Ryder Cup of Poker: Kitchener Team



  • Kitchener Two

    Brent W "Prophet22".
    Ron “Tilt98”
    Jeff R. "Teach"
    Dave W "Wolfhound".
    Eric "BigE"
    Steve L. "labeach2002"
    Neil Mc "sloth"
    Dan Widemen (still needs to be confirmed)
  • Here is the Kitchener Team 1 Tentative Roster.

    Kitchener Team 1

    "stpboy" Shannon M.
    "DrTyore" Mark B.
    "Beanie42" Trevor C.
    "Shtebs" Steve S.
    "TNorth" Tom N.
    "Flint Bones" Andrew
    "Timsum" Tim
    "Easy" Amanda C.


    "The Wine man" Larry L.
    "KingMob" Comic Book Dave

    We obviously still need atleast 1 or two more players.  Please PM me and confirm that you can play the day of February 18/06 in Toronto.  The cost per player is $50.

  • I don't want to play with Shannon, he smells.


    P.S. You know I love you brother!! I think I'll be okay.
  • beanie42 wrote:
    stpboy wrote:
    I'll list my two Captains picks for the record. Mark Breaton and Trevor Cook
    I'm not sure if this is a compliment to be a captains pick, or a shot since you're grouping me with Mark :D (that's Mr. Huggy for anyone at Rob's last night - lol).

    Geez.. ya get a few beers into ya, and wanna celebrate.. :)

  • Wow I got picked! It almost felt like I was in High School trying out for the chess debate football team!
  • Since I wasn't a captain's pick I now hate Kitchener I. I love Terrell Owens though.
  • Anyone from Kit II interested in some warm up sng's? Maybe mid/late January. I'm willing to host on my new table. Wolffhound, please bring a bib.
  • teach,

    you were a captains pick just on team two though. I got everyone on my team I wanted and Shannon got everyone he wanted. Hope to hear from you soon.

  • Looking forward to the event. Just got back from Seneca, 2/5 NL - up 825!! Played in their nightly 100+20 tourney , fininshed third out of twenty. Running good.
  • We are going to dominate!
  • TNORTH wrote:
    We are going to dominate!
    Let's not get too far ahead of ourselves ... wait, you're right! :D
  • teach wrote:
    Since I wasn't a captain's pick I now hate Kitchener I.  I love Terrell Owens though.

    Sorry Teach, I heard you were all washed up from Lamb of Snoof....I guess I should have trusted my old CNPL pal's abilities and picked you. I just couldn't let Mark and Trevor get away at the time though and you were one of Brent's top picks.

    Is Kitchener 2 interested in a warm-up friendly match. I'm saying friendly, just because that's what they say in soccer. We could play for a smallish amount just to get some play in Limit, stud and Omaha.

  • <begin translation>
    stpboy says: I just couldn't let Mark and Trevor get away
    stpboy means: I wanted Trevor on the team, and Mark can keep me warm at the hotel

    stpboy says: Is Kitchener 2 interested in a warm-up friendly match. 
    sbpboy means: I'm pumped - let's get started.

    stpboy says:  I'm saying friendly, just because that's what they say in soccer.
    stpboy means: there won't be blood, I just need some cash for a new outfit to wear to the Cup

    stpboy says: We could play for a smallish amount
    stpboy means: How much you got?

    stpboy says:
    stpboy means: We rock - bring em on - Kitchener 1 RULZ!!!
    <end translation>
  • Big E wrote:
    Anyone from Kit II interested in some warm up sng's? Maybe mid/late January. I'm willing to host on my new table. Wolffhound, please bring a bib.

    Even though we're 'enemies' now, I'd still love to play with you guys again!!!


    ps...love the new avatar Eric!
  • I am good for warm up matches. Just let me know when and where. Hell, I may even be able to host a small 8 -10 one.
  • JohnnieH wrote:
    Even though we're 'enemies' now, I'd still love to play with you guys again!!! 

    Never Johnnie, we'll never be enemies....Kitchener will dominate, that much is true, whether Kit I or Kit II comes out on top who knows but one thing is for sure...it'll be 1st and 2nd for Kitchener.....my money is on Kit II, since naturally, by simple math.....it's twice the team Kit I is!!!!

    I've decided against buying the table, need to pour my poker profits into other places before buying toys (my wife nicely reminded me to prioritize...geeesh!)...but would still love to host a warm up night for anyone from either Kit team. Something cheap and fun?

    All that said and all 'Kit love' aside....Kit I is Kit II's bitch!
  • Kitchener 1 Final Roster

    "stpboy" Shannon M.
    "DrTyore" Mark B.
    "Beanie42" Trevor C.
    "Shtebs" Steve S.
    "TNorth" Tom N.
    "Flint Bones" Andrew
    "Timsum" Tim
    "Easy" Amanda C.


    "The Wine man" Larry L.
    "KingMob" Comic Book Dave

    Those of you that emailed me with interest and do not see your name on the list, I have passed your names on to Brent (The Prophet 22), he'll be in touch with you.

  • Clearly the introduction of some female trickery to Kit I will ensure a win. I know you guys were bound for victory, I'm just here to make sure nothing goes horribly, horribly wrong. (I know Shannon will argue that Kit I has held this title since the beginning), but we are now officially the best looking team, and things just aren't right in the world when the pretty people don't win. I appologize to the other teams in advance for Kit I's inevitable giant beatdown of you all.

  • Easy wrote:
    Clearly the introduction of some female trickery to Kit I will ensure a win. I know you guys were bound for victory, I'm just here to make sure nothing goes horribly, horribly wrong. (I know Shannon will argue that Kit I has held this title since the beginning), but we are now officially the best looking team, and things just aren't right in the world when the pretty people don't win. I appologize to the other teams in advance for Kit I's inevitable giant beatdown of you all.


    Jeez.. I'm just glad you're playing WITH me for a change.


    That didn't sound quite right now did it?

  • No. I think its loud and clear Mark.
  • TNORTH wrote:
    No. I think its loud and clear Mark.

    haha..laughed out loud at work..damnit.

    Hope to meet all of Kit 1 shortly.
    Throw an asian into the equation and were bound for winning. Gambling is in my yellow blooood.

    -God of Gamblers.  :D
  • Poor Mark. He can't help it.
  • Poor Mark. He can't help it.

    Yes I can!

    I often help myself... oh wait.. once again that didn't sound too good...

  • I knew it wouldn't be long before the Man-Flirting started up.
    I just wish it didn't take 4 pages.
  • Not sure how the Kit I team has a chance, with all the man-flirting going on and then Amanda's distractions... Can't imagine that any serious practice will ever get done. (poker practice that is)...

    Signed.....  THE MILTON ROCKS......,  coming soon to a poker table near YOU!
  • I think we should all get t-shirts... like a uniform....

    "Kitchener STPBOYS... let our hands beat you.."

    Well, maybe a somewhat better slogan... screw you I'm not in advertising!

  • compuease wrote:
    Not sure how the Kit I team has a chance, with all the man-flirting going on and then Amanda's distractions... Can't imagine that any serious practice will ever get done. (poker practice that is)...

    Signed.....  THE MILTON ROCKS......,  coming soon to a poker table near YOU!

    That's why there's Kitchener II... regardless, its our Cup, we'll figure out a viewing schedule if you guys want to visit and check it out afterwards.
  • DrTyore wrote:
    I think we should all get t-shirts... like a uniform....

    "Kitchener STPBOYS... let our hands beat you.."

    Well, maybe a somewhat better slogan... screw you I'm not in advertising!


    NOW THAT'S some good Man-Flirting. Bravo! So much better than any "we play with the nuts" jokes. Well done.
  • Please start thinking of names for our team, "stp's boys" might not be the best idea. Although it does have a ring to it!

    Kitchener Kickers "Our kickers always play"

    Yeah, that was dumb.

  • In Honour of the town's most easily identifiable company, how about:


    Hmm.. wait.. Easy's on the team now

    How about:

    Three drunks, Two guys I barely know, One Stranger, One babe... and Trevor.

    Or my personal favorite..

    Pepi's Pizza Poker Pro's.... maybe we could get sponsorship.

    Huh?  HuuuuH?

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