

  • Congrats on the great game money finishers and on the win Trevor!  Housekeeping note: The 3rd quote in the post above was not from me, Trevor didn't own me his A9 in my hand did though :)

  • Thanks everyone for a geat game.

    Congrats Trevor and Josh - and everyone for playing a tough 4 games.

    Mark - Thank you again for organizing all of us bums.

    Shannon - Thanks for providing us with an excellent venue to drink and play poker and drink.

    It was very interesting to see how the texture of the game changed from the first KWGM - the different players and the relatively even final table chips stacks clearly affected yesterday's game.

    I look forward to the excitement and challenges of KWGM3!

    Thanks again everyone
  • TNORTH wrote:
    Thanks everyone for a geat game.

    Congrats Trevor and Josh - and everyone for playing a tough 4 games.

    Mark - Thank you again for organizing all of us bums.

    Shannon - Thanks for providing us with an excellent venue to drink and play poker and drink.

    I completly agree.

    Thanks to everyone for the great game.

    Once again, I applogize for my stench. :D

  • I started the tournament with 15,500, barely above average.  I blinded out until early in the second level (50/100) I picked up AQo.  I raised to 175 from CO+1, and Josh called from the button.  Flop was AAK rainbow, I bet 250, and Josh raised another 600.  I was pretty certain I was good, but I decided to let Josh take control of the betting, and I just called.  The turn was another K, I checked and Josh bet another 600, I called.  River was a rag, I immediately checked, and Josh bet 1600.  Now I had a hard decision, whether to call or raise.  I was fairly certain I was good, but there was an outside chance Josh had me beat.  More likely though was a split, and I didn't see any point betting that, and I didn't think he'd call me without an A.  Finally I decided to just call, and he quickly mucked.

    Soon after, I played a very speculative hand, limping from UTG+1 with 6c 8c. I didn't play a hand in the first 50 minutes, so I thought if I hit this flop, it would be fairly well disguised.  Unfortunately, Dave raised right after me to 150, and he's probably the only player at the table as tight as I am.  However, the Mario called from the CO and the SB call behind, so I call with those odds.  The flop came down 5c 7c ?, checked to Dave who bet 400, Mario calls, and I call with my open-ended straight-flush draw.  Turn is an offsuit 10, I check, Dave checks, and Mario bets 800.  I call, Dave folds, the river blanks, and Mario and I both check.  Mario shows A-high and wins.  This hand frustrated me a bit because I hit a great flop but never completed my hand, so I lost quite a bit, and as the hand played out, a river bet probably would have stolen me the pot.

    I blinded through the 50/100 level, and during the 75/150 level, my first key hand came up.  However, I will go back to the third preliminary game to set this up.  I had JJ UTG and raised, folded to the BB (Josh) who re-raised, and I called.  Flop came down AQx rainbow, Josh raised, and I folded, telling him his A was good.  He then showed 66, which really bugged me.  So back to the current game.  I had AQo in the CO, I made it 525, and Josh raised 1100 more from the blinds. Flop came down K-high with 2 spades, Josh bet 2000.  Sound familiar?  I insta-called.  Flop was another rag, and Josh thought for a few minutes about what to do, since he couldn't figure out why I called so quickly.  His delay told me he was weak enough to be pushed off, and I had also determined not to be pushed off the hand by him like last game.  If he bet, I would raise, if he checked, I'd bet 5k. Finally, he checked, I bet 5k, and he pondered it for awhile.  Finally he folded, claiming he had AA.  He put me on a set because I called so quickly, which wasn't unreasonable since this was only the 3rd hand I'd played in almost 2 hours.  However, this hand was played out once he showed me the 6's in the previous game - I wasn't folding, I'd go home first.  Anyway, if he did have AA, my image and poor read of his weakness saved me, and I was now chip lead by a thin margin with almost 25K.

    During the next level (100/200), I picked up QQ in MP.  I made it 650 to go, and Tom called from the button, so I thought he probably had AT or better, or maybe a mid-pair.  The flop came down J-high with 3 clubs, I bet 800, and Tom raised another 2000.  I decided he probably had AJ, maybe with a single club, and I was good, but I just called to see if another club came.  Unfortunately, a J came on the turn, and I knew I was beat, but it went check/check.  River was a blank, I checked, and Tom bet 1000 (into a massive pot), and I felt compelled to call, and he showed AJo (with no clubs).  Big pot, and I'm back to middle of the pack with about 18K.

    I really tightened up at this point (even for me), as some huge pots started developing, and everyone started getting frisky.  I played a few hands, but nothing memorable, and basically blinded out for the next 5 rounds (3 hours).  My chip stack dropped to just 14K at one point, and I entered the 400/800(100) level with 17.300.  By this time, we were down to 4 players, and Josh had more than 1/2 the chips at the table, Shannon had over 30K, and Tom and I were both around 20K. Then the second (and most important) key hand came up.

    Shannon made it 2800 from the button, so I called from the BB with A3s.  Flop comes down AK4, I check, and Shannon bets 4000.  Now I'm agonizing, as Shannon could have an ace, lower-pair, or 5-high.  I also usually end up on the losing end of big hands with Shannon, and often misread him.  If I call, I only have about 9600 left, so all my chips are going on this hand.  I thought for a long time, and finally decided that Shannon didn't have the ace (and I stated this) and pushed all-in.  Shannon thought for a minute, wondering if I just put on a great "hollywood" act and whether I actually had him beat or not.  The bells finally started ringing - he has the ace - but it was too late.  Finally he calls, and shows A9, and I'm drawing thin.  The turn was another A, so now I'm cheering for the chop, and have lots of outs for it.  The river is better than good, and the 3 gives me the whole pot!  Really bad read, but I finally make my first (and only) suckout of the tournament.  This hand really helped me and hurt Shannon, as we swapped positions and I took second from him and he became the short stack.

    Shannon busted out a little later, and with blinds at 600/1200 (200), Tom and I clashed.  Tom made it 3000 from the button, I called from the SB with Ah 3h, and Josh folded.  Flop came down 7h 9h 3d, so I raised 4500 with bottom pair and the nut flush draw.  Tom immediately pushed, and I auto-called.  While I was counting out the chips for the call, I heard Tom discussing his big draw with Shannon, and I started to smile inside.  Once I had my chips in, I told him that at least he had live cards, but his draw wasn't so great, and showed my hearts.  Tom winced and showed 10h 6h, the board blanked, and Tom is out.

    Now I'm heads up with Josh, and starting he has a lead of 110,000 to my 40,000.  Not good, but with the blinds still low, and 25 minutes left in the level, I attempt to mount a comeback.  I can't give too many details from HU, since it gives away too much about me and Josh.  However, just over 10 minutes in, I'd worked my stack up to around 60K when we got into a massive hand.  I was on the button, so I bet 3000, and Josh raised 5000.  The flop was a K-high rainbow, Josh bet 5000 and I called.  The turn was a rag, Josh bet 10000 and I called.  The board was another rag, Josh bet 10000, and I pushed all-in for almost 25,000.  Josh folded, and the roles were reversed, giving me almost a 2-1 chip lead.

    As we finished off the level, there weren't very many interesting hands.  However, towards the end of the level, Josh started moving all-in frequently.  He pushed 4 hands in a row, and I lost a few chips from blinds and raises, and I realized I needed to wait for a hand.  I folded the next 2 hands to him, and he showed a lot of frustration.  He was upset because he had pocket 9's and I folded my blind to him, so he "wasted" a good hand.  I told him that if he was going to push every hand, he would get some blinds, but he couldn't get paid-off.  This seemed to slow him down, and we played "normal" for the next 5 minutes, with nothing eventful happening.

    The blinds went up to 800/1600 (200), and Josh bet 2500 on the button.  I joked about such a small bet and he realized the error, but too late.  I looked down and saw Ac Jd, and considered raising, but I was pretty sure he had "something", I just wasn't sure how big.  I decided not to give him an opportunity to push me out pre-flop, and simply called.  The flop was beautiful - Jc Js 8c.  I checked and Josh immediately went all-in, and I called.  He showed 5d 5h, and looked pretty pleased, until I flipped over my trips.  The turn was a 6c and the river a 2c giving me an unneeded flush, and somehow I was champion.

    This was probably the toughest game I've played so far, and everyone played really well, but I also managed to play the best I ever have.  I will treasure this trophy, but I'm also happy for the right to play KWGM 3 - I can't wait!
  • For anyone interested, I kept track of my stack at the start of each level:

    Blinds Players Stack Average
    25/25 10 15,500 15,000
    25/50 10 14,874 15,000
    50/100 10 17,900 15,000
    75/150 10 17,925 15,000
    100/200 10 24,425 15,000
    100/200(25) 10 17,875 15,000
    150/300(50) 10 15,625 15,000
    200/400(50) 8 14,525 18,750
    300/600(100) 5 18,400 30,000
    400/800(100) 4 17,300 37,500
    600/1200(200) 4 26,300 37,500
    800/1600(200) 2 87,500 75,000
  • Great report, Trevor! Congrats again on the big win!!
  • C'mon! Let's get number three going now that the Bristol season is over, I'm still angry over that river 3!!! LOL. Who are the list of qualfiers for KWGM 3?

  • I would love to host a KWGM!!!! (if you can wait til May) KWGM IV baby! How do I qualify?

  • stpboy wrote: »
    C'mon! Let's get number three going now that the Bristol season is over, I'm still angry over that river 3!!! LOL. Who are the list of qualfiers for KWGM 3?


    I'm sure if you bought Mark a house he'd host KWGM 3 as soon as we helped him move in.
  • So who's in for a Grudge Match wannabe SNG Thursday night?

    See WPC V thread!

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