Hey comp . . .

How do I find out if stuff might be running in the background on my laptop? I have done a quick scan with Micro security essentials, and nothing nefarious, but looking at my usage data, things seem very high lately.

So how do I find out if something is amiss?


  • Cuttlraltdellete


    Processes.. google anything suspicious.

  • delete system32

    edit.. (on a serious note though- you can run a program called "hijack this" and then post the resulting log file here)
  • First shot, as I have said many times before.. Malwarebytes.

    Free version is fine..

  • compuease wrote: »
    First shot, as I have said many times before.. Malwarebytes.

    Free version is fine..


    Comp's bang on here. Keep this updated, run it weekly. At least.
  • Comp's bang on here. Keep this updated, run it weekly. At least.

    Two others I can suggest, good old Super Anti-Spyware,

    SUPERAntiSpyware - Downloads

    as well as this Adware removal tool to cleanup browser malware.

    Adware Removal Tool Download - Tech Support AllTech Support All

    I hadn't really used SuperAnti-Spyware for a few years but it's later versions seem much better than a couple of years ago.

    Once you have removed all the malware with these tools, suggest you run ccleaner registry cleanup to delete all the dead links in the system registry.
    Can make quite a significant difference in performance.


    Make sure you stick with the free versions and resist the tricks to install the "trial" versions as you will be bugged afterwards to pay.
  • We should just make this thread a sticky, or make a new one and sticky that. This comes up reasonably frequently on here.

    Maybe not with a thread title like 'hey Comp' or everyone's just going to be asking for life advice in it. Not that it would be a bad thing or anything if you know what I mean.
  • GTA Poker wrote: »


    This is slowly (or less slowly) getting less funny.

    Sorry man. It is what it is.
  • Ibeembbaerrytoo

  • Wow, I just ran the piriform cc cleaner. Thing said it got rid of over 3Gb of stuff. I was a little nervous about this part, but reset and it seems to have made quite a significant difference in start up speed and performance.

    Thanks Comp.
  • Did it delete all your pass words, too? Did for me. Only 560mB for me.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Did it delete all your pass words, too? Did for me. Only 560mB for me.

    Doesn't appear so. I noticed the list of things that it was going to get rid of and I'm pretty sure I remember 'internet passwords' wasn't ticked. I only noticed it because it was the only category that wasn't check marked.
  • All good.
  • Milo wrote: »
    All good.

    Come on, don't leave us hanging. What fixed it?
  • compuease wrote: »
    Come on, don't leave us hanging. What fixed it?

    I think he meant that the registry cleaner didn't erase his saved passwords.
  • Just wanted to double check some things as it seems that ever since I upgraded the modem, etc. with my provider, my usage has increased as well. Moreso than I can account for . . .

    Yesterday was 6 gB for example, but I was only on for an hour or two. Must just be the flitting back and forth between pages, I guess. My network is passworded so it's not like someone is "borrowing" my bandwidth.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Yesterday was 6 gB

    If people wonder how much porn is too much, this.
  • ^4k resolution titties tho
  • Milo wrote: »
    Yesterday was 6 gB for example, but I was only on for an hour or two. Must just be the flitting back and forth between pages, I guess. My network is passworded so it's not like someone is "borrowing" my bandwidth.

    6GB in one day is very high, for sure someone on your network is streaming videos or downloading quite a bit.
  • Bfillmaff wrote: »
    ^4k resolution titties tho
    Not needed when your eyes are like that
  • My daughter does on-line gaming through her X-Box, but that is limited to a couple hours a day on weekends. I suspect she is on-line when we are not home, though.
  • Milo wrote: »
    My daughter does on-line gaming through her X-Box, but that is limited to a couple hours a day on weekends. I suspect she is on-line when we are not home, though.

    that's probably it. if you are worried about usage charges it's not really about how much she is using the xbox, more so what downloads the xbox is doing while it is on. could be updates, games, content, etc, but it will definitely be downloading stuff in the background from time to time.
  • Any way I can block that without fucking with her gaming capabilities?
  • not really, generally to play a game online it needs to be the the most up to date version, meaning the patches are required to play.

    I haven't used an xbox on live so I can't say if there's a way to restrict any of the optional stuff. if it's the new xbox try this?
    One way to reduce bandwidth usage when not using the console is to go into Settings/Power & Startup and switch Power Mode to "Energy Saving" instead of "Instant On."

    This will put the console in a low power state and stop it from auto-updating the system and games. The only drawback is that you cannot turn the console on using voice commands and the system will take longer to boot. But at least you can choose when the system and games will update this way.
  • Milo wrote: »
    Any way I can block that without fucking with her gaming capabilities?
    Given that Rogers upgraded you router I assume now you have better speeds? Given that is true your household can likely stream much better than before?

    I do not think the Xbox gaming is the issue, we have Xbox, Wii, PS3 and all get used online when grandkids are over. Barely blips on the usage radar.
    As I said before 6GB in a day is a lot. She (or someone connected to your router) is streaming video/music almost for sure. I'm sure you can leave certain devices off for a day and check your usage, likely can narrow it down that way. Is she perhaps streaming on her phone while playing Xbox?
    Only other alternative is to pay for unlimited bandwidth.

    FYI, surfing the web, etc (non media streaming) would likely not even use a GB in 24 hours so use that info to help you determine source.
  • ^^^ ya what he said, the general usage of the xbox online is never the issue here, ever. 3 pcs, xbox, ps4 going almost 24/7 at my place.

    pretty sure my worst usage/slowdown actually occured was when i was uploading masssssive files for a month.

    someone is transfering large amounts of data at your house for the usage to be that high.
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