Game 10 List

Hmmm, for the 10th game, sure looks like alot of you guys are not going to show. I know the Elliotts are off on a mini vacation in the south, but where is everyone else?

Looks like a good chance to gain some ground on the leader board if nothing else...

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-04 15:34:26
DWett - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-05 22:50:41
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-06 07:38:24
akline - Seat Reserved - email
Max - Seat Reserved - verbal
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-08 07:34:58
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2008-04-08 12:36:29
ACDC - Seat Reserved - posting
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - posting


  • We might be out for a couple of weeks, we are very short staff in the evening. and besides, Derek scared me off with his reading abilities.
  • IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    We might be out for a couple of weeks, we are very short staff in the evening. QUOTE]

    bad news for you.

    good news for me!
  • Won't be a better time to move up the standings Romer. OH well, I'm sure Allen, Chris and Darryl appreciate it.
  • With my points, It will be impossible to catch up even with 3 straight wins, you guys should worry about the top 5. I'm looking forward to the last game + season ending + the polish party + the new season, cuz I'm bringing two more donkeys. I can only make it in a couple weeks since my day off lands on that day that week, this week, my day off is obviously today since I'm posting at this time. Next week its Wednesday, but if anything, I'll post if its a go.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    IM-ON-TILT wrote: »
    We might be out for a couple of weeks, we are very short staff in the evening. QUOTE]

    bad news for you.

    good news for me!


    you haven't seen my A game yet...LOL.
  • Im out this week. Outta town for a few days.
  • League rule is that we need a minimum of 8 players to make it an official league game. Therefore, if less than 8 players show, then whoever does show, we'll either have a small low buyin tourney, OR a low stakes cash game, whichever everyone wants.

    Currently at 7 players, and still waiting to hear from a couple other players, so I'm confident we'll have our numbers this week.
  • sorry AJ I'm out for 2 weeks....... good luck to everyone.... defintely back by the 24th and of course the season finale....who could miss that ?
  • short staffed aint the word amigo
  • I'm in (ACDC)... I did not sign up because I did not get the usual e-mail 'invite' from you AJ...

    See you all tomorrw
  • ACDC wrote: »
    I did not sign up because I did not get the usual e-mail 'invite' from you AJ...

    That site is really starting to piss me off lately. Every week seems to be something different going wrong or not doing what I want it to do. Might just drop that site entirely after this season...we'll discuss it during the game.

    You're IN Kris
  • No word from Derek, Justin, or Jeff yet...hoping a couple of them will sign in though...we got our minimum number of players now, so the game IS on.
  • There is a chance I may be a couple minutes late.

    Please keep a detailed log of those who steal my blinds.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    There is a chance I may be a couple minutes late.

    Please keep a detailed log of those who steal my blinds.

    okay...I can tell you know...DEREK!!!
  • Please put in for tonight, sorry for the late notice.
  • GREAT! You're IN Jeff!
  • AJ, apropos of nothing, but did you notice the changes to by-law enforcement in our fair city? Three tix in two months gets you a lift from the tow boys. Word to the wise, so to speak.
  • Milo wrote: »
    AJ, apropos of nothing, but did you notice the changes to by-law enforcement in our fair city? Three tix in two months gets you a lift from the tow boys. Word to the wise, so to speak.

    Thanks for the notice Milo, did NOT see that. I'll let them all know.
  • Kris is excited!!! He now has the points he wanted so badly. Never saw anyone get so excited moving up the leader board.

    Kris and Aaron headsup. Kris his a boat when his 23o turns a boat and Aaron is drawing dead, doubling Kris up and crippling Aaron. Second hand at the 300/600 level, Aaron pushes all in with KXo against Kris's AA. And they held up! Nice game Kris. Won't be alot of points, but any gain on Allen is a good gain.

    Mike went out in third place, and I was bubble. Chump was Jeff.

    Good game all. See you all next week.
  • Considering this is a game based on the premise of winning money, I have never seen anyone care so little.

    Its possible that Kris would have given me the first place money if I offered him my 5th place points.
  • Wetts1012 wrote: »
    Considering this is a game based on the premise of winning money, I have never seen anyone care so little.

    Its possible that Kris would have given me the first place money if I offered him my 5th place points.

    That's our Kris...who wants money when being recognized as the POINTS Champion is so much more threatening! ;)

    Hey to donate your winnings to the SET pool? I'm sure Justin wouldn't mind. ;)
  • Yes, Yes and Yes....

    It's points that I want and I want it bad... Money is ok and I'm not giving it up, but. I want to be the home grown champion again and that is my priority at all times. Lets see what we can do next week.

    Lets Get Some Points!!!
  • Congrats Kris for winning this week...,

    In Kris' defense though, I guess every little point helps considering you also get the equivalent value of chips at the SET game! As long as Kris doesn't mind sending some of those chips over this direction come the finale, I'm in support of him winning every week!icon12.gif

    Dude, I can understand them bullets but 23o..., WOW! Well, atleast rockets were good to you unlike to some people!icon12.gif

    PS: AJ, out for another week (wife's bday) - can't miss that one or else I won't be playing at all if you know what I mean!
  • When Kris hit trips on that hand, he SCREAMED 'give me a duece'. When it came on the river, he jumped up, pumped his fist, said YES!!...and CHECKED!

    Aaron went allin and Kris instacalls with his little boat.

    Just one question, Aaron...did you see Kris's tell?
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    When Kris hit trips on that hand, he SCREAMED 'give me a duece'. When it came on the river, he jumped up, pumped his fist, said YES!!...and CHECKED!


    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, that sounds Kris alright lol!!!!!!
  • Leader Board thread has been updated. Not a great deal of change.

    Unless you're name is Chris Elliott that is ;)
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