Heads Up Challenge Vs Lee Sign Up.

Ok everyone it appears everyone would like a piece of me so this is how we're going to do it. Since only a couple of you wish to challenge me at $5000/$10000 we'll do the format a little differently.The next event held by west side poker you will get your chance. Anyone who wishes to challenge me pays a $100 buyin, you lose and you go sit in the corner. You win and you receive back your buyin, get the bragging rights as we'll as the opportunity to challenge me at 2:1 odds at the next event. ($100/$200 - $200 - $400 or $300 - $600 your choice) If any of you make it to the second tourney and beat me in the 2:1 odds game then you reserve the right to challenge me for a $5000/$10000 durning the tournament of champions in december. The qualifier round will consist of one heads match game, the 2:1 odds games will consist of a best out of 3 match and the main event in december will consist of a best of 5 event. Blind structure will be as follows. 10/20 25/50 50/100 100/200 200/400 400/800 1000/2000 after at which point once the blind level is over the blinds double every two minutes. Each blind round will last 15 minutes and each player will start off with 10,000 in chips. Now that we have all that settled. Let the signup begin anyone who wishes to play me please email Brent at westsidepokerclub@rogers.ca as he will be organizing all 3 events.


  • I am not sure if I read this right, Are you saying that a person has to pay $100 and if they win they get their money back and bragging rights? LOL that is comical. I have never played against you and possibly never will so for me to comment first hand on your skills has no value but I would hate to tell you your not on too many radar screens to play heads up for solely bragging rights and the chance to play again at 2:1. I guess you do not have as much faith in your luck/skill as you did about a day earlier. Good luck with that. I would play a pro (maybe) with those conditions just to say I played them heads up even thou I have had the pleasure to play a few of them last year in Aruba but to play an average (possibly below average player) based on the recent posts is a joke given your conditions. Good luck to you and your opponents.
  • Oh man, this is toooooo funny.

    First you come on the boards to defend yourself trying to be "Mr Tough Guy" and throwing games around because you assumed no one woudl step up and be willing to put up that kind of money.

    Now we have to pay to beat you ... then get our 2:1 ?

    This is a joke.

    Best of luck trying to play anyone with these requirements.

    Or did you just realize your hot streak ran out? :D
  • Leequinox wrote:
    Ok everyone it appears everyone would like a piece of me so this is how we're going to do it. Since only a couple of you wish to challenge me at $5000/$10000 we'll do the format a little differently.The next event held by west side poker you will get your chance. Anyone who wishes to challenge me pays a $100 buyin, you lose and you go sit in the corner. You win and you receive back your buyin, get the bragging rights as we'll as the opportunity to challenge me at 2:1 odds at the next event. ($100/$200 - $200 - $400 or $300 - $600 your choice) If any of you make it to the second tourney and beat me in the 2:1 odds game then you reserve the right to challenge me for a $5000/$10000 durning the tournament of champions in december. The qualifier round will consist of one heads match game, the 2:1 odds games will consist of a best out of 3 match and the main event in december will consist of a best of 5 event. Blind structure will be as follows. 10/20 25/50 50/100 100/200 200/400 400/800 1000/2000 after at which point once the blind level is over the blinds double every two minutes. Each blind round will last 15 minutes and each player will start off with 10,000 in chips. Now that we have all that settled. Let the signup begin anyone who wishes to play me please email Brent at westsidepokerclub@rogers.ca as he will be organizing all 3 events.
    I've been watching this whole discussion with great interest. Looks like a complete farce to me. What's happening here is an out and out scam or a complete exercise in false bravado.. Say Lee plays 20 matches at $100., wins half, pockets $1000. an you never see him again or makes some excuse as to why he can't play anymore. If you guys are going to do this make sure someone neutral holds the $100. from any of the "preliminary" matches that he manages to win. Anyone who "offers" 2-1 odds heads up has to be a scam artist. Heads up, I just keep doing an all-in with any high card and I win better than 33% of the time. Those 2-1 odds are just way too much... Somethings hidden here..
  • We'll everyone wants to play me but only one person wants to put up $5000??. Much respect to him, all the other chickens get back in your pens. If Im such a bad poker player what's the problem? It's easy money right you'll put up 5K and will get 10K return guranteed right??
  • Disappointing. This site just got a lot less interesting.

    I don't know Lee. I don't think I've ever played him. His recent results are impressive and I had to respect the 'put up or shut up' attitude from yesterday. I fully expected a number of very good players to take him up on the once-in-a-lifetime offer.

    Today's turnabout is total crap. Ever considered a career in politics?

    I've played many of the other posters in these threads. The vast majority are far better players than I. But I still beat them once in a while and I'm working on improving my game. And I would seriously consider a heads up with any of them if they wanted to give me 2:1 odds.

    I know Brent a bit too. I don't picture him as the kind of guy willing to get drawn into what has now devolved into a circus sideshow.
  • Leequinox wrote:
    We'll everyone wants to play me but only one person wants to put up $5000??. Much respect to him, all the other chickens get back in your pens. If Im such a bad poker player what's the problem? It's easy money right you'll put up 5K and will get 10K return guranteed right??
    I think you fail to realize (for no 'obvious' reasons) that you're FREEROLLING the 5k/10k heads up.
    You have nothing to lose.

    You're probably going to get backed for any heads up you play.

    Your terms are unrealistic and completely a joke.

    I wonder why no one wants to play you.
  • Leequinox wrote:
    Ok everyone it appears everyone would like a piece of me so this is how we're going to do it. Since only a couple of you wish to challenge me at $5000/$10000 we'll do the format a little differently.The next event held by west side poker you will get your chance. Anyone who wishes to challenge me pays a $100 buyin, you lose and you go sit in the corner. You win and you receive back your buyin, get the bragging rights as we'll as the opportunity to challenge me at 2:1 odds at the next event. ($100/$200 - $200 - $400 or $300 - $600 your choice) If any of you make it to the second tourney and beat me in the 2:1 odds game then you reserve the right to challenge me for a $5000/$10000 durning the tournament of champions in december. The qualifier round will consist of one heads match game, the 2:1 odds games will consist of a best out of 3 match and the main event in december will consist of a best of 5 event. Blind structure will be as follows. 10/20 25/50 50/100 100/200 200/400 400/800 1000/2000 after at which point once the blind level is over the blinds double every two minutes. Each blind round will last 15 minutes and each player will start off with 10,000 in chips. Now that we have all that settled. Let the signup begin anyone who wishes to play me please email Brent at westsidepokerclub@rogers.ca as he will be organizing all 3 events.

    Worst first post. Ever.
  • Wow, so this whole thing was a scam...figures...no free lunches
  • I love fake posts. I am not sure if Zithal's is funnier or this one is.

    I have no comment on Lee's ability (or inability) since I have never played him. Judging by his posts and the posts of other players with whom I hold a lot of respect (STP), I will make an educated guess that you're an idiot. Your terms are nutty. I am going to risk $100 for bragging rights if I beat you? If I paid the $100 and won I would have nothing to brag about. I should be ashamed of risking $100 for nothing. The bonus is I get the "opportunity" to challenge you again? Have I missed something here? IF you are so confident in your skills why have the first rounds at all.

    Last point, you're curious why no one wants to put up $5000 to challenge you. Do you really think we all have $5000 laying around? Do you see the games we play? I don't remember but I think the last Bristol Street was a $10 buy-in.

    Anyway, I just wanted to point out the obvious, to everyone but yourself.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Wow, so this whole thing was a scam...figures...no free lunches

    Exactly what I said earlier today... I just don't understand Brent going along with it.
  • Sign me up! I hate $100!

  • If you don't have the money to play at his terms, why bash him and risk jeopardizing the chance for people who would consider going the distance against him, their opportunities.
    I don't see why everyone laughs at this proposition, other than the fact that it's much worse than his last one.
    If you plan on playing Lee and getting a shot at the 5K match this is way +EV.
  • From the rapid changes in his terms I find it very unlikely that this person could be trusted to uphold any agreement
  • This has got to be a joke right?????? I am not knocking anyone's ability here(as I haven't seen alot of you play), but why wouldn't you just have both players drop a couple of hun in the pot and play a straight up Heads up game? None of this 2:1 crap best out 20 games????

    I by no means consider myself to be even close to a below average tournament player, but I would be willing to drop $100-$150 in a heads up match (if I didn't have a wife and two kids, I would drop more).

  • I will play for $5000 - $10 000, no problem. If we play on-line and his "buddies"at westside are not dealing.  What do you say Lee? Or are you only confident when your dealers are there??
  • If you plan on playing Lee and getting a shot at the 5K match this is way +EV.

    Theoretically, this series of tournaments sure is +EV. This is (basically) proven in TPFAP. But "theoretically" assumes a lot. The tournaments that are promised actually occuring is the biggie.

    Realistically, it depends a lot on the chances of the tournaments actually going to the $5K level, actually playing a fair game of poker, the payout actually being 2-1, etc., etc.

    Those who perceive that this may turn be some kind of scam are difficult to argue with. The set-up of these tournaments (as Compuease points out very well in his post earlier in this thread) certainly at least allows for a risk-free chance to keep the "Level One" money and run. I'm trying to word things carefully without making any direct accusations or assumptions, but I do agree with many of the downside possibilities that Compuease (and others) have pointed out.

    Remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it may be time to open up the can of Caveat Emptor. (It's the one just to the left of the whoop-ass.)

  • Teach,

    The guys at West Side are legit. I'm sure they would let me deal for them if we asked, as long as Lee agreed to it. They actually know Jeff better then they know Lee, no worries in regards to their legitimacy.

  • stpboy wrote:

    The guys at West Side are legit.  I'm sure they would let me deal for them if we asked, as long as Lee agreed to it.  They actually know Jeff better then they know Lee, no worries in regards to their legitimacy.


    I second that.
  • Thanks Stpboy for the info.
    I changed my mind anyway. I think Lee's the best and want no part of his action.
  • teach wrote:
    Thanks Stpboy for the info.
    I changed my mind anyway. I think Lee's the best and want no part of his action.

    Hey Teach, if this post doesn't work, why don't you try some reverse psychology on him?

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