Ryder Cup of Poker: Kitchener Team



  • I think the full plan... and correct me if I'm wrong....

    1. Carpool to T.O. on Saturday morning to play in the tourney

    2. Win Tourney (with style)

    3. Get hotel room in T.O. and celebrate win

    4. Wake up, find pants, work off hangover.

    5. Go home

  • 1. I think I may drive myself..this way I can leave early the next morning. I tend to rise very early.

    2. Yes we will.

    3. And oh what a celebration it will be. I can't wait to steal Mark's pants.

    4. Wake, be sick, take off Mark's pants, find me some electrolytes.

    5. Go home and explain to my wife how I spent my winnings in one night. Also explain why I am wearing a boa.
  • I need to carpool with somebody, since Jenn needs the van. I'll stay at the hotel or come back depending on the carpooling/hotel situation (my preference is to come home :) ).
  • Hey all

    Although I am willing to drive, I cannot guarantee that the beast will make it... perhaps someone else can offer? Also, I can only take myself and 4 others, and it would be VERY tight... actually.... lets say 3 others.

  • I would be happy to drive anyone there, just keep in mind I like to leave earlier in the morning.
  • My car fits 5 quite comfortably. I would be willing to drive - for say a double double with a shot of hazelnut :)
  • TNORTH wrote:
    My car fits 5 quite comfortably. I would be willing to drive - for say a double double with a shot of hazelnut :)

    Lindsay's coming too?

  • TNORTH wrote:
    a double double with a shot of hazelnut :)

    You the man Tom!
  • 4. Wake up, find pants, work off hangover.
    Mark - It's good to see your New Years Resolutions are still intact
    Pants were only an option last year
    Let The Games Begin !!
  • Quit your sassin' mark are I may require a Wholegrain bagel with Light Strawberry Cream cheese as wel :)
  • Tom, if you're planning on staying over I'll hitch a ride with you. I'll also be getting a Large coffee (regular) with a hazelnut shot. Or if you'd like I could bring some of my specialty beans that I have here at home, I have either Vanilla Hazelnut or Irish Cream. I could grind them up and make you something real nice.

  • Don't forget the milk. Homo, I would expect...
  • I actually prefer the Cream to the Homo myself.

    Grinding your own is the only way to go.

    And yes, I believe we should go up the night before as well.
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    I know some have plans to head down and stay overnight, I won't be doing that.

    For the record, my Van holds 7, anyone who wants a lift, let me know.


    Thanks in advance Wolff!!! I'll buy your dinner...stupid question...with the bulk of the players being from KW/Lamebridge...why is it being held in T.O.? (Yes, I'm too lazy to search back through the thread).
  • Ahhh nevermind, I see why it's in T.O. now.

    By the way...all this discussion about the name for Team Kit....but we have two teams going don't we? Kit II we need to get our shit together...what are they gonna say when we win this and we don't have a name?
  • Wolffhound wrote:
    I know some have plans to head down and stay overnight, I won't be doing that.

    For the record, my Van holds 7, anyone who wants a lift, let me know.


    umm each of my ass cheeks takes up a full seat so really it fits 6?
  • Big E wrote:
    what are they gonna say when we win this and we don't have a name
    Same thing they'll say when they see talking pigs fly.  (Sorry, but you got seconds :) ).
  • "It was won by a bunch of no names" ???
  • SO....

    Who needs a ride??

    1. Tom
    2. Shannon
    3. Easy

    And who is looking after accomodations?
  • TNORTH wrote:

    Who needs a ride??

    1. Tom
    2. Shannon
    3. Easy

    And who is looking after accomodations?

    I'll go with you guys.. doon't need to beat on mother nature... doesn't easy live in T.O.?
  • Mark you are in. No man flirting in the car though.

    Easy does live in Toronto but not near the tournament location.

    Apparently this Toronto place we are going to is big?
  • I would be able to drive some KW types. My car can seat 5 comfortably. I will be spending the night though. I would also like to know if anyone has any info about accomodations yet. Naturally Heartbreak Kids get preferential setting in my car but I would be willing to give a lift to any other Kit II or Waterloo players.

  • Steve there is talk of shared accomodations. If that falls through, I would love to share a bed, shower, room with you.
  • Geez... more man flirting, when's it gonna stop.
    Honestly though, that sounds good Andrew. We should try and get a ground floor room. I prefer them because they usually have a patio door too the outside and you know I prefer to come in the backdoor.
    See how easy it is to make a simple post without any manflirting in it.

  • I do live in TO Mark, but I'm thinking I'm gonna come down on the friday night for Rob's birthday (party). I'll still come up with you guys tho cause you're my team and I love you all bestest. So Tom, you won't need to navigate through any big city to find me.

    I like Steve's idea about the ground floor because patios are fun times...except...I do worry that we migth get really, really rukus. I don't know how great of an idea it is to be as near to the front desk as possible. I'm just sayin's all...

    Everyone, I need to know a) what name you want on the back of your shirt, and b) what phrase, quote, number, etc. you would like below it. PM me your requests, but, make sure that you get all the styling (ie capitals, spaces, slangy bits, etc.) correct. Whatever you send me is going on your shirt. I don't have a firm price at this point. I'm in negotiations with my brother and he needs to know what's going on them before he can tell me for sure.

    See most of you tomorrow - when I take your money.

  • Okay Team, I'm just gonna say that maybe we should think about doing better at Brent's than we did at Trevor's. We're not on any sort of home turf anymore so there's way less pressure. We've had some time to rest up so we have no excuse not to dominate.

    I may be (2nd) most guilty of embarassing the team, so I will promise to make it at least past the re-buys. I swear. I'll sleep with whom ever necessary to do so. Scouts honour.

  • I think I'm in charge of rebuys downstairs... :)


  • Those of you that are coming to Brent's today, please bring your Royal Cup money as I just received an email from Sandro saying he needs it. Thanks, If you can't today I'll trust you'll get it to me another day.

  • I won't be coming out to Brent's today but I will make arrangements to get you the money ASAP whenever it's convenient for you. Send me a pm and let me know when would be good.

  • Same as well. Just PM me or msn me and I'll try to get you the money asap.

    I don't think I have have enough time though to make it to any tournaments before the Royal Cup  :'(
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