Ryder Cup of Poker: Kitchener Team



  • Easy wrote:
    I'm not sure how I feel about those odds either. I believe it's 7:1 guys to girl...
    6-to-1 .  Some of us aren't playing - sorry.
  • Trevor, I don't think anybody would blame you for sitting out of that game
  • I guess the rest of our odds to chase just increased - guess it depends on the size of the .....

    Once again - not going to finish this one.
  • How about something like the "Fifth Street Poke-hers"
  • I am not sure where Fifth Street would be - but with 6:1 we are bound to find out - OK seriously - I am done with this now :)
  • Easy wrote:

    You know, now that you mention it, I'm not sure how I feel about those odds either. I believe it's 7:1 guys to girl...seven is too much for any girl, even me, to handle at once. I right now call me getting a whole bed and the rest of your sleeping in pairs or on the floor.

    I call Shannon!

  • Somehow I think Shan will veto the Poke-hers or any variation...cause he's no fun. I'm just kidding, and it'll maybe be really enjoyable to watch Shannon and Mark cuddle up for the night...oh wait, no, it won't. It really really won't.

    And Tom it's true, the six of you are just too much man for little ol' me to handle at once. I'm not sure where the fifth street thing is coming from either. I mean, it sounds nice, but, well...

    Trevor, what's this business about you not playing? I don't believe I signed off on that!! How can you just walk out on me like this? :'(
  • I am sure Fifth street would be interesting - isnt it always?

    But I can certainly appreciate your situation - and I think Shannon and Mark together are a foregone conclusion!
  • I think we should be named something that reflects a) our good looks, b) our superior poker playing skills, and c) our extremely high coolness factor. Something that will make people think we're this really hardcore gang that runs around winning everyones money and seducing all of their women. (I'll leave the latter to you guys, although I will have to screen any spoils of war for strange diseases like whiny girlfriend syndrome).
  • Sounds good, I like the 5th Street stuff....how about 5th Street Streakers.  Or something along that line.  

    Mark, yes we can share the floor.  I sleep naked, fetal position, with a boner.

  • OMG Thats Hot!! ( Yes i am a 16 yr old girl)

    I was trying to think all day of what to add to the 5th street.

    Good thing i have a thesaraus in my office.

    But Streakers works.

    I think the Fifth Street adds CLASS but we need a kicker that adds ASS.
  • Easy wrote:
    How can you just walk out on me like this?  :'(
    Short answer: Jenn + Vows.  Long answer = flame-war :)
  • It's okay Trevor, I understand and I enjoy Jenn so I'll keep my tears to myself.

    I agree we need something that adds some ass...I just can't think of what that would be. I do know it shouldn't be Shannon's naked ass...anyone sleeping naked in the fetal position with a boner can use the floor in the hallway. I shun because I love.
  • Wow - I dont know everyone on this team - but i cannot believe that we have managed to to come up with the CLASS and are struggling finding the ASS!!??
  • I know I know, there are several conversations going on here at once.  

    How about 5th Street Scholars, very classy.  Or 5th Street pepperoni pizza's, just weird.  Or 5th Street Cheats, just wrong.  Kitchener River Runners, not to bad.  Sexy Bitches!  Hot Chicks!  Or, if you like acronyms, which I know you do.  HOPAT or Highly Original Poker Acronym Team!  Ok, someone narrow this down.  Beanie, Timsum, Mark, Flint, lets get some ideas from you guys.

  • We need a team name that talks about our good looks, poker abilities, cool factor and has to have ass in it?

    how about:

    Raise an
    All-in on our
    Beautiful asses

    Team C.R.A.B.S. Hrmm...

    Still not in advertising.

  • Mark you're too funny. That name makes me smile. The best thing I've been able to come up with was the Ruffrakers, but I wasn't going to share it with the group...I'm ashamed I'm doing so poorly at being creative.
  • How about

    Studs & Studette?



    Sorry Shannon.. it' s more fun to be naughty.

  • How about the PROFS


    or it could be a multiple of things ending with On or Off fifth street
  • I like that Mark - you posted as i was writing
  • TNORTH wrote:
    How about the PROFS


    or it could be a multiple of things ending with On or Off fifth street


    P.R.O.P.S. but where's the asses?

  • I think this entire thread points to only one option, "The Kitchener Misfits".  You could modify that to "The Kitchener Krackpots" if you prefer, which has the advantage of using 2 Kings to create a logo.
  • So how about The Fifth Street Asses. It sounds classy, sexy, and sassy all in one. I can design the logo so Mark's words of wisdom are in there too. I have a vision that it's all written in gold. Beautiful, shiny gold.
  • Not sure how you feel about another Captain intervening in your naming process but how about

    Easy Ryder's
  • Easy Ryding on Fifth Street
  • My non-creative mind came up with...inspired by the Black Eyed Peas..

    The Hump and Lump Aces  :D
  • Easy wrote:
    So how about The Fifth Street Asses. It sounds classy, sexy, and sassy all in one.
    I don't see how these two go together, am I missing something?  And are we just going to have fun with this, or was Shannon serious about "wants us to look good when we win and get a giant spread in the magazine".  If he was, I don't think we have many legitimately usable names, so we might want to propose some ideas a bit more "classy".  If he wasn't (and it's open season), we have plenty of stuff in this thread already, so just pick something.  Basically I don't think this thread is going anywhere anymore - we either haven't started yet or we're already there...  Sorry to be a party-pooper, but if Easy does need to know by tomorrow, we need to make a decision on the ideas we have or get some new (real) ones.
  • hahaha

    pokerdro sure had a good one there guys........... the easy ryders!!

  • I'd like to see the name look somewhat respectable, we could have to use this name for years to come. Remember, we'll still have our nick names (with slogan) on the back if you want. My top choices would be Easy Ryder's, Kitchener River Runners, Fifth Street (Scholars) change this to whatever. This is a team though ,so what does everyone else think?

  • How about the Pebbles (Rock Wannabees)... :D Or since there is usually so much man flirting going on there in Kitchener... The Rockettes... hehehehe... Doesn't really matter, the Rocks take this one down real Easy... Apologies for any hijacking thoughts...
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