That's right... today is the day!

  Watch this thread for semi-live updates throughout the day.



  • Anyone want to bet on how long it takes to finish?

    KWGM1 lasted 11+ hours, but the chip stacks were more lopesided. This time the top 7 players are separated by a measly $3,500. To say that this is going to be a grueling day of poker, is a huge understatement.

    I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!

  • Good luck to all the players. I wish I could have been in on this one. Maybe for part III.

    My predicitions....

    Haddon makes a huge suck out and will place 3rd!

    DrTyore plays 7,8 and takes a huge pot.

    JohnnieH gets AA hits an Ace on the flop and loses to runner runner flush. Cuz that's just his luck.

    ComicBook Dave goes card dead and loses with grace.

    TNorth and Beanie42 get into a heated battle heads up. Beanie takes it down when Tom asks, "Do you have the nuts?" Beanue will respond, "Yes". Tom will call and lose.

    I Need a Nick will not win. Hey, you won last time.

    8Ball (Tye) will go in a monster heads up battle with stpboy for the championship. In a re-match of the Bristol Tournament this will be one Grudge worthy match. In the end the winner will be.....Mario! Cuz everyone loves Mario.
  • Sucks outs are what makes the KWGM 2. Well, suck outs and re suck outs.
  • Lol, flint. If anyone is interested in coming by and watching the game, we start at 1pm. If you need my address pm me, you're more then welcome to stop by.

  • If only I wasn't on hour 65 of my marathon work week.

    Owning a pool business in May is crazy.

    I want updates. And plenty of them.
  • I'm bring my camera to record everything!!!!

    See you soon, Grudgies!!!

  • First mini-update of the day. Chip leader is Shannon "stpboy" with 21,500 in chips. Mark "DrTyore" is the low stack with 6,400 in chips. Johnnie is currently 2nd in chips.
  • Excitement! Thrills!

    I guess that 7,8 hand is sitll yet to come.
  • Chip leader is currently Trevor with 24,475 in chips. Mario has roughly 21,500 and stpboy has just under 20K. Mark (6K) is the short stack with Haddon Josh (8500) close by. Good game so far with only one "all in" so far, it was by Mario and wasn't called.
  • Huge pot, 2nd hand into the 100/200 level. Dave "ineedanick" raises minimum to 400 from UTG. Josh Haddon re-raises all in for another 9,900. Shannon "stpboy" insta calls afer asking for the count. Shannon has Josh covered by 10k in chips. Everyone folds and the showdown is Shannon "stpboy" with Aks, Josh with 22. Josh's hand holds up on a board of Q7794.


  • First casualty

    Shannon in EP raises to 900, "DrTyore" Mark pushes all in for 2675 total, Shannon calls

    Shannon shows 10 10

    Mark A-3s

    Board doesn't help Mark, and he's the first victim of KWGM II's finale.


    Well, played what I felt was a good game, couldn't get any cards, and when I did nothing hit. I stole when I could, and just lost hand after hand... top two pair runs into a set, AQ loses to AJ, 10 10 loses to AJ... what can ya do?

  • Another down...

    Less than one orbit later, we have another one down....

    Preflop, "Haddon" Josh raises to 850 pre-flop, and "King Mob" Dave pushes all in for a total of 6700.

    Josh calls and shows JJ
    Dave shows 10-10

    The board ends up A-4-5-J-7 and Dave is out

  • Oh god... it's getting ugly

    Dave P. pushes all in for 5550 on top of the 400 blinds, and is called by "haddon" Josh

    Dave shows AJs and Josh shows KK

    A flop of 10-7-9 gives Dave some hope... the turn and river of 4-J ruins his day however, and Dave P. is out in 8th place

    Thoughts from Dave P. - hit some big hands today (straight flush to the king for example) but couldn't make them payoff. Made two stupid river calls, thinking I was pot committed. Just ended up donating more chips. Definitely something I need to work on. Over-all an OK day, but I could have played better. Good luck to all who remain.
  • We just took a Pepi's break and all feel extremely greased up and gasey (Johnnie!). Note to all that are thinking of dropping by: wait until the gas subsides!

    Anyway, current chip stacks.

    Josh "Haddon" 34,900
    Mario "ItsaMe" 28,675
    Shannon "stpboy" 23,125
    Tye "8ball" 17,725
    Tom "TNorth" 16,400
    Trevor "Beanie42" 14,624
    Johnnie H "JohnnieH" 14, 550

    We're now at 200/400 (50). Great game so far, everyone seems to have brought their 'A' game. Except for Mark... Hahahaha, sorry buddy building the grudge for next time.

  • train wreck....

    Two chip leads decide to tango, and both end up all in.... Mario and Josh

    Mario - JJ
    Josh QQ

    Board bring a Q, and a 10 on the river woulda given Mario a straight, but it didn't happen...

    Mario's out

    Mario's thoughts: "i have no thoughts"

  • Another one down...

    raise and re-raise pre-flop to 5k

    Board of 5-3-3

    Tye pushes all in, and is called by Shannon after much thought

    Tye; AK

    Shannon 88

    Turn river is no help to Tye, and he's out in 6th place

    Tye's thoughts: Great series! Thanks for running it Mark. Card dead after the meal break. Such is life. I'm (all) in for K.W.G.M. III!
  • Oh my god...!

    John raises to 1800, and is re-raised to 3500 by Josh (Blinds 300/600/100). Johnnie pushes all in, Josh calls

    Josh : KJo
    Johnnie: KQo

    Looks good for Johnnie until the flop comes Q-10-9

    Turn and River dont' help Johnnie

    Johnnie's out in 5th... this could be a quick KWGM

    Johnnie's thoughts: "umm... not yet"

  • So far I predicted Josh's big suckout!

    And Johnnie's bad beat.
  • Ok, I'm on the button with the blinds 400/800 (100). Folded around to me I raise to 2800 with A9o. Trevor calls in the BB. Flop AK4. Trevor checks and I bet 4000, after a lengthy pause Trevor pushes all in for another 9600. I ask for a count and immediately call. Trevor shows A3. Turn Ace. River 3!!!!! Ugh. I'm now the short stack with about 17K going into the 600/1200 (200). Trouble man.

  • This is Haddon posting...

    After ONE, repeat only ONE suckout, where I HAD to call, repeat HAD to call...I am sitting at 83,000 in chips. But I have no finish when it comes to I'm sure I'll donk all the chips off soon.
  • Blinds 600/1200/ 200

    Shannon pushes (15,900)

    Josh thinks and calls

    Shannon A-2
    Josh 3-3

    No help for Shannon, and he's out in 4th place

    Shannon's thoughts: Turning point in my tournament was obviously the hand I was beat by Trevor in, my A9 vs. his A3. Trevor said in the hand "I always make the wrong read against you" yet he still called and I got unlucky. It Happens. Josh, Tom and Trevor are all playing well. Anyone can take this one down. I'm disapointed but pleased to have played as well as I did against this tough field. My sentinmental favourite tonight is Tom as I think he's played the best poker of the three guys there even though he is currently the short stack. I'm looking forward to KWGM 3! Thanks to Mark for running it once again.

  • Great updates. Who voted for Josh "Motherfriggin" Haddon anyway?
  • We're head's up!

    Tom pushes all in on a board of 7h-9h-3d

    My cards (Tom) 6h 10h.

    Trevor calls Ah 3h

    Ouch! I am pushing thinking that any 8 and any 10 and any Heart wins.

    Total 18 outs. Like those odds - added to the fact the Trevor may just fold.

    Now I am drawing to any 6, 8, 10 as the 6h and 10h in my hand and 8h gives me a str8 flush.

    No help - I am out.

    $200 for 3rd - but no trophy - such is life.

    Once again, a great tournament, great game.

    Thanks all.

    See you at KWGM 3.
  • Great updates guys! We're watching here over at "The Easy and Smashy Awards of Excellence" at Bristol Street. Good luck to the heads-up competitors!!
  • This is Haddon posting...

    Trevor just owned over. Great play on Trevor's part. Checked a flopped set with Ace kicker, I pushed my pocket, he had me covered, almost 2:1. No suck out on the turn or river.

    Great showing from everyone, awesome poker. Thanks to Mark and the hosts for making it happen. Again, awesome time, great memories.

    Maybe I'll fly back for the next one and try not to get spanked so hard heads up.
  • Grats Trev!
  • Congratulations... one hell of a game, but oddly enough, the finale only lasted 9ish hours!!

    10. DrTyore Mark
    9. King Mob Dave
    8. Ineedanick Dave
    7. 8ball Tye
    6. Itsame Mario
    5. JohnnieH Johnnie
    4. stpboy Shannon
    3. TNORTH Tom
    2. Haddon Josh
    1. beanie42 Trevor

    Great game all... and way to go Trevor!!

  • Woohoo!  That's who I voted for!!!

    Congratulations Trevor.... I am certain it was 100% earned.  Great game, wish I could have been there.


    P.S. Mark, your list is upside down... beanie should be at the top! Not Dirty!!!
  • stpboy wrote:
    Shannon's thoughts:   Turning point in my tournament was obviously the hand I was beat by Trevor in, my A9 vs. his A3.  Trevor said in the hand "I always make the wrong read against you" yet he still called and I got unlucky.
    This hand was the turning point for me too, and again, I misread Shannon - grrr. After my first match, I am pleased that this was the only time in 3 games that I got in behind at all, so it was the only suckout I ever needed (although my better hands were routinely sucked out).
    g2 wrote:
    Woohoo! That's who I voted for!!!

    Congratulations Trevor.... I am certain it was 100% earned. Great game, wish I could have been there.
    Like I said privately, I appreciate the vote, but you're the one player I'm glad you weren't here, since I just can't beat you :(
    stpboy wrote:
    Trevor just owned over. Great play on Trevor's part. Checked a flopped set with Ace kicker, I pushed my pocket, he had me covered, almost 2:1. No suck out on the turn or river.
    Josh - great game overall, and HU was tough. A few good plays, and a couple lucky hands, and that's a game.

    Toughest game I've ever played - really looking forward to the next one.

    I'll post a full report later - off to Bristol!
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