This "Lee thing" is completely out of hand.

It's been a few days since this started and I feel partly responsible: Look at the forum all calling out one guy. This isn't supposed to be a witch hunt, and that is what it is turning into.

Obviously Lee was in a game, where he drove 1 hour to get there for a crappy car (no offense Shannon). He probably doesn't a bank roll 30k deep to do this challenge.
He made a mistake the first hand and got lucky, then he got really lucky to bust JeffC. Then everyone turned on him, "My god you idiot, how could you do that play?" "do you know how bad you are?", how would you react? Lee actually handled it not bad, stayed in the game and ended up winning.

I sat down at the same table thinking oh shit, I have to bust JeffC and Kev to win this car, and there friggan pro's. Had I been lucky against Kev or JeffC and got called on it, my defenses would be up too. I probably would have went up limits trying to prove myself on an ego trip, inflating the buy in. Getting in over my head, then playing at a limit that I could not play my best at.

I still think my game is good; JeffC didn't breathe fireballs out of his ass when he had a hand, Kev played his cards without lighting bolts flashing everytime he bet. But I did not get the chance to test my play against them either, if they completely outplayed me (like Shannon did, when I had top set top kicker) then I'd think different.

I don't have a comfortable bankroll to play 5k/10k, I betcha Lee is in the same position; Maybe he's in a hole now just to try and get someone to bankroll him; I could find a guy now that will bankroll me, for 2-1 - Odds heads up. He'd probably take 50% of my winnings and I would be responsible for 95% of my losings.
With guy and a bat to collect every couple of weeks.

If that's the case, then lets set up another game, $120 buy in. And only people at the original game (and Mark?, the guy you beat head's up and wants to replay you) can get in. We can make the stacks deeper so it is truly a skill game. Then see how things fair. The cash and bragging rights are up for grabs.

JeffC, Kev, we will work around your schedule, but I think if you guys could find time for the first game, another at that limit won't be wasting too much of your time, STP, PSI, Cole, Jeremy did you want another game? Lee here is a Chance to prove yourself.

Otherwise, this is really just becoming a pissing match of who's bankroll is bigger...

Mine's kinda small now for pissing it away last night in a crazy pineapple game, loosing to a guy in a helmet and stickers, his brother (kinda like Rainman if you ask me), and guy who looks just like teach but has a bit more homer Simpson to him.


  • Tyson..
    I agree with you in a variety of respects here. It has gotten out of hand, he's not a bad person or anything. As I stated earlier, I was only insulted by the possible slight he threw at us through Cole's Mom (saying that we were all soooo easy to read). I think players, when playing at a new venue or posting on a forum, should check their egos at the door (portal). This is the kinda stuff that can erupt when a new person arrives with all the bravado of 'The newly crowned Chmpion of the World'.
    I think it's pretty classy for you to bring this up and suggest a better way to go about testing eachother's skill. I'd consider it. We'll talk more tommorow at the Elgin and on the way up.

  • Just for the purposes of clarification... 5k/10K means one H/U SNG where if the challenger loses, he pays Lee 5K.  If Lee loses, he pays the challenger 10K.  We're not talking about a 5K/10K LHE HU match where each player brings at least 200K to the table.  If there's a game that big happening, I'll happily watch with the rest of the railbirds...

    And yeah, this seems to me to be a LOT about ego and not so much about poker.  Just my two cents...
  • I'm not looking to bust lee or anything. I want a friendly heads up battle that is worth my while to go to. Whatever amount Lee wants to play for is fine because i have a bankroll that I know will cover any amount he wishes to play for.

    I don't want 2:1 I want 1:1 and as you people that know me can vouch I will take whatever win or loss in a classy manner.

    Again I am STILL looking for lees email or phone number or anyway to contact him. Thank you
  • Mark,

    I sent you an Personal Message this morning.

    Prophet 22
  • all_aces wrote:
    Just for the purposes of clarification... 5k/10K means one H/U SNG where if the challenger loses, he pays Lee 5K. If Lee loses, he pays the challenger 10K. We're not talking about a 5K/10K LHE HU match where each player brings at least 200K to the table. If there's a game that big happening, I'll happily watch with the rest of the railbirds...

    And yeah, this seems to me to be a LOT about ego and not so much about poker. Just my two cents...

    Yes, it is a 5K win, with a 10K loss HU. Pretty big jump from $120/and crappy car (no offense Shannon).
  • blah blah blah
  • Stop saying crappy car, I was gonna give it to my gf :D lol

    I'm in.
  • Hasn't anyone else ever lost due to a bad run of luck?

    Isn't "let it go, get over it" an option?
  • But I still haven't seen the 'official announcement'. What happened to that???
  • There is rumor that Lee might be at Bolton Poker's game on Saturday! If you guy's really want a shot at him.

    LOL. just a shameless plug to entice more players, but there are rumors.
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