Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • Zithal wrote:
    - "Kanga" Aimee d. "Quickfingers" Anthony (Anothony is out in 17th)

    ???? :(

    Kanga = Jenn... Jenn played Shannon

    and Shannon won

    Do you mean "Acid Joe's Hoe"

  • Zithal wrote:
    Now, while you won't catch me attempting to emulate someone who's drink of choice is a Corona with a lemon shoved in it... (*shudder*, that's fifteen kinds of wrong)
    I prefer lime... I guess that's only fourteen kinds of wrong :D

    Zithal... I'm gonna need to stock up my beer supplies when I move into my new place in the fall. Any suggestions would be appreciated... and I'm willing to drive anywhere in KW to buy it.

  • Kanga = Jenn... Jenn played Shannon and Shannon won
    Great i have to be reminded of that :(
  • g2 wrote:
    Zithal wrote:
    Now, while you won't catch me attempting to emulate someone who's drink of choice is a Corona with a lemon shoved in it... (*shudder*, that's fifteen kinds of wrong)
    I prefer lime... I guess that's only fourteen kinds of wrong :D

    The fact that you care which piece of fruit you put in your beer to disguise the fact that it's served in a clear bottle and hence, naturally skunky, is the sixteenth kind of wrong.
    g2 wrote:
    Zithal... I'm gonna need to stock up my beer supplies when I move into my new place in the fall. Any suggestions would be appreciated... and I'm willing to drive anywhere in KW to buy it.


    What I'm (locally) drinking...

    1) Tankhouse Ale - OMFG it's finally made it way into our market. Took long enough. I've been driving to Guelph to pick up cases of this stuff. This is a quality Ale from a very good brewrey (they do lose marks for their Stock Ale and Organic lager -- f'n clear bottles, but make up for it in seasonals and other styles.) Tankhouse has a strong Malt flavour with a nice hop finish. Plus, the bottle's very cool. If someone can find me a beer store in KW that carries their Coffee Porter, I'll pay your buy-in to the next Bristol Event.
    2) J.R. Brickman Amber/Honey Red - some nice new offerings from the Brick though I am beginning to get a little tired of them. Haven't tried the Lager. Brick traditionally hasn't done Ale's well, (most of what they do is in the Lager family), so this is a nice turnaround for them. I can only hope that the rumored creation of a Cascade only IPA is true.
    3) Magnotta Classic IPA. Since Scotch Irish Sgt. Major IPA is not available in our market, this becomes the default "best" IPA. It's not a spectacular IPA, but it's nice. The hops are noticable and the bitterness doesn't overpower the sweetness of the hop flavour. If Ontario ever develops an IPA palette though, this'll be let in the dust. Keith's is not an IPA.
    4) Wellington County Russian Imperial Stout - usually only available in the LCBO (or at their brewrey, which is close), this is damn fine example of a British Style Imperial Stout. Over the last year, my tastes have gravitated towards American style Imperials
    , but if you're looking for some fine 8.5% Imperial Stout goodness, this is really nice. Spectacular if you can find it on tap.
    5) Delerium Tremens - A Belgium strong Ale served only on tap at Castle on King. I think they ran out which is a crying shame.
    6) Molson Stock Ale - The slumming beer of champsions. Yarrrrrr... it's got an anchor.
    7) Anything else from Wellington - really can't go wrong, though I am beginning to tire of them a bit. The SPA is a nice brew.
    8) Gritstone Ale - nothing special, but quite nice.

    The summer LBCO release was really crappy, but it looks like some fall stuff is coming in which should be fun. My private order of Oak Aged Yeti Imperial Stout and Hercules Double IPA have just arrived, so I'll be spoiling myself over the next couple weeks.

    My apologies for hijacking my own thread... back to heads up action...
  • Thanks to folded for having us out...

    Great game Anthony... It seemed i could not get bad cards lastnight ... first had was 10 10 ... And after that i Think i had maybe 2 or 3 hands i had to fold... Not many big pots between us.. IT was mostly i raise and Anthony folded.. One big pot we did have i won on the river ... I will admit I should not have called to the river ... But after watching him fold and fold and seeing a few hands he did call... I thought i have nothing to lose.. Which I didn't i rivered him for a pair..

    Last hand of the night ... I had AQo.. Anthony had I think it was J9o... Flop came down 4 8 Q .... Anthony went all in and i called and no help for Anthony as my Q's held up to take it down..

    Now comes the really really hard one I have to try my best to beat THE PROPHET 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Now comes the really really hard one I have to try my best to beat THE PROPHET 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Congrats. on your win last night!  I must say that after my first match with Folded there were two persons I wanted to avoid KangaX5 and Acid Joe's Hoe.  I saw and remember what you did to westside8 in March, I was at the same table.  If Wolfhound is able to host, I can make my way over there so he can play Joe if I read the brackets right.  Pick a day and I will be ready.  Or if you want to play at the Airport Club on a friday night, late me know I can fo that as well.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • Well Maybe if we can get wolfhound to come friday night we could do it.. Ill talk to Joe in the morning and see...
    I want to get this over with as soon as possible.. And bulling me is not gonna work THE PROPHET22 !!!!!!! :):) *WINK*
  • And bulling me is not gonna work THE PROPHET22 !!!!!!! :):) *WINK*

    Me a bully? I haven't been called that for a long long time. But I do look forward to the challenge. The thing is, I know a secret. But will keep it it too myself for now.

    Looking forward to the match.

    Heck if we can't play at Daves, let's meet in a bar half way, I am sure Jow will come and maybe even deal for us.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I'll gladly host. Hockey is done till the week of the 18th. So, most/all weeknights I'm good.
  • Hey Trevor,

    I'd love to see your pre-tournament predictions sometime posted on here just for interest and discussion sake. If you're not comfortable with that I totally understand, I'd just like to see what you had. Thanks man and GL in your next match. See you in the finals????

  • Now What kinda secret do you know.....

    Better watch out Prophet22 ... Acidjoe has been teachin me some wild and crazy moves :):) *WINK*

    I look forward to playing you...
  • You are a bully..... You've pushed me of AA on an AKK flop..... I new you hit quads..... :). At least it's not me playing you. She has a guardian angel on her side so beware Brent.
  • wed should be good i just got fired from my job lol :D i will let u kno by tuesady for sure
  • 8ball wrote:
    Eddy11 wrote:
    i have baseball thrusday n theres a parrty firday

    Alright ... Next week probably seems best as I won't be checking the forum after Friday.

    How about Wednesday.  No later than 8:30pm. At Bristol.

    Alright, my plans have changed a little. I'm now available Tuesday night. Let me know if that might work.

    If you have another location in mind, let me know. I have chips and a timer if needed.
  • eddy vs 8 ball and beanie vs hollywoods tuesday does that sound good to everyone
  • cole woods wrote:
    eddy vs 8 ball and beanie vs hollywoods tuesday  does that sound good to everyone
    Nope. As mentioned in my PM last week, this week is unlikely for me. "Back-to-school week" is simply too busy with a big family. Maybe late in the week or on the weekend, but definitely not Tuesday or Wednesday.
  • hey beanie just let me know when u can play monday is good if u can if not thats cool just let me know
  • Eddy,

    We still on for Wednesday? Let me know.

  • Zithal wrote:
    beanie42 wrote:
    I'm looking forward to it "Legend", but Bristol isn't running tonight.  You're welcome to come play at my place tonight (after 8pm), or we could hook up at Rob's tomorrow night.
    leg-end [lej-unnd]
    1. a nonhistorical or unverifiable story
    —Synonyms 1. Legend, fable, myth refer to fictitious stories

    Come on Beanie, he's not a "Legend", he's a "Legend Killer".   You see, Cole is attempting to emulate one of the biggest douches in WWE history, Randy Orton.  Of all the people to try and emulate....

    Now, while you won't catch me attempting to emulate someone who's drink of choice is a Corona with a lemon shoved in it... (*shudder*, that's fifteen kinds of wrong)... Cole is feel to idolize any douche he wishes and cop his gimmick.  It's a free country.

        Hey Rob..

        Orton is a bigger douche then you thought if he calls himself "the Legend Killer".

        The band "the Legend Killers" named themselves after a wrestler's rant in 1985* . The wrestler came out before a match** and declared "I am the Legend Killer!".

         "Rowdy" Roddy Piper is the Legend Killer.The rest, as you have so succinctly  put it,are douches.

        Dave " I am 'the Legend Killer' Honorific Expounder" Kostis.

        * Wikipedia says Orton was born in 1980.

          **I think it was at "the War to Settle the Score".
  • News for Sept 6th..

    - In our most recent match...

    "magithighs" Lou d. Nicole, sending Nicole out in 25th.

    - Tonight is an open night at Bristol St.! If you plan on playing a game here this evening (I hear rumors that Tye v. Eddy will be taking place), please post and let me know when I can expect you.

    - Standings and the online brackets are now updated.

    - Next's weeks free night will also be Wednesday which may or may not correspond with another event. :)
  • We are still on at your house tonight Dave with Joe and Aimee?

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I'm assuming so, I'll bring a laptop with the blinds programmed in. I'm assuming Brent will have cards and chips. But I can bring them if he can't dig them out.
  • I think Dave has chips. I have nothing in town Joe if you want to bring something as a back up.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • I think Dave has chips.   I have nothing in town Joe if you want to bring something as a back up.

    Prophet :2h :2s

    Dave has everything and is ready, gl all!
  • Computer/cards/chips/table are all ready to go...7:30...
  • P.s....there is limited to no parking on Michelle Crt...please park across the street from the newly constructed houses at the end of the court (On Bankside/Michelle Crt).
  • Don't ban me, I'm not bumping....thanks to Brent, Aimee and Joe for stopping in tonight. GG all.

    Congrats to AcidJoe on his convincing win. GL from here on out.

    AcidJoe d Wolffhound
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    Don't ban me, I'm not bumping....thanks to Brent, Aimee and Joe for stopping in tonight.  GG all.

    Congrats to AcidJoe on his convincing win.  GL from here on out.

    AcidJoe d  Wolffhound

    I"m not sure how convincing it was. I was losing the all in final hand until the A dropped on the river to give me the straight. If you had any cards earlier it could have been fire works as you didn't even call the BB when I had AA (three times) and QQ (twice). If I don't suck out we are pretty much even again with the blinds going up to 150/300.

    Well played game and thanks for hosting us. It's been fun. Now on to Mark.
  • Dave,

    Thanks for hosting tonight! Well I must say that I it was quite an interesting match tonight with Aimee, I knew her lessons (the secret) with Joe could pay big dividends and be the bump in the road fir me to contnue with this tournament, and I was right.

    Aimee gave me a good ol a$$ whipping. She came out firing from the get go and didn't let up the whole match. By the 50/100 level I found myself down to 650 in chips. Threes times I went all in and three times all I got were the blinds. Final the fourth time, she had had enough and called and I doubled. She then went back to her aggressive style and put me back down to 650. She looks at my stack and says I will put you all in again. I look down and see Gretzky and call. She has K 10, I dodge and double up. Then back to her agreesive style and I found myself back to 650 again. She says I will put you all in, I see K 2 off and say call, she turns over 44. Flop comes 10 9 8, turn is a 7 and the river is a 6, I thought I lost and Joe say straight on board, I look again and couldn't believe my luck and hope things are going to turn around.

    The blinds are 75/150 and I double up and then double up again. We steal blinds a few times. I have 2900 in chips and am dealt 86 off in the big blind. Aimee calls and I check. Flop comes 7 7 Q, I bet 300 she calls, turn 9, I check she checks, river is a 10. I know she is going for the steal thinking she has a 7 or maybe even a Q. So I think I have her and check she goes
    "I am all in." It then dawns on me that J 8 beats me and I think I shouldn't call, but alas I announce I have a straight wait a few seconds and say "cal"l and she says "so do I" and I think chop pot as we did the last time I had my only other straight, and she says "it is to the Q" and I realize she had Jack 8.

    Aimee you played very well tonight as I expected you would. Good thing I am a Ryder Cup Captain and get to choose the person I am going to play in the heads up portion. I know it won't be you!

    Good luck next match!

    See you Sunday.

    Prophet :2h :2s
  • OMG !!! I BEAT BRENT.....

    Thanks Dave... For having us over to play ... Was great night..

    IT was a great game... As Brent said I did come out firing.. When the blinds are 25/25 and I just kept making it at least 200 more for him to call. I thought this was the end for me.  When i realized I was to play Brent heads up, I asked Joe how do I play against Brent? Joes advice to me was, Don't let him bully you, come out firing cards in heads up do not matter. So I did just as Joe suggested and it really worked.  Well apparently my poker angel seems to be working for me *wink*  :D
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