Guelph tourney Saturday!

Having a tourney this saturday at 6:00 in Guelph.

COLE! How many people can you bring were looking for more!


  • iam comming with blair , so i have no clue ill try for maybe one more if i can whats the buy in and how mnay players
  • is there any more room?

    me and another might want in, is that cool?

  • Sent you an email JD
  • atta boy brady
  • ahhah cole lets get it on! time for some more classic battles between us...

    see you guys tonight...

  • don wanan give me directions form elora like i live on countty road 7 in elora (guelph road) so if you can give me direcdtions from there i can get my freind to drive me cus i cant get a hold of blair
  • Well run guys did a great job...nice to meet all you guys, it was a fun night...hopefully we'll be playing again sometime soon

    thanks again

  • Thanks for everyone who attended the tourney last night. I think everyone had a great time. Met alot of good players and alot of great players.
    JD, I really enjoyed playing with you, great players are hard to come by!

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