Guelph Tuesday!! (APril 29th)

Alright ya'll...we'll try for this tuesday, to accomodate the lost fans and other people....

I am still able to run on thursday, so if you can make it thursday but not tuesday, say so in your post..or we'll have a vote. at the top and we'll run whatever one..or both...

Same as usual
20 + 5, 10,000 in chips, 20 min blinds..bla bla.....


1. Mark
2. Adam
3. Grifter
4. Chris
5. Timmeh


  • tuesday no problems. thursday.. maybe.
  • Either Tuesday or Thursday is generally good for me through the summer. I cannot play this Tuesday though.
  • No for Keith Mir and I this tuesday and thursday.
  • I can play thurs only this week, but normally could play both I'm sure.
  • is there a game tonight in guelph ?...if so....i'd love to play.
  • sorry's looking like we dont have enough...
    i'm trying for thursday?? any interest?
  • you running Thurs?
  • ill play.....let me know when and where.
  • no idea..but it's not looking good.. :(
    need to have at least 6 to run thurs...
  • i'm in for thursday.
  • i stand corrected..this thursday isin't looking out of the me at
    quiane AT hotmail DOT com for directions...
    i'll post here for confirmation tomorrow, but if we have 5 for sure, i'll run! :)
  • I can play tonight as well.
  • alright..unless i hear other wise, this game is a go..we have 5 solid we'll go with that for now...if it falls apart, i'll post here..but hopefully all will be well!
  • i'm guessing this week is a pass?
  • ya i was able to play tonight
  • yeah, i have some shit i have to do..but it's funny, the week i can't run, i get a bunch of emails! lol
    Ahh well..i'll be running again next week...any interest in a sunday afternoon/evening game?
  • Rivaflush wrote: »
    yeah, i have some shit i have to do..but it's funny, the week i can't run, i get a bunch of emails! lol
    Ahh well..i'll be running again next week...any interest in a sunday afternoon/evening game?

    don't you have a mother?
  • LMAO....

    touche sir..touche.....

    i forgot what weekend this was!!!! fair weekend then! :D
  • i think this is where i parade in with a sick joke about mark's mom .... but unfortunately he runs the game
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