Brampton Home Games??

Hey all. Now that I have some of the necessary equipment, I'm thinking about setting up a regular monthly or bi-weekly Poker night with others in the Brampton area. Idea is to have a get together at a different place each time, or maybe just stick to one place, not sure right now, we will see how much interest there is first.

NLHE will most likely be the game of choice. Low stakes, low buyins. Not too sure what else at this time. Never held or planned a poker night before, so I'm learning as I'm going.

Basically, it would be just a friendly game held on a regular basis, and we can get to know others as well. Table holds eight, so I figure that would be the max number of players at this time. Might need to bring your own chips though, as Santa only provided me with a few.

We can set up the particulars at another time, if there is sufficient interest. Just tag onto this thread with a contact email and I will get back to you on time and place.

Oh, and wifey has already said she won't be doing on serving work either. Sorry.


  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Oh, and wifey has already said she won't be doing on serving work either. Sorry.

    I'm interested. I'm just down the road in Halton Hills. I have chips.
  • I'm interested.

    PM or email me with the deets.
  • Sounds like a plan.
    I'm in brampton and i think i can talk the wife into hosting once a month or something like that. I also have a couple of buddies who would play once and a while.

    Keep me in the loop.

    BCC - 55
  • I'd be interested if I can make the time.

  • Sounds like we have enough to get started on. I will email you all and we can work out the details. I'm thinking either the second or third Friday in January for the first game? Whatever works best for everyone. Thanks all. :D
  • BCC55 wrote:
    Sounds like a plan.
    I'm in brampton and i think i can talk the wife into hosting once a month or something like that. I also have a couple of buddies who would play once and a while.

    Keep me in the loop.

    BCC - 55

    Hey BCC, need your email address, it's not coming up on your public file.

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Hey BCC, need your email address, it's not coming up on your public file.


    Didn't realize it was blocked... should work now.

    Happy New Years

  • Sounds like we have a great start to this.

    I suggest either Friday Jan 14 or Friday Jan 21, whichever is more available to everyone. I'm easy with both dates at this time.

    Just have to agree on the buyin, and I will email you all the address and phone number to get things going.

  • I live in brampton and would be very much interested in playing...Send me the deets.........
  • solive5509 wrote:
    I live in brampton and would be very much interested in playing...Send me the deets.........

    Send me your email addy...not on public file. Thanks.
  • Let's set it for the 21st of January, starting at 8pm. Please respond with a definite yea or nay by January 18.

    I'm in favour, actually prefer, keeping it a low buyin, so if a sit'n go or tourney is preferred, I'm for it totally. That way we all know what to bring in upfront.

    I'm near Central Park and Bramalea Rd. Address and phone number has been sent to all those I had email addresses for.

    I assume everyone is a repectable citizen. If not, then YOU can face the wife!!! And she can get mean, believe me. ;-)

    ps-Thanks guys for your input. Hope I can make it good night for everyone.
    pss- HAPPY NEW YEAR, AND ALL THE BEST FLOPS IN 2005!! especially for me ;-)
  • Hey, I'm in Mississauga and am moving to Brampton in the spring. I host a seni-regular game at my place, and might be interested in getting into a new poker circle. Let me know if you get anything going, or if anyone is interested in joining my game. I'm hosting this Friday (Jan 7th) at 7:00pm dear Bloor and Dixie. See my thread for more info.
  • My email address is

    Would love to play and probably can get 2-3 more people to play...
  • I also live in Brampton and am very interested in the idea .. so please send me the details as well .. itd be good times . oh yeah email me at
  • I may be interested as I am in Brmapton too.

    What buy-in's/limits are you looking at?
  • Always interested in poker in brampton, email also i am going to be running tournaments in brampton so let me know if interested

  • I'd love to get in any brampton games. Respond back to me with date, times and buy-in amounts. Thanks.
  • Just wanted to thank the guys that came out last night and teach me exactly how little I know about playing poker. Definitely a humbling experience.

    Youth won out during the night. As only a few braved the cold and showed up, we played a couple Winner take all rounds, and the students were certainly the teachers. Good games guys.

    Lets see now, what did I bullets aggressively....limit and no limit are two totally different games...blinds can be costly if you don't win enough early enough to stay in the game....and playing against a pysch major has it drawbacks....and of course, I still have alot to learn about this game.

    Hope we can do it again. As mentioned from the start, I would like to set up a regular monthly game. Let me know you guys think.

  • Sounds like you had a good time regardless. I have 5-8 guys that have been playing at my house for a couple of months, sometimes we will get two tables goin. We play $20 buy-in for 100-150 chips (depending on attendance), the prize pool varies but if we get 10 people we set it at 1st-$120 2nd-$60 3rd-$20. None of us are pro's but have been playing for awhile, we would love to get games giong with new faces. Would you be interested in mixing the games together? The reason I am asking is that over the last couple of weeks, we have been discussing that it would be nice to play against people that don't usualy play against, because we feel that we are starting to read into eachother to much.
  • Hmmmm, just might be interested in attending some night. Let me know when and where and I will see what I can do about getting myself and maybe a couple others to show up. Thanks.

  • rgspence wrote:
    Would you be interested in mixing the games together?
    I'm interested. Please let me know when your next game is.
  • Hey, guys, thinking about holding another game at my place on the 18th of Feb. Maybe keep it a low buyin limit game. Who's interested?

  • Im just up the street in Orangeville, and would love to find a low-limit game. Let me know im
  • Woodyjer,

    if you find a game or other players in the area, let me know. i'm in Caledon, about 10 minutes away from Orangeville... always looking for a game nearby.
  • Well. Str82Ace. You had something going here? Where have all the Bramptonites gone!!!??? We need a game, we need it fast, and we need it regular! (sounds a bit dirty, I know)

    Me and Str82Ace can host games. We need you guys to come out n play. We both dig low-buy-in NL tournaments. I also like limit cash games.

    mail me for details.
  • Hey Stones. Yea, this was an old post of mine, WAY back. Figure the summer weather and vacations and what not have alot to do with it lately. I'm sure it will pick back up again in the Fall.

    I can host games usually once or twice a month, and I would like to keep them low buyins too, give everyone at chance at playing. I'm sure Stones can host a couple per month as well. Stones, call me sometime, and we can set things in motion together, maybe make it a regular event.

    I have a list of guys already, so it's just a matter of sending out emails and posting here in time. Maybe Friday's aren't good, I'm open for other suggestions.

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Hey Stones. Yea, this was an old post of mine, WAY back. Figure the summer weather and vacations and what not have alot to do with it lately. I'm sure it will pick back up again in the Fall.

    I can host games usually once or twice a month, and I would like to keep them low buyins too, give everyone at chance at playing. I'm sure Stones can host a couple per month as well. Stones, call me sometime, and we can set things in motion together, maybe make it a regular event.

    I have a list of guys already, so it's just a matter of sending out emails and posting here in time. Maybe Friday's aren't good, I'm open for other suggestions.

    I live in brampton and I'm very interested in playing in your tournament, please email me and let know when and where.

  • Hey,
    I am down, I am also down the road in halton hills, so anyone can email me with details when you guys get a chance, for now take care,
  • Hey, if you Brampton boy's are looking for a game this Saturday...there is always the tournament at the Pearson Pub ;)
  • where's the pearson pub??

    :c: :d: :rage: :h: :'(
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