Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  •   When i realized I was to play Brent heads up, I asked Joe how do I play against Brent? Joes advice to me was, Don't let him bully you, come out firing cards in heads up do not matter. So I did just as Joe suggested and it really worked. 

    That's great advice against an ultra aggressive player like Brent. It's easy to say but sometimes hard to apply. Congrats to Joe and Aimee on accomplishing this together. Oh and on your win as well Joe.

  • News for Sept 7...

    - As reported above, Joe and Aimee continue thier climb up the losers brackets after the following matches..

    "AcidJoe" Joe d. "Wolffhound" Dave (Dave out in 13th place)
    "AcidJoesHo" Aimee d. "Prophet 22" Brent (Brent out in 13th place)

    - These wins set up a fun evening; Joe v. Mark and Aimee v. myself.

    - Standings and the brackets have been updated!

  • Joe and Aimee:

    When are you guys free? I think Rob said the next Bristol street open night is Wednesday of next week? I should be able to make that

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Joe and Aimee:

    When are you guys free? I think Rob said the next Bristol street open night is Wednesday of next week? I should be able to make that


    Yeah. But there might be an event going on... just a rumor of course. Since I'm going to be the annoying one with the crappy schedule, I'll mention my current free days in Sept...

    Sept 12, 15, 19, 20. Everything else is booked.

    btw... If Joe and Aimee are coming into town again, we should extend the evening with a trip out for dinner or pints or something, either before or after we play.

  • 19 and 20th I"m at a conference. 15th is tough with the Royal Cup being the next day and then I"m in a golf tourney on the 17th. I'll have to check on the 12th with Aimee's work schedule. If we did the 15th we would stay in KW area for sure. Aimee won't get her work schedule until tomorrow for next week.
  • hey beanie up for a game tonight ?
  • Sept. 12th acutally works for me.. IF it is a go for everyone else.. Lets do that day... I will talk to Joe when he gets home from work tonight... :)

    Looking forward to this game... *wink*
  • I'm like 90% sure the 12th won't work for me

  • stpboy wrote:

    That's great advice against an ultra aggressive player like Brent.  It's easy to say but sometimes hard to apply.  Congrats to Joe and Aimee on accomplishing this together.  stp

    How the hell did we accomplish this together? Please let me smoke some of your good smoke. (See my signature as to why). I didn't realize discussing poker strategy with someone amounted to collusion which you seem to be implying? She played the game with no help from me. Please think before you post as you are starting to really be annoying.
  • Oh god...

    <DrTyore zips up his abestos suit>

    Okay... I"m ready

  • Joe,

    You know I have no problem with you and Aimee discussing a strategy on how to play me. I talked to several people before going into a big tournament. Getting advice on how to do things. I will say Aimee smashed me all by herself! The comment I made about you seeing the straight was in reference to the fact that you guys paused, because I was all in and you noticed the straight before I did.

    I will see you guys Sunday and good luck in the next match.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • cole woods wrote:
    hey beanie up for a game tonight ?
    I really want to play (I didn't play at all last night, and I want to get this match done), but I'm simply in no shape to play.  I've been up working for around 40 hours, and still got a bit more to finish before I can finally sleep.  Besides, what sort of "legend" would you have if you blind me out while I sleep instead of outplay me? ;)
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    stpboy wrote:

    That's great advice against an ultra aggressive player like Brent.  It's easy to say but sometimes hard to apply.  Congrats to Joe and Aimee on accomplishing this together.  stp

    How the hell did we accomplish this together?   Please let me smoke some of your good smoke. (See my signature as to why).  I didn't realize discussing poker strategy with someone amounted to collusion which you seem to be implying?  She played the game with no help from me.  Please think before you post as you are starting to really be annoying. 

    Aimee had said that you had given her advice on how to play against Brent. You being the more experienced player, I would think that she took your, very good, advice. I saw absolutely nothing wrong with it at all. If I give another player advice on how to counter anothers style I take some credit in their victory, I was merely giving credit where I thought it was due and not at all trying to insinuate collusion. Perhaps you need to take a hit off your own herb and relax. I also like how you pursposely deleted the part where I congratulated you specifically on winning your match. A touch of class Joe, a touch of class.
    Let's get back on topic now, keep the flame wars for PM's.

  • Oh and on your win as well Joe.

    Ok well if that's congratulations, I guess I'll take it.  It seemed to be more of an afterthought than anything else. I ain't the one that needs to relax. 
  • DrTyore wrote:
    I'm like 90% sure the 12th won't work for me


    If the 12th doesn't work for Mark, how about the 15th. I know it's the day before the Royal Cup, but if it's a date that works for people, I'd be good for it.

    Looking ahead after that, I think I'm free on the 27th, (and then my schedule's wide open starting Oct.1.)
  • Only problem with that is ... .JOe and I would have to stay in KW for two nights ... I dont know about that.. But I guess we will have to see what Joe says... We have to take to cars as far brampton ... So... And I dont think Joe wants to drive to KW and back ... Then on saturday have to drive all the way back there again...
  • I think the 27th would be good, except we won't know Aimee's work schedule then until the 22nd. If not I'll really have to think about spending 2 nights in KW since I do have a golf tourney the morning after the Ryder in Brampton.
  • what time am i playing at tommorow?
  • beanie are we playing tomorw ??????
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    what time am i playing at tommorow?

    Soft start at 7:30pm. I won't blind you out if you're a little late. :D

  • i cant make it tonight the shcool is having a tryout so sorry i will re scheduale later
  • cole woods wrote:
    beanie are we playing tomorw ??????
    You're welcome to come to my place after 8:30, but I won't be able to get out tonight. PM me if it works and for directions.
  • Rob I really need to bail on friday. I am playing in the TOC at ching hill thursday, have a funeral friday.... RC on Sat and a golf tourney on Sun....I"m supposed to be at a conference on Mon tues and wednesday but that aint going to happen given how busy I am at work.. Reschedule please.
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    i cant make it tonight the shcool is having a tryout so sorry i will re scheduale later

    Spelling Bee team? Get Coal two.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Rob I really need to bail on friday. I am playing in the TOC at ching hill thursday, have a funeral friday.... RC on Sat and a golf tourney on Sun....I"m supposed to be at a conference on Mon tues and wednesday but that aint going to happen given how busy I am at work.. Reschedule please.

    Not a problem. I was about to come here and have to bail for Friday too. :) Current free days in Sept are 20, 22 and 27. (I'm guessing that I can sneak away from some other things the evening of Sat the 23rd.

    Another option, if it comes up, it to play the match at the Royal Cup if us and our partners, exit early from one of the events.

  • I won't speak for Aimee but on the off chance I make an early exit I'd certainly play. I'll bring the laptop with the blinds in if you want to put together some chip sets.
  • stpboy wrote:
    Hey Trevor,

    I'd love to see your pre-tournament predictions sometime posted on here just for interest and discussion sake. If you're not comfortable with that I totally understand, I'd just like to see what you had. Thanks man and GL in your next match. See you in the finals????

    Haddon's thread got me thinking about this again, and I doubt it will happen. Some of my picks were based on a clash of styles between some pretty good players, but others were simply a player being far better than another. Posting them has too much potential for hurting some of the friendships I've developed - sorry.

    The best I can do is give you vague numbers, and everyone can guess based on the actual results. I picked 13 of the 16 first round match-ups correctly. Of the 3 I got wrong, there's 1 I'd pick differently now (it was a player I hadn't played with then, but have since), the other 2 were real surprises to me. Second round I was 4 for 5 (since 3 of my predicted matchups didn't occur).

    And I never thought you'd make it this far Shannon ;) - congrats...
  • Cole - please PM what nights you are available in the next week. We probably can't wait for the next open date, as I am only going to be available for another few days, and then I won't be able to play till mid-October. If you want to get this done soon, we'll have to figure something out quick...
  • beanie42 wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    Hey Trevor,

    I'd love to see your pre-tournament predictions sometime posted on here just for interest and discussion sake.  If you're not comfortable with that I totally understand, I'd just like to see what you had.  Thanks man and GL in your next match.  See you in the finals????

    Haddon's thread got me thinking about this again, and I doubt it will happen.  Some of my picks were based on a clash of styles between some pretty good players, but others were simply a player being far better than another.  Posting them has too much potential for hurting some of the friendships I've developed - sorry.

    The best I can do is give you vague numbers, and everyone can guess based on the actual results.  I picked 13 of the 16 first round match-ups correctly.  Of the 3 I got wrong, there's 1 I'd pick differently now (it was a player I hadn't played with then, but have since), the other 2 were real surprises to me.  Second round I was 4 for 5 (since 3 of my predicted matchups didn't occur).

    And I never thought you'd make it this far Shannon ;) - congrats...

    Cool, thanks for replying. I guess I'm destined to be under-estimated, I can live with that.

  • Hey Eddy,

    I sent you a Personal Message.

    Let's get this thing done.

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