Bristol St. presents... The 2006 Bristol Street Heads-Up Championship (Waterloo)



  • 800OVER wrote:
    Anybody know Trevor's screen name so I can PM him and set up a match?
    Trevor is beanie42
  • 8ball wrote:
    8ball wrote:
    Eddy11 wrote:
    friday is good.... time??

    7:30 or 8pm?

    If tonight is no good, how about Monday at the same time?

    7:30 or 8pm. At Bristol St. -- I *think* Rob would prefer to be around because the winner is guaranteed 3rd place money.

    O.K. -- Monday didn't work.

    Thursday (no later than 8:30pm) or Friday night. At Bristol.

    CALL ME if you have any other ideas.
  • i have baseball thrusday n theres a parrty firday
  • folded wrote:
    Joe we could play at my place on Wed nite?

    That's fine by me (I need directions) Aimee is going to play Anthony that night is it possible for them to play there? That way she isn't dropping me off and then driving to KW.
  • Is tonight an open Bristol Street night or will I be playing Jenn on her home turf? Pm sent to trevor in re: to our match tonight. It should be a battle!

  • You can play here too.. Doesn't matter to me.....
  • stpboy wrote:
    Is tonight an open Bristol Street night or will I be playing Jenn on her home turf? Pm sent to trevor in re: to our match tonight. It should be a battle!


    I got pulled into a Board meeting for a group I'm part of, so I'm not able to make tonight an open night. My apologies.
  • Zithal wrote:
    I got pulled into a Board meeting for a group I'm part of, so I'm not able to make tonight an open night. My apologies.
    Can't you just leave the key under the doormat? :D

  • Zithal wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    Is tonight an open Bristol Street night or will I be playing Jenn on her home turf?  Pm sent to trevor in re: to our match tonight.  It should be a battle!


    I got pulled into a Board meeting for a group I'm part of, so I'm not able to make tonight an open night.  My apologies.

    How about tomorrow night then. I am playing cory and Aimee is playing Anthony.
  • I'll be at Trevors/Jenns tonight at 8pm to play.

  • To keep everyone informed. Cory and I will play tomorrow as will Anthony and Aimee. HMMMM any bets on the over under for folded and me? LOL
  • Joe
    I will do what I did for Ron.. I will push first hand..
    I ended up having AK and Ron laid down 2 2
  • If I get a hand like 22 I call.   

    Do you need me to bring anything laptop with the blinds chips etc?
  • If you could bring laptop that would be great...
    I have chips.. Hopefully you will know what we need chip wise, etc
  • I'm sure everyone is eager to hear the result of my match with Jenn tonight, as the tournament goes on the matches appear to be getting tougher and tougher.  Tonight was no different, I give Jenn a lot of respect, everyone that she has eliminated has spoken about how well she plays.  Here are some hands that we were involved in. 

    First hand, everyone has told me how aggressive she has been so I limp in with A3 planning on calling her down with anything.  Jenn checks.  Flop comes  3 5 8.  Jenn bets and I call with A3.  Turn 9.  Jen bets 200.  I call.  River completes a flush but doesn't improve my bottom pair, Jenn and I both check.  She shows two pair (89).  Nice read me...  :D

    Blinds 100/200.  Jenn raises to 700 I call in the BB with 78d.  Flop comes Jh 2c 3c.  At this point Jenn only has about 2500 back as I've been chipping away at her.  I check and Jenn checks, I'm suspicious but pleased.  Turn 10h.  Check, Check.  Hmmm.  River 8c.  I check and Jenn bets out 800.  I think about it and analyse what she would have done with and J, 10 or flush draw on either the flop or turn and I'm certain I see a push.  I call and she shows A9.  I scoop the pot and scoop some more confidence.  I hadn't made great reads at all tonight, like paying off her Aces with my 44 on a board with 5 overcards.  This hand was a turning point I felt.

    Another hand, I'm actually thinking this one was earlier.  Jenn limps in with JJ, I raise it up with KQo.  Jenn just flat calls.  Flop KQQ.  I fire out 1/3 of the pot.  Jen folds.  Great read, I show my Q...and then my K.  It was a friendly match. 

    The match ended up taking about 2 hours to play in all and was fairly passive for the most part without any big confrontations.  Jenn and I spoke about the result afterwards and she conceded that she maybe didn't play as well as she typically does.  I agree, although she still played very well.  I was expecting a very aggressive match from her which I really didn't see.  I ended up winning when my pot committing raise (Jenn only had 1700 in front of her with blinds 200/400) with K2d beat her A9 after the flop showed an A and the turn and river hit kings.  I look forward to playing Jenn another time when she guarantees she'll bring her 'A' game.

    Thanks for the hospitality Jenn and Trevor.  Pleasure to spend that time with you two!

  • Congrats Shannon on you win last night! You deserved it.

    I tried to change it up a bit since He knew that i was hyper agressive but... in the end i only confused myself :)

    As Shannon said he took the lead and never looked back! Good game! (Maybe I should have kept the marbles?)

  • News for Aug 30...

    - "stpboy" d. "kanga" to become our first guaranteed money finisher. Jenn guarantees herself at least a 5th place finish.

    - I'm still missing 5 buy-ins from the following people; "Quickfingers", "magithighs", "800Over", "OnTilt98", "TNORTH" . Please get this to me as soon as you can.

    - If you're having trouble locating your opponent, please contact me. I'll help as much as I can.

    - Online brackets have now been updated!

    - Good luck to the games happening this evening. :)
  • Joe/Anthony

    I will be home at 7. Feel free to stop by after that for our match

  • 7:00 start...

    Folded? Joe? Who won?
  • 745ish start,, I;ll call you at 750 to come play
  • Aimee beat Anthony in about 25 min

    I'm all in for the rest of my chips, $2600 with KJ. Joe calls with QJ.

    Q on the flop.
    I lose
  • Thanks folded for the use of your table chips and having us over. Thanks to Anthony for coming out to cambridge so we could do the double header.

    Aimee and Anthony's game went to early 2nd blind level. I'll let her post the details.

    Folded and me went half way through the 3rd blind level. After folded promised to push first hand (which didn't happen) we got into a medium sized pot, which we chopped both having Q3. I had decided to be the aggressor and raised about 8 out of 10 hands. I had slowly chipped away at him and got the chip lead. For good or bad (they turned out good) I made some calls against him strictly because it was him. One hand in particular he tried to represent the K on the turn and the river again when it paired. I was sure he didn't have the K, but was worried that my Q would be outkicked. It turned out not to be the case.

    He did get his money in on the last hand ahead (had me dominated KJ to QJ but was fortunate enough to hit the Q to take it down. 10 10 was the hand of the night with that being dealt about 7 times between the two of us.

    Good game and thanks for having us over.
  • Eddy11 wrote:
    i have baseball thrusday n theres a parrty firday

    Alright ... Next week probably seems best as I won't be checking the forum after Friday.

    How about Wednesday. No later than 8:30pm. At Bristol.
  • Tonight was a battle, and I almost finished faster than my match with Rob. The first level was all rivers, none in my favor. I flopped top pair and the board paired on the turn, but Nik rivered the flush. I flopped top 2 pair but Nik rivered trip 2's. I flopped a set, and again, Nik rivered a flush. At the end of the first level I was down to 1300 chips.

    The pivotal hand of the match (for me at least) was mid-way through the second level. Nik raised to pre-flop and I called with KJo. The flop came down J-high, and I checked intending to check-raise. Unfortunately, he checked behind, and the turn was an A. My read pre-flop was that he had an A, so while I was prepared to get all my chips in on the flop, or even on a non-A turn, I had to let it go when Nik raised. Nik showed AJ for 2-pair, and I'm happy it was an A. Any other card and I'm out.

    Shortly after that, things turned around for me. Still in the second level and with only 875, I raised with 88, and Nik re-raised me all-in. I called and he showed AJo. He flopped the A, but I rivered the set, and I was starting to come-back.

    I was able to gain the chip-lead in the third level, and then we battled back and forth for a couple levels. Midway through the 5th level I took the chip lead, and slowly built up my lead. When we finally entered the 7th level (200/400) Nik was down to 1500 chips, and 4 minutes in, we got all the chips in with my Q9s against his Q6o. Flop brought a 6 but the turn was my 9, and the river was a Q for both of us.

    It was a great match, and I'm lucky that A turned in the second level, or I would never have recovered from my 13-1 deficit. Congratulations on a well-played game Nik. I look forward to playing with you again.
  • cole woods wrote:

    Congrats on your win Trevor, you and cole should be a nice match. Let us know when it is.
    I may just start coming to watch some of these as I could see one of you in the W or L bracket final.

  • cole woods wrote:
    I'm looking forward to it "Legend", but Bristol isn't running tonight.  You're welcome to come play at my place tonight (after 8pm), or we could hook up at Rob's tomorrow night.
    leg-end [lej-unnd]
    1. a nonhistorical or unverifiable story
    —Synonyms 1. Legend, fable, myth refer to fictitious stories
  • Sounds like beanie's hosting a game tonight!


    No... seriously... anyone?

  • News for Aug 31...

    A number of games took place last night...

    - "AcidJoe" Joe d. "folded" Cory (Cory is out in 17th)
    - "AcidJoesHo" Aimee d. "Quickfingers" Anthony (Anthony is out in 17th)
    - "beanie42" Trevor d. "800Over" Nik (Nik is out in 13th)

    - There is a Casual Friday at Bristol tomorrow evening. Consider it an open night for Heads-up matches.

    - Next week, Bristol's open night will be on Wednesday. (Sept 6)

    - Have a great holiday weekend!
  • beanie42 wrote:
    I'm looking forward to it "Legend", but Bristol isn't running tonight. You're welcome to come play at my place tonight (after 8pm), or we could hook up at Rob's tomorrow night.
    leg-end [lej-unnd]
    1. a nonhistorical or unverifiable story
    —Synonyms 1. Legend, fable, myth refer to fictitious stories

    Come on Beanie, he's not a "Legend", he's a "Legend Killer". You see, Cole is attempting to emulate one of the biggest douches in WWE history, Randy Orton. Of all the people to try and emulate....

    Now, while you won't catch me attempting to emulate someone who's drink of choice is a Corona with a lemon shoved in it... (*shudder*, that's fifteen kinds of wrong)... Cole is feel to idolize any douche he wishes and cop his gimmick. It's a free country.
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