Ryder Cup of Poker: Kitchener Team



  • Shannon I will get you the cash friday at G2s.

    Also to the team. I have pretty much become a dedicated Omaha player - once I got a hold of the game the money is killer!

    Anyhow if there is an omaha spot left/ or someone who has one and doesnt like it let me know. Once you figure out the point system and freerolling the game plays itself.
  • I will pay up at g2's on Friday.
  • Sounds good guys, Mark and Easy have already paid.

  • Okay..let's get this done.

    Who is staying where and is anything booked yet? Also, where exactly is this place?
  • Yea for real...we might want to plan the hotel thing.
  • I asked somewhere else (main royal cup thread I believe) whether anyone was considering booking rooms. If you guys (and easy) are doing it could you let me know where your staying I may end up doing the same.
  • Ok, I have a list of hotels in my emails. Who wants to take on the task of booking them? I'm staying in the same bed as Mark, or whereever I pass out.....

  • I can book the rooms because it won't cost me long distance to call. Send me the details you have via email.
  • M'kay. I need to know the following:

    a) Who's staying over night at the hotel


    b) TOM, STEVE, TREVOR: what do you want on your shirts? I need to know ASAP
  • I'm staying overnight....

  • I'm most likely staying overnight but I might be getting a room for myself. Please let me know where we plan on staying so I can book in the same spot. My girlfriend is probably gonna meet up with us after the game and join us for our victory celebration, wherever it may take place.
  • Easy wrote:
    a) Who's staying over night at the hotel
    I'm NOT
    Easy wrote:
    b) TOM, STEVE, TREVOR: what do you want on your shirts? I need to know ASAP
    Are you looking for quote, hand, name? And how much room is there?
  • We know what hand Trevor would put on :D
  • So far the trend seems to be nickname + a quote. Steve has opted for a number, so that's an option too. You have a fair amount of room, but keep in mind that the more crap you put on it, the higher the price goes.
  • Dear Team,

    Okay...after much annoyance and phone conversation, the shirts will be roughly 20 bucks. It turns out they will have involve much more work from my end than initially thought because it would have been too expensive to print individual backs - so I have to make the backs myself. This should only concern those of you who do your own laundry as the product I am going to use won't hold up nicely if you're mean to it and don't clean it properly.

    Also, because I am retarded, I need your sizes. They are standard cotton t-shirts. I need these ASAP...if you don't send me your preference, I'll have to guess.

    More news on the hotle to come. I'm assuming that since only Trevor has conveyed to me he isn't staying the night that there will be 7 of us. I will be booking two rooms, and I am assuming we will total up the cost for both and split it seven ways.

  • Hey Easy

    Works for me.. my shirt should be large, and I'm in for the 7-way split of the hotel.

  • I'll take a large (I like swimming :) ).
  • I am an XL.

    I am heading home after the games. Damn family committments. Wait, right, I love my family. So that's okay, right?
  • I am in for the Hotel.

    I will take a Medium shirt.

    What is everyone else getting on their shirts??
  • I'm getting "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me"... :)

    Tom, we still all carpooling up there together? I call a seat in your car man!! :)

  • I'll take a either medium or large...make it a large and I'll shrink it if I have to. On my shirt will read my signature...see below.

    Tom, I'm also in your car I believe? Plan is to leave Saturday morning, we'll check into the hotel during a break from the Royal I assume unless Easy can arrange it for us to check in earlier then 11am. Any hotel bookings yet Easy, once you have it perhaps you can post in another thread the details so other forumers can arrange to stat at the same place.

  • Can anyone who needs a ride with me, please confirm:

    So far I have:

    2. Mark

    Leaving 2 more seats (because I will need one).
  • And you're staying with Shannon and me in bed at the hotel that night right Tom?

  • TNORTH wrote:
    I am in for the Hotel.

  • What?

    You mis-read my post or something?

  • I'm gonna need an XL Easy. Better too err on the side of caution. I don't want to look like an overstuffed sausage if they fight a little snug. <insert gay sex or fat joke here>

  • <insert gay sex or fat joke here>

    There's only one thing I want to insert, baby.
  • Medium for me please. I won't be staying as I'll be heading back to KW after the games.

    Shannon, I'll pay you when I see you there, unless you absolutely require it before then.
  • Hey Tom, way to forget that I'm in your car...I'll be in town for Rob's birthday as of this thursday.

    Ah, yea, I have hotel reservations, I'll post more on that in a new thread.
  • Ahhh, I can finally rest a little bit easier:

    a) The reservations are being firmed up and hopefully the Waterloo team will be joining us. Turns out we're a ten minute walk from the club. The price for the rooms are 140 for the room of 4, and something insignificantly less costly for the room of 3. Let's just all assume we're paying roughly 35 bucks a person for the hotel for the time being.

    b) The shirts are going to the printers tomorrow and I will be picking them up on Friday when I am in town.
    --> If you are coming to Rob's on Friday please bring 20 bucks and I'll give you your shirt
    --> If you are not coming to Rob's, bring me 20 bucks on Saturday or you're going topless

    c) I have to congratulate you all on so promtly replying to me with sizes. I was not at all expecting such celerity.
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