1/2 NL cash game in London Ontario

If anyone is interested I am starting up a 1/2 NL cash game in London - Huron and Highbury area. Let me know.


  • 5194954393

    It will be running every friday.
  • Definitely interested, when are you running the first one?
  • Unless your game is 100% legal and rake-free, you may not want to post details in a public forum!
  • And more importantly, if it were not 100% rake free I should post it in the club section :P But my game is 100% legal and I will not be charging any rake - although if everyone is up for it we might split on some pizza or something. I hate rake!

    Fleming : I am thinking this Friday, April 18th, if I can get 5 other people (+ myself) guaranteed. Right now I've got 4 or 5 others fairly interested but not 100% confirmed.
  • if u need a dealer I will do it for tips. alexjamesbaker@gmail.com
  • I might be interested.

    Min/max buyin?

    Start time?
  • Please PM me the details. I may not be able to make it this week, but possibly in the future.
  • Game is a go with 5 confirmed players (including myself) - starting 7 pm, although this may be subject to change.

    aj : thank you for the offer! I will discuss it with the punters and get back to you.
  • cadillac :

    "Min/max buyin?"

    My preference is for uncapped, but we'll see how everyone feels about it. For now we'll say 50/200 but I will be lobbying for uncapped :P

    "Start time?"

    7pm, should run fairly late.
  • Meistro wrote: »
    My preference is for uncapped, but we'll see how everyone feels about it. For now we'll say 50/200 but I will be lobbying for uncapped :P

    Yummy. I like.

    I am not interested in $1-$2 with $50 stacks but if there will be some $$$ on the table I am interested.

    A dealer would be great!!!
  • Well I will definitely be buying in for the max, and rebuying if I bust - I can't say for certain about the other players. I agree with you a dealer would be great, I hate dealing.
  • game is cancelled
  • ghey. that is all.
  • That cancellation seems pretty abrupt. Did you have a bunch of people bail? I was thinking of trying to come out. I wouldn't be able to be there until at least 8 pm though. Guess it doesn't matter now.
  • "Did you have a bunch of people bail?"

    Nope, it was cancelled for 'bankroll' reasons (aka I lost a bunch of money online and don't have the roll for 1/2 any more). Sorry everyone! I might be setting up a .10/.25 with a friend on his day off (monday/tuesday) so if any is interested in that hopefully we can get some games in London running!
  • Meistro wrote: »
    "Did you have a bunch of people bail?"

    Nope, it was cancelled for 'bankroll' reasons (aka I lost a bunch of money online and don't have the roll for 1/2 any more). Sorry everyone! I might be setting up a .10/.25 with a friend on his day off (monday/tuesday) so if any is interested in that hopefully we can get some games in London running!

    Sorry to hear about your bankroll. .10/.25 is really not worth my while. If you get back up to 1-2 post back on the forum as I will be interested in that.
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