Brampton Home Game Week of Aug 8-12

GREAT NEWS!!! Wifey, kid, AND the dog are all going away next week :D (Aug 8 - 12), and that is letting me do whatever I bloody well please!!! And of course, that means HOLDING ANOTHER HOME GAME!!!

Any night next week except Monday is good for me, so if you're in or near Brampton, looking for a low buyin tourney structure to play in, this is it!!! Usually get two or three games in a night. Here are the details:

$20buyin freezeout
1000 in chips
Blinds start at 10/20 and increase every 20 minutes (that way we get 2 or more games in a night)
Maximum players 8 per game
Payouts to be detemined once I know how many are going to show up for each game.
BYOB, I will have snacks available.

Let me know what night works best for everyone. I ususally hold games on Fridays, but I'm open to any other night except Monday, so whatever everyone else prefers. Sign up by posting here at the forum, or send me an email at by the end of the weekend. I will get back to everyone by Monday afternoon on day and start time, as well as directions and contact numbers.



  • I'm in for sure!!!!! keep us posted with the dates!

    :c: :d: :rage::s: :h:
  • Cool,

    WHat time do the strippers get there?
  • Strippers will be there all day....they will be refinishing the deck!!!! :D

    Stones and're both welcome to come to my game on Friday night Aug 12. Game time starts at 7:30pm sharp. Give us all a chance to finally put a face to the names.

    Getting some pretty good response for this game. Still a seat or two left if anybody else is interested. in??? You can bring the set of Copaq's I ordered from you then.

    Hope to see you all there.
  • I can come to your games for sure but I can make it for 8:45pm?
  • When is your next game? I'm available for a Tuesday game any time and would like to get in if there's a seat.
  • How does this sound for everyone?

    We can have a game on Wednesday Aug 10 starting at 7:30. Tilt, an 8:45 start makes for a very long night, so if you can make it earlier that would be preferable. If anyone can make it out, please advise by replying to this post to reserve a seat. Total players 8, and I will need confirmation of your intention to be there. Should be able to get 2 games in I think.

    Also, I am still planning on holding a Friday night game as well. Same structure, start time 7:30pm. Hopefully get 3 games in during the evening. Again, please post below to confirm your attendance.

    Specify if you can play Wednesday, Friday, or BOTH. Thanks.
  • I would be interested in the wednesday and friday games!!!

    K :c:
  • ACDC wrote:
    I would be interested in the wednesday and friday games!!!
  • Just sent you both an email. Thanks for signing in.
  • Hi AJ, count me in for friday's game.

  • You're in for Fridays' game Hork. Thanks.

    Still some seats left for both games. Sign up below and let me know which one you are interested in or both.

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