Ryder Cup of Poker: Kitchener Team



  • Oh man, I'm laughing too much right now. You guys need to get focused and serious!!! C'mon guys - serious! Who am I kidding, let's all go get drunk as quickly as possible.

    I was thinking about team shirts today, and I nominate and vote in myself as team wardrober. I have screenprinting hook-ups so none of you can really argue with me about this. I promise we'll all looking friggin' hot. Everyone will have to PM me their measurements...for shirts, that is, measurements for shirt sizes. We do need to vote on a team colour though, so maybe PM your preference.

    Because shirts take time to make, I'm putting a deadline of next Tuesday for a decision on the team name. I vote for whatever option sounds the dirtiest.

  • How about the Kitchener Kings and Kueens...or the KKK. Ok, that was in bad taste haha. Umm, but the Kitchener Kings and Queens could be nice.

    Only fitting that the winners of the Royal Cup are 'Royalty'....hmm yeah...royalty, get it....yeah

  • stpboy wrote:
    How about the Kitchener Kings and Kueens...or the KKK.  Ok, that was in bad taste haha.  Umm, but the Kitchener Kings and Queens could be nice. 

    Only fitting that the winners of the Royal Cup are 'Royalty'....hmm yeah...royalty, get it....yeah


    You're such a geek.

    Besides, it would have to be the Kitchener Kings and Queen considering I'm the only one on the team with child bearing organs...at least I hope I am...
  • Easy wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    How about the Kitchener Kings and Kueens...or the KKK.  Ok, that was in bad taste haha.  Umm, but the Kitchener Kings and Queens could be nice. 

    Only fitting that the winners of the Royal Cup are 'Royalty'....hmm yeah...royalty, get it....yeah


    You're such a geek.

    Besides, it would have to be the Kitchener Kings and Queen considering I'm the only one on the team with child bearing organs...at least I hope I am...

    Well, you never know. I've always thought Mark was a bitter 'light in the shoes' if you know what I mean. Not that there is anything wrong with that....

  • I believe the saying is actually "light in the loafers" shannon.....  loafers adding to the comical effect of the joke meaning GAY!

    and no mark, i dont think you are "light in the loafers", there's nothing wrong with a little man flirting at all.........  you sexy fucker, you!!


    P.S.  Cambridge will take this one you sissy sally's!   WORD!!

    *** Amanda, you are far to sexy to be a sissy....... i'm truely sorry if any of my coments offended you in any way***

  • *** Amanda, you are far to sexy to be a sissy....... i'm truely sorry if any of my coments offended you in any way***

    Whats up John, you know better! No, absolutely no, hetero-sexual flirting allowed! C'mon you're better then that.

  • Well, I'm not sure I could wear this shirt, but we could be the "Kitchener M-F@$*!er's". Sounds dirty (to make Easy happy), but would actually be (in homage to Stp/DrTyore) the "Man-Flirter's".
  • I actually f*** a mother. The name suits me.

  • and no mark, i dont think you are "light in the loafers", there's nothing wrong with a little man flirting at all.........  you sexy fucker, you!!


    Hey, it's the first time in about 10 years I've been referred to as "light"... so I'm not complaing....


    P.S. Shannon and Johnny are sex bombs.
  • teach wrote:
    I actually f*** a mother.  The name suits me. 


    I love it..

    How about the K/W MF'ers for "Man Flirters"?

    I like it. And let's put our nicknames on the back, with our favorite hands... so mine would say ...


  • Hoo-boy, so much to say...

    First of all:
    *** Amanda, you are far to sexy to be a sissy....... i'm truely sorry if any of my coments offended you in any way***
    I'm not offeded, but thank you John. I think I have to be able to hold my own if I'm going to play on a team with these guys. The man-flirting started to get to me, but then I realized they have to develope some sort of coping mechanism for my distractions. They might as well distract each other and leave the rest of you to me.
    stpboy wrote:
    Whats up John, you know better!  No, absolutely no, hetero-sexual flirting allowed!  C'mon you're better then that.
    Shan, jealousy doesn't suit you. I'll hold off for now, for your sake, but I'm not going to be able to not flirt our way to the top at the tourney.
    beanie42 wrote:
    Well, I'm not sure I could wear this shirt, but we could be the "Kitchener M-F@$*!er's".
    I think that the Kitchener M-F@$*!er's is hilarious. None of the Mfer's business either, it needs to be the whole thing. We need to get whole team agreement, tho.
    DrTyore wrote:
    I like it.  And let's put our nicknames on the back, with our favorite hands...  so mine would say ...
    I was way ahead of you, Baby! Names were already going on the back. I would also suggest that we could put some sort of one-liner on the back. Mine, for example, would say:
    Why Fold When You Can F@$*!

    ...or something better than that...I just woke up...

  • Easy wrote:
    I was way ahead of you, Baby! Names were already going on the back. I would also suggest that we could put some sort of one-liner on the back. Mine, for example, would say:
    Why Fold When You Can F@$*!

    ...or something better than that...I just woke up...



    I think I'd either have to go with

    "Sklansky Loves me"

    "Uniquely Detatched"

    "Don't you wish your girlfriend was as hot as me"

    I'm pushing for the last one... I seriously was going to buy that shirt.

  • I am starting to think that I am on one Fk'd up team.

    Hotel the night before should be crazy!
  • DrTyore wrote:

       "Don't you wish your girlfriend was as hot as me"

    I'm pushing for the last one... I seriously was going to buy that shirt.

    Mark, you will get that shirt...cause that's way too funny. It's some pretty good man-flirting.
    I'm tempted to make everyone else's shirt say "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like Mark?"
  • So Shannon has vetoed naming our team anything to do with [email]F@$*!....he[/email] wants us to look good when we win and get a giant spread in the magazine.
  • Easy wrote:
    Mark, you will get that shirt...cause that's way too funny. It's some pretty good man-flirting.
    I'm tempted to make everyone else's shirt say "Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like Mark?"

    I LOVE IT!!

    Now we have to make sure the shirt is obscenely colourful.. maybe something like purple or something... but I'm a guy, I only see things in shades of three colours.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Now we have to make sure the shirt is obscenely colourful..
    I nominate "Neon Black".
  • Hey guys, today someone at work suggested we call the team Snow White and the Seven Dwarves ... as you can imagine I'm still laughing.

    In all seriousness if we can come up with some sort of western themed name then we have an excuse to be obnoxious and wear silly hats...also I would have a reason to wear my boa and/or procure a whip.
  • Easy wrote:
    if ... then we have an excuse to be obnoxious
    We need an excuse?
    Easy wrote:
    I would have a reason to wear my boa
    As an outfit or an accessory?
  • I would assume outfit.
  • I think we should all wear Angora sweaters.

    Who doesn't like Angora?

    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
  • I prefer a more masculine look such as cashmere.

    Plus I got two new cashmere sweaters for xmas and would be happy to sport one during the tourney. The softness of our attire would certainly distract the fellow players - especially if one of our players were wearing only a boa.
  • Easy wrote:
    a giant spread in the magazine.

    so many comments...none fit for this forum :(
  • The boa is actually part of an outfit - the boa constituting close to 75% of the total area covered. But, I wasn't planning on busting out the whole thing, I'd get cold, and I'm not sure I trust any of you to know how to tie the corset properly.
  • I am pretty smart - I am sure I could figure it out :D
  • TNORTH wrote:
    I am pretty smart - I am sure I could figure it out  :D

    I don't know, you didn't seem to be able to guess the winners of the wrestling matches last night at the PPV...

    I mean geez.. you didn't even know who Ric Flair was!


  • I'm mostly not going to wear the outfit because the idea of walking around in 6 inch heels for a entire day doesn't appeal to me.

    We seem to have gone off the topic of naming our team, tho. My fellow sex-ed counselors suggest we call ourselves the Kitchener Poke-hers...but that's only because they favour the idea of having an orgy erupt in the hotel the night before the tourny.
  • Well that is the only reason I signed up!!!

    But wait - Mark knows my rule on this - 6 guys : 1 girl - yeah the chances of me touching sausage is a little too great!!

    And Mark after watching that Bra and Panty match - wrestling maybe become a new "sport" to watch - so long as their are SNGs playing so that you guys are distracted!!
  • TNORTH wrote:
    Well that is the only reason I signed up!!!

    But wait - Mark knows my rule on this - 6 guys : 1 girl - yeah the chances of me touching sausage is a little too great!!

    You know, now that you mention it, I'm not sure how I feel about those odds either. I believe it's 7:1 guys to girl...seven is too much for any girl, even me, to handle at once. I right now call me getting a whole bed and the rest of your sleeping in pairs or on the floor.
  • Easy wrote:
    TNORTH wrote:
    Well that is the only reason I signed up!!!

    But wait - Mark knows my rule on this - 6 guys : 1 girl - yeah the chances of me touching sausage is a little too great!!

    You know, now that you mention it, I'm not sure how I feel about those odds either. I believe it's 7:1 guys to girl...seven is too much for any girl, even me, to handle at once. I right now call me getting a whole bed and the rest of your sleeping in pairs or on the floor.

    I love how you added "even me" !!!

    And i guess for the guys it is just like pot odds - 7 : 1 what are the chances of hitting the.....

    Wait I am not going to finish this one :D
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