come down
    Well then ... Beanie, you and I have to get together to plan a match. ... or something like that.
    I'm back home for a few days of work, then flying back down to bring the family home.  I'm available to play tonight or tomorrow (Oct. 2 or 3) if that works for you guys, but then I won't be available till late next week (after Thanksgiving).  I can make it to Rob's (if Tye wants to host) or you're welcome to come to my place.  An earlier start (anytime after 6pm) is preferable if that works, since I have some late-night work to do after 9:30pm tonight.  PM me or post and we'll try to work something out.
  • Wednesday it is then.
  • I looked at the last entry (Thursday). How come Papa Beanie is the only one who hasn't sold out to Disney and become a corporate schill?

    Looks like you had a great time.

    How sick are you of hearing, "It's small world after all"?
  • moose wrote:
    I looked at the last entry (Thursday). How come Papa Beanie is the only one who hasn't sold out to Disney and become a corporate schill?
    You're forcing me to hi-jack (sorry Zithal). We actually got the Incredibles shirts in Canada (people down there were bugging us about them because nobody could find these ones). This was Jenn's bright idea (no sarcasm) from a book she read - dressing them similiarly made it easy to pick them out of a crowd (which was useful a few times - we didn't lose any of them).
    moose wrote:
    How sick are you of hearing, "It's small world after all"?
    Not at all - they'll remember this trip in 20 years (when all the souvenirs/toys are gone)...
  • Sounds like a blast, Trevor! Wednesday it is then and this Wednesday will also be an open day at Bristol for other head's up matches. If anyone's interested, we can also do a SnG after the Heads-up matches are complete.

    See you Wed!!
  • Rob, given the rain of biblical proportions this morning, if it's this way later this afternoon we won't be coming. Right now there's power outages and flooded roads. If all dries up we'll be there.
  • Ok. I'll check the boards after work. (BTW.. anytime after 7pm is good with me)
  • I won't be able to get there until 7:30 ish... since I' m back to my "normal" work hours.. .I'll 2x check the forum later in the day to see if we're gonna GET IT ON!

  • Hey Joe and Aimee...

    Rob told me to pass on that since Noah's loading up the Ark again, we're gonna cancel the game tonight. We'll figure it out another day

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