Kitchener-Waterloo Triple Crown

With there being three established tournament games in the KW area I've always thought it would be really cool to have a win in all three of them in one calendar year. I'm not sure if anyone has done this yet, I know i've won at two of them in one year but not the other.

I suppose I'm proposing this idea to the organizers (Beanie, Zithal and g2) but also to the KW poker playing public to see what you think.
For anyone that can accomplish the feat of bagging a win in each of the Cook Crew, KPS or Bristol tournaments in one calendar year you would win the KW Triple Crown. The way I thought about running this would be to ask each player that wanted to be involved in the KWTC, each tournament you play in you would put $1 into the KWTC Pot. This pot would build until someone won it, it would then restart for the next 12 months. The organizers of the tournaments would be responsible for holding the money unless someone can think of an easier way.

Anyway, what do you think?



  • After you stop patting yourself on the back, (lol), it is a good idea. However, maybe if everybody started fresh as opposed to be down by 2 to start.
  • folded wrote:
    maybe if everybody started fresh as opposed to be down by 2 to start.

    Well, that's the idea. That everyone would start fresh, unlike your girlfriend Suzie.

  • I love the idea, but as a host I wouldn't want to have the additional responsibility of managing it. If g2/Zithal want to hold the money great, but I have enough other stuff to manage with my personal finances. I'd prefer for a third-party (say stpboy, since he's organizing this show) or anyone other than me :) . Also, while I don't want to manage the bet/money, I have no problem collecting cash from someone who wants to join up prior to a tourney if you're not there, and then just forwarding it to you.

    As far as the bet, sounds great. I'm not sure the $1/game makes as much sense, since someone could show up in September, get lucky and grab the pot everyone's spent a while investing into. Also, within one calendar year might be difficult. What about a flat $25 (or other amount) to buy into the pool. You victories start counting at that point, and first one to get 1 of each wins the pot. Everyone than has an equal investment and can sign up at anytime. Once the pot is cleared (in 4 months or 2 years), we can just start another one.

    Either way, just stipulate clear rules and wager amount for this side-bet, and then count me in (assuming wager is within my reach ;) ).
  • Thanks for the insightful comments Trevor. I thought about this afterwards aswell, the $1/game thing doesn't really make sense, a flat fee would seem more reasonable. Although the problem may arise that some players would play in more tournaments then others and would then have a better chance of winning it all. I guess on the other side of the coin this may increase the number of tournaments people will want to play in if they invested money in the 'side pot'.

    Well, lets talk about an appropriate amount then?

  • Say a flat fee of $10 or $20 each? Perhaps $15, $5 per "jewel" in the "crown"??

    Since there are about 10-15 (maybe more) "regulars" that play at all 3 venues, the TC prize pool would anywhere from $100 to $300.

    Not bad if you ask me.

  • in the game of caribian stud in the casions, there is a progressive jackpot. for each hand you play you have the option of betting a dollar on the jackpot. for every dollar added, the casino takes $.50 as their cut, and the rest goes into the jackpot. I think the same idea should be applied to this side bet. (minus the rake of course)

    it will concievably take a long time for someone to reach this goal of 3 wins, so the pot will progressively be getting larger. this idea will inspire players to keep paying all events to have a real go at the pot.

    a player can only have their win accountd for if they have paid their progressive dollar to that event. if they didnt pay the dollar and win, they have no claim on that win towards the triple crown.

    as soon as the pot is won, it starts over again.

    so, as you guys can see, i liek the idea of $1/game played that goes towards the jackpot.

    how about a start date is proposed. say may first? June first?

    we coudl even say that if the jackpot is not won within a year it is split between the 3 hosts? we all knwo they more than deserve it for their efforts right?

    just an idea guys

  • Wow!  I really really REALLY like this idea.  However, I'm gonna be in Ottawa in 8 days and won't be running any more tourneys [in KW] until mid-September.   Otherwise, I would volunteer to organize this and take care of the money.

    My thoughts:
    -there should definitely be a trophy for the current KWTC-holder
    -$20 should be a reasonable buyin
    -some events hosted by the 3 hosts shouldn't qualify (i.e. min. # of players for it to count... or better yet... require a minimum # of players who are in the KWTC race)
    we could even say that if the jackpot is not won within a year it is split between the 3 hosts? we all know they more than deserve it for their efforts right?
    I really like this idea too ;)  However, it won't be necessary... I'm just gonna win the crown myself!

  • I'd be up for this.
  • I second the $1 / game idea... more money, more fun.. and sweet sweet loonies.

    Probably the best bet would be to buy a safe, and see who's willing to let it stay at their place, and we just throw a buck in every time.

  • Actually, after John's description, I'm warming up to the $1 idea. Maybe only 10 people for the first few, but as the jacpot grows, so does the group of people.
    g2 wrote:
    -there should definitely be a trophy for the current KWTC-holder
    NO MORE TROPHIES! Bragging rights are enough, and the cash is great. If the winner wants to make a trophy great, but don't force it (please...).
  • Shannon don't you think it is an accomplishment to win a WEST SIDE POKER CLUB event, or the other events are much smaller and easier for you to win  :D:D:D Have you even made it to a final table to one of our events.  I am just kidding.  I know you are a great player. If you get this together soon you could win one of the next 2 events because they seem to be smaller events.

    Maybe the WEST SIDE POKER CLUB would make it a GRAND SLAM!!!!!   :D :D:D:D:D

  • Hey Cam,

    I actually thought about WestSide aswell when I was thinking of this and originally wanted it to be a Grand Slam but West Side is a completely different beast then the tournaments run out of the homes of Trevor, Greg and Rob.  Also, I would actually love for this to be won at some point and with West Side running such huge events it would be next to impossible to win all four in one year.  If I can't even make a final table there how can anyone win it and the other three in one year ;)   

    I think this idea will be going the way of $1 for every tournament you play in.  A good example would be:

    Mark wins a KPS event after paying his $1 for the KWTC (prior to tournament starting)

    Mark no longer would have to pay his $1 at the KPS tournaments until the KWTC was won
    Mark would then need to pay his $1 at Bristol and Cook Crew until he won one of those.....
    yes It could take awhile.
    If Mark chose to not pay his $1 at any particular event and he then won the tournament, that tournament win would not qualify

    Anyone could join at anytime.
    I will make some rules though in regards to # of players at each tournament for the tournament to be a qualifier for the KWTC, right now i'm thinking 24 player minimum.

    Thanks for the interest and comments.

  • stpboy wrote:
    Hey Cam,

    I actually thought about WestSide as well when I was thinking of this and originally wanted it to be a Grand Slam but West Side is a completely different beast then the tournaments run out of the homes of Trevor, Greg and Rob. 

    stpboy wrote:
    Hey Cam,

      If I can't even make a final table there how can anyone win it and the other three in one year ;)   

    So Shannon what you are saying is that you want to make it as easy as possible for yourself and everyone to win this triple crown thing and not have to win one of the harder Tourneys in the area.  We have lots of your crew make it to the final table and 1 of them winning it IE.  Mr. Hollywood Cole.  Just not all the people that go out to Zithals, g2's and Beanies come to ours.  So I guess I see where you are coming from this also it would be hard to win this Triple Crown thing if you don't go to ll the Tourney's as well. 

    Let's say you put West Side into the mix and who ever comes out to our event like your regular 30 people who go to the other houses and pay the $1.00 we will double it to $60.00 to go into the pot for the lucky winner, in the end. So this could get hugh in the end who say's it has to end after 12 month's it could go untill all 4 of them have been won.

  • we coudl even say that if the jackpot is not won within a year it is split between the 3 hosts? we all knwo they more than deserve it for their efforts right?

    This is a great thought, but isn't that considered a rake?
  • I like the idea. (Especially with a 3rd at g2's and a 2nd at Bristol)

    I would like to see WestSide out of it (I can NEVER make those games, Damn Saturdays).

    Is the $1 a rake? I am not a lawyer but I think it isn't. I would leave that up to Trevor, Rob and Greg since it would be their home that would be implicated if it was.
  • I would like to see WestSide out of it (I can NEVER make those games, Damn Saturdays).
    I love WestSide, but I agree (sorry Brent/Cam).  WestSide is more difficult to win - they have a LOT more people involved.  The 3 regular KW tournies are all the same size (4-5 tables) while Westside is normally double that.  Also, the fact that the same crowd which circulates these 3 events is not the same as the WestSide's is further reason to keep them separate.  Finally, most buy-ins for the 3 local tournies are low, and the highest buy-in for these is still lower than the small WestSide's.  I love playing at WestSide when I can, but I think there are too many differences/incompatibilities with the regular home games for them to be included.  Sorry guys.
    Is the $1 a rake? I am not a lawyer but I think it isn't. I would leave that up to Trevor, Rob and Greg since it would be their home that would be implicated if it was.
    I discussed the overall idea last night with Shannon, and IMO this TripleCrown doesn't need to have anything to do with the actual tournaments.  Similar to SportSelect, the teams don't have anything to do with the lottery - the lottery simply uses the results.  Similarly, this is a private side-bet that doesn't need any official involvement/endorsement from the tournaments.  If those involved choose to make a donation with leftover funds, I can't see how that constitutes any sort of rake since the tournaments are not directly involved in this side-bet in any way.  This is also a reason I would prefer to see a third-party handle the side-bet (and money).
  • The extra $1 would really have nothing to do with the hosts of the games, it is more like a "last longer" side bet between the participants of the game.  Whomever can win all three tournaments, either first or within 12 months, will win the "last longer".  

    Cam, thanks for the offer but I'll have to decline.  You are right, not everyone that comes out to the other three events can make the West Side's events.  I would hate for this to just be a running pot that noone ever wins, I'd rather it get won more often then not at all.  As for Cole, he has never been to Trevor's or Greg's.  

    Another thing I've considered, since this nasty 'rake' word has erupted on to this thread, I don't want this to be confused as a rake of any kind.  That is why the hosts won't have much to do with it.  I'd rather have player representatives collect the money at each tournament.  
    Anyway, I'm glad people like the idea.

  • I think at the end of the calendar year, we do one of two things...

    A: Roll it over into the next year

    B: two words: FREEROLL BABY!

  • LOve your thinking mark
  • Sounds like a fun idea with lots of bragging rights associated with it. :) If you want it to get off the ground, the best piece of advice is to keep it as simple as possible.

    The idea of a "progressive jackpot" is interesting, but we don't want this to get bogged down in process. (Especially after reading Shannon's post regarding when and how people pay.. that post bring up a lot more questions)
  • Please see this thread as the KWTC has been established!
  • Just a bump, for those who want to continue the "chop talk"
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