Game 11 Player's List

With only two games left in the season, the leader board is still up for grabs. It's going to be a very close race. Should be some fireworks in store.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-12 07:48:14
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-13 09:04:15
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-14 06:01:44
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-14 09:37:39
Max - Seat Reserved - tentative
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-15 07:16:25
ElElliott - Seat Reserved
DWett - Seat Reserved
Derksen - Seat Reserved
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved Pending
akline - Seat Reserved


  • <--- In.
  • Looking abit light right now, but I'm sure we'll get everyone to sign in soon.

    Just to let everyone know, my daughter's school is having an open house tomorrow night. I should be back home by 7:30, but if I am abit late, the door WILL be open when I get back.
  • I will be there unless the baby decides it wants to be born.

    I will call if I cannot make it
  • SteveKerr wrote: »
    I will be there unless the baby decides it wants to be born.

    I will call if I cannot make it

    pfft. babies.

    You need to get your priorities straight.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    pfft. babies.

    You need to get your priorities straight.

    lol..., I can see Steve being the most dangerous player till the end!icon12.gif

    Imagine, he's pretty much all-in on all hands from now till labour! How can you compete with that! It's all good, don't let them ruin your game play! The "I got to go RIGHT NOW" card is always available at your disposal!icon12.gif

    All jokes aside, congrats in advance if I don't see you these last few weeks!
  • Out
  • This is a message for Alen...

    "Tonight's game has been cancelled!!! Further notice will be posted by tomorrow.."
  • ACDC wrote: »
    This is a message for Alen...

    "Tonight's game has been cancelled!!! Further notice will be posted by tomorrow.."

    Allen I do believe is now a member of this forum...I'm sure he'll get right back at you for that one Kris. Nice try ;)
  • I'll check the list again when I get back prior to game time to see if any other's are of right now there's 11, so one table. If another joins in, we'll set up two tables in a hurry.

    See you all at 8pm.
  • Who can beat a guy who gets like 7 pocket kings in one night??

    Derek had an amazing night. He was short stacked early in the game, but after the merge he started getting cards and they got paid off nicely. After doubling up back to back, he was once again at starting stack, then the kings started. I've never seen anyone hit KK so many damn times in one night!! Even then though, Derek was on a rollercoaster all night...up one minute, and down the next, but he kept battling back.

    Headsup, Derek flopped two pair K's and 8's to my K's and 5's. Both of us slowplaying to the very end, when I bet out 1500 to try to look weak. Derek came over the top allin and I insta called, not realizing I was doomed. Derek takes his first victory in quite some time.

    I came in second spot and Chris took down the third position. Can't remember who was bubble, but I DO know Allen was Chump. But I don't think that's going to change the points much at all. I'll update the leader board later tonight and post in the other thread.

    Great game everyone. Everyone was riding the roller coaster last night. And some HUGE hands were being pitted against each other. That one when I called two allins with AA, only to see a two king board give Eleanor trip kings was just nasty...I had already been counting those chips too...sigh. NH!
  • Congrats Derek.

    Between your monster hands and the monster suck-outs you suffered, you kept your cool. It was defintely your night!

    AJ - I believe Aaron was bubble.

    The AA v AK v 99 hand was pretty dirty. But I was short-stacked, how was I to know you would wake up with AA behind me?

    How about your dirty J9 v Derek's QQ? Hmmmm??? ;)

    Last night was a night of big hands....lots of showdowns of cooler like proportions, and some wicked suck-outs AKs v KK, AK makes a flush. AK v AA, AK makes trips....and a bunch of KK v QQ, JJ v QQ, etc.
  • Congrats Derek. Pocket Kings, Queens all night, how could you not win?

    Good game last night. The game went pretty quick overall.

    Hand of the night on the board of 2c-3c-4c.

    Jeff "I weak bet" and puts 100 chips in.

    Me "Well then I have to raise. I raise 400"

    Jeff goes all-in and I call. I have A-5 no clubs Jeff has A-4 no clubs.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    The AA v AK v 99 hand was pretty dirty. But I was short-stacked, how was I to know you would wake up with AA behind me?

    Believe me, any other hand I would have mucked it cold. AA multiway is NOT a fun hand
    ElElliott wrote: »
    How about your dirty J9 v Derek's QQ? Hmmmm??? ;)

    Yes, that was dirty of me. I only wanted to show strength when I thought he was weaker than QQ. He had been taking down alot of pots and figured he was playing a wider range of hands...didn't expect the call. Got VERY lucky with that one, much to Derek's dismay.
    ElElliott wrote: »
    Last night was a night of big hands....lots of showdowns of cooler like proportions, and some wicked suck-outs AKs v KK, AK makes a flush. AK v AA, AK makes trips....and a bunch of KK v QQ, JJ v QQ, etc.

    There were A LOT of big hands, and monster suckouts all night. I knew it was going to be one of those nights when I flopped quad Jacks ;) Didn't expect the KK to favour Derek all night though, man what a rush of cards.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Who can beat a guy who gets like 7 pocket kings in one night??

    Well.... apparently nobody ;)

    Just to give the full picture though, I was easily sucked out on just as many, likely a few more times, than the amount of times I picked up KK and similar. Fortunately, I picked up those hands when I truly needed them the most. It seems every all-in I had, I was just a slight favourite (like A8 over A6 with Kris, A9 over A4 with Aaron).

    It was a roller coaster night indeed. I thought I was dead in the water after the first half an hour. The deck was slapping me with crap flops and turns everywhere when I had good starting hands. I was being out-carded left, right and centre. Everybody at my table took a very nice chunk from me, mostly Allen.

    When the merge hit, I was in horrible shape. I managed to pick up total shite for a few rounds that got me folding to the break. My 290 in chips got bumped to 300 with the chip race (yeah!), and I entered the 50-100 UTG. My threatening 3BB was not threatening enough, so with a SB call, I doubled up+ that hand, doubled up+ the next. Then I was in business! I think I was on the kiddie roller coaster up until that point. Then the real roller coaster started. I don’t think I can remember a game with such huge swings of chips moving away from me in suckouts, and then back a few hands later, then back away again, and so forth. Kind of makes one sea sick!!

    AJ’s brutal J9 pre flop push into my QQ was brutal. The only time I’m not hoping for my trip card, it comes and makes him the straight. Not so long after, an AK pre-flop push to a turned flush from Chris against my KK. F-me! I don’t know how I hung on. I had the spirit of dental floss last night. I just wouldn’t let go…. Hangin by a thread. This one’s for you, the lady, and the baby Steve!! I’ll bring some formula to the next game!!

    Thanks for a great night.
  • HELL YEA, I forgot!!!

    Steve and his wife will be having their baby today! I think it was supposed to be this morning sometime.

    Congradulations Steve and family!!!!
  • Oh, one more thing….. What a great finish. That was hilarious AJ. Both of us slow playin our flopped 2 pair. We’re both lying snakes in the grass! K8 made me money. Sweet!

    And the only one suckout I laid that was on Aaron was very rough. His ThJh vs my TdJd…. And I turn the flush. Damn! That hurts!!
  • derksen wrote: »
    Oh, one more thing….. What a great finish. That was hilarious AJ. Both of us slow playin our flopped 2 pair. We’re both lying snakes in the grass! K8 made me money. Sweet!

    I didn't think it was so #%%^!# great!!! You're a slow playing m!#$%^f!%$!!%^! ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    I didn't think it was so #%%^!# great!!! You're a slow playing m!#$%^f!%$!!%^! ;)

    Is that so you slow playing m!#$%^f!%$!!%^! ;)
  • derksen wrote: »
    Oh, one more thing….. What a great finish. That was hilarious AJ. Both of us slow playin our flopped 2 pair. We’re both lying snakes in the grass! K8 made me money. Sweet!

    And the only one suckout I laid that was on Aaron was very rough. His ThJh vs my TdJd…. And I turn the flush. Damn! That hurts!!

    You stole my pot on that one. I hadd 8's and was going to push all-in but you did it first. I would have won with my 8's against his 10-J but not yours.
  • The Leader Board thread has been updated. Very little difference though.

    Next game should be quite a good one though.
  • S8G11CHAMP.jpg

    Feel better now? ;)
  • No one mentioned the lucky seat!
  • Very well done sir. A very patient game played - then:

    Ninja / Ninja / Pole Slap / Cardrack.

    Great game Derek.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Feel better now? ;)

    Yes I do feel better thanks.
    No one mentioned the lucky seat!

    Yes Jeff.... it was very lucky. How come you couldn't capitalize?
    Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Ninja / Ninja / Pole Slap / Cardrack.

    Umm.... what he said. Very succinct and direct as usual Darryl.
  • Congrats Derek...nicely done and well deserved...
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