Ryder Cup of Poker: Kitchener Team

As the unofficial Captain of the Kitchener team I wanted to, as suggested, make a thread just for the players interested in belonging to the Kitchener Team of the Ryder Cup of Poker.  If you're unsure as to what this is see link below.  PM me here or post letting me know if you are interested in Team Kitchener.  Yes, it does mean you have to reside in Kitchener on an atleast semi-permanent basis.  I will only post the names of those that have contacted me, or that I have contacted.


The Kitchener Players

"stpboy" Shannon M.
"DrTyore" Mark B.
"Beanie" Trevor C.
"BigE" Eric
"Wolfhound" Dave W.
"Flint Bones" Andrew
"sloth" Neil Mc.
"       "  Ron
"TNorth" Tom N.
"Prophet22" Brent W.
"Shtebs" Steve S.
"Teach" Jeff R.
"labeach2002" Steve L.
"The Wine Man"  Larry L.
"Timsum" Tim
"Trapdoor" Jamie
"Easy" Amanda C.


  • I'm all yours shannon...

    Umm... I meant that in a no undertone kinda way

  • Assuming the teams listed are going to remain that way (ie no UW team)
    I'd be happy to play on the Kitchener team, even if it does mean playing with Mark :'(

  • What about Waterloo people? :'(
  • I'm loving this team already...

    especially Mark But especially Brad but ESPECIALLY Mark!

  • There is another thread for the Waterloo team Johnnie

  • So who is stepping up to Captain Kitchener II.
  • Seeing as I haven't been picked yet, I will be the captin of Kitchener II. And will fill in my spots from those who aren't chosen. High school all over again.

    Prophet 22

    PS Kelly's Place will be available to host as well
  • Seeing as I haven't been picked yet, I will be the captin of Kitchener II.  And will fill in my spots from those who aren't chosen.  High school all over again.
    LOL. Actually, we're supposed to have teams of 6, and stpboy already has 7 on the list. I'm not sure if that's the actual team already, or just the group of players who want to play (to be split later). Clarification stp?

    Brent - honestly thought you lived out of town for some reason. Glad to have you local ;)
  • I was also assuming we were going to split players once we know who is interested.
    If we do that and Shannon and Brent end up on the same team, I'd be willing to captain the K2 team.
  • Pinhead, you were one of the 7 picked by Shannon

    Prophet 22
  • Yes, I was just compiling the list of players that were interested in Kitchener.  We'll split once we get closer to the date and have ALL of the players that are available and interested...

  • Pinhead, you were one of the 7 picked by Shannon

    Prophet 22

    Yeah I was just saying that if we compile a list and split into 2 teams, and that results in you and Shannon on the same team
    with me on the other team, I will volunteer to be captain of that team

    Basically just saying that's probably a better approach then just alternating picking players (that way the person who gets picked last
    doesn't have to feel bad......Mark :D)
  • I would imagine each area nominates their Captain/Captains and then they would define their team from there. However they plan on doing it. There might be more intense games leading up to this event then the event itself. So if Kitchener nominates STP and Prophet then they will be captains of I and II and therefore not be on each others team. Is Kitchener already starting a sponsorship scandel?? :D
  • I have got to be part of this!!!! Count me in.

    Steve S.
  • Seeing as I haven't been picked yet, I will be the captin of Kitchener II.  And will fill in my spots from those who aren't chosen.  High school all over again.

    Prophet 22

    PS Kelly's Place will be available to host as well

    Sorry Brent, I wasn't aware that you fell under the Kitchener district....

  • Hey Brad lives in Toronto does he not???????????
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    Hey Brad lives in Toronto does he not???????????

    Only on a part time basis...still more than I want though :'(

    Technically I do have a Kitchener address though and went to UW...so I think I'm eligible to play for about half the teams
  • sorry to do that but thats a stacked team and Cambridge needs some players to.
  • haha sorry, Cambridge is one of the teams I can't play for - otherwise I'd help you out
  • Hrm...

    I don't know if I'm being honored or slandered here.. but I SOO want on a team, and they won't regret it... SHANNON!

  • Kitchener SUCKS!!!!!!!

    OH wait thats Mark sucks my bad.
  • Yes we do...we suckout on the river...we suck up the chips...suck back the beers...suck back the pepi's

    Stay on your our teams post Itsame...or Itsagonnahurt

  • Wolffhound wrote:
    Yes we do...we suckout on the river...we suck up the chips...suck back the beers...suck back the pepi's

    Stay on your our teams post Itsame...or Itsagonnahurt


    HAHAHA or Itsagonnahurt.... oh wait this is not my team fourm *runs back to london*
  • ItsaMe wrote:
    sorry to do that but thats a stacked team and Cambridge needs some players to.

    You pretty much live at Marks house anyway, what's the difference?
  • Is there a date for this - I'd play if there is room and I have enough Ryder Cup points!
  • Sweet Teach, I was wonderng if you were going to see this. I've added you to the list, it looks as though it wont be until February.

  • How did we fall to page 2.

    Prophet 22
  • Shannon

    you've got mail.

  • Alright, we need 8 players per team. Brent Wilson and myself will be choosing our teams out of all eligible and dedicated players listed.

    Brent and I will both have two 'Captains picks' and then must come to an agreement on the other 5 players on our teams. If you have any specific requests ie. "I really don't want to play with Shannon, he smells" then please PM Brent or myself.

    I'll list my two Captains picks for the record. Mark Breaton and Trevor Cook, I've played with you two several times and am always impressed with your ability to adapt to the table and adapt the table itself. I also think that personally, you guys are great representatives of the Kitchener Team and a heck of a lot of fun. In saying all of this, it wasn't easy to pick just two for my Captains picks. Kitchener has some awesome players and hopefully I can bribe Brent into giving me who I want.

  • stpboy wrote:
    I'll list my two Captains picks for the record.  Mark Breaton and Trevor Cook
    I'm not sure if this is a compliment to be a captains pick, or a shot since you're grouping me with Mark :D (that's Mr. Huggy for anyone at Rob's last night - lol).
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