Wacky tournament day at DrTyore's (Kitchener / Waterloo - AUGUST 7)

Hey all

  I'm thinking of holding a very interesting tournament at my place on Sunday, August 7, 2005.  I know it's short notice, but to make it worthwhile, I need to have a guaranteed number of players, at LEAST 10, hopefully 16.  So without further ado, here's what I'm thinking....

The DrTyore "SHOE" tournament....

For $50 you get THREE tournaments... here's the breakdown!

1st Tournament:  $15 buy - in, $10 goes to the pot, and the other $5 is a bounty on every player, every gets one "special" $5 cihp, and for everyone you put out, you get their $5, if somone puts you out, you lost your $5 chip, but keep all the ones you've earned.  This game will be a Seven-card stud limit tournament ("S")

2nd Tournament: $15 buy-in, 10 in the pot and ANOTHER $5 bounty. This time it's once again everyone for themselves, but it's a POT LIMIT OMAHA EIGHT OR BETTER!!! ("OE" - SHOE, get it?). Again, depending on the people playing, we'll figure out the blind schedule.

3rd Tournament:  $20 buy-in, $20 goes into the pot, but WAIT!!!  It's a TAG-TEAM TOURNAMENT!!  That means that 1/2 of the attendees names will be placed into a hat, and the other half will draw names, and THAT'S you're partner.  We'll play No-Limit Hold em ("H"), and everytime the blind level increases, the partners "tag-out", with each sharing chip stacks and luck!  So, you're playing the first 10-20 blind level, and then when 15-30 hits, your partner's in!  (I'll try to find something entertaining, maybe xbox or something).

  I'm not 100% on the details yet, but it will start at Noon on Sunday, and the blind levels will be 15 minutes, and people start with $1500 in chips for all the events..

  So, let me know who's interested on the board here, and we'll see if we have enough players to run this thing.  It will be BYOB, BYOS, and of course, RAKE-FREE!!



  • The List thus far:  (Please note, I have pre-invited people that may be interested, they may decline this game, and as they do, they will be taken off the list, freeing up more space, so check back often!!  PM or e-mail me ASAP for your spot!!)

    1.  "DrTyore" Mark B
    2.  "Itsame" Mario P.
    3.  "JohnnieH" Umm... Johnnie H.
    4.  Johnnie H. +1
    5.  Frank P.
    6.  "Ineedanick" Dave P.
    7.  Alex S.
    8.  Krista s.
    9.  Big E Eric

  • Mark,

    Great idea, great format.   No way in  :rage: is she letting me out on a Sunday afternoon.

    That being said...can you play one but not all of them?

  • I sooo badly want to be there Mark, but I can't. The format sounds like so much fun.
  • Wolffhound wrote:

    That being said...can you play one but not all of them?



    Originally I had planned that you'd have to play in them all.. but given the tremendous (lack of) response... I may just have to go with an open game day, if I can even get THAT together... <sigh> I guess I just don't have Zithal's flair...

  • Are 9's going to be wild? :)
  • beanie42 wrote:
    Are 9's going to be wild? :)

    What, you need a NEW way to beat me with A-9?

    What a lousy tourney I had. :( Oh well... always next time... and SUNDAY IF ANYONE FREGGIN COMES!!!

    I feel so unloved.

  • DrTyore wrote:
    What, you need a NEW way to beat me with A-9?
    Nope, I already have the A-9o down. You have such a short memory! :D I want to learn to beat you with the other 167 starting hands (I know there's 169, but I'm leaving you the 10-8o since I'm feeling charitable)!
  • This is a very cool idea Mark,

    I'll check with the 'Boss' and let you know, she works every other Sunday...and something tells me this one she's off! :D
    Can you reserve me a spot, I'll firm it up by tomorrow!

  • Okay... so it's been two days now...

    And I've got one "maybe"... if I don't get some replies soon, it'll just have to be a day of poker at my place... Since I'm having SOO much luck getting people out, I'll do this early. Anyone interested in playing just a poker tournament at my place (Hold-em, NL), let me know. If there's more action with this, then we'll scrap the "SHOE" tourney, and just do that.

    I would prefer to try this other one, but if we can't, well I still wanna play. I'm open to the buy-in suggsetions.

  • Mark,

    Can't make it.


    p.s. switch deodorants...maybe more will show up...but, seriously, make it a Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday night...I'm there for the SHOE idea. Sounds like about 16hrs of good fun!!!!!!
  • Mark,

          Wish I could make it but............ I have a golf tourney                                                                                                                                     

    I know, I know, where are my priorities.

                                          maybe next time,
  • Mark,
    I'm back, and I'm in.

    What the hell happened at Bristo Street on Wed?


    ps...Chicago was a BLAST!!!!
    we'll trade stories later.....gimme a call whenever...

    <<<<<THIS IS CANCELLED>>>>>

    None of you seem to like me... :(

    Watch for a new post, probably just a day of poker / drinking / horseshoes

  • so i took work off for nothing?

    prophet 22
  • so i took work off for nothing?

    prophet 22


    Check the listing for "Poker Tournament: Sunday August 7"... I'm still having a game or two, or three!!

  • Thanks for hositing, Mark!!
    I like playing with the bountys, even though I didn't bust ANYONE!!!!!

    Better luck next time, buddy.

  • Sorry I couldn't make it Mark, still think it's a cool idea...if it falls on a Sunday when my wife is off next time, I am in!!!!!
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