Drunken Poker

Hey fellow hill members, just wondering since there are very, very, very few RARE hill members who like to drink and play poker...does anyone get annoyed by the drunken monks? There was a thread on the forum (not Hill related) a couple weeks ago about how drunken players annoyed some of the sharks at the table, and became a flame war thread. Some were cool, some were not cool.


  • Rare, yes...but not uncommon. I've been know to toss a couple of brews back during a game, and others have as well. I have no qualms about those that drink and have a couple to unwind.

    I rather not have anyone falling down drunk, or loud and obnoxious and disrupting the game for everyone. It takes away from the game imho.

    The rules say if you want to drink, I have no problem with it, but don't expect it supplied by the host. I normally don't have it, but if I do, I'll offer to anyone who wants one. If I feel a player can't make it home, I'm taking their keys and calling them a cab.

    We have fun, but we play serious too. Bring your suds if you like, I don't have issue...become drunk, loud, and obnoxious, you're not coming back.

    Unless its a Season Ending Party in my backyard and the ATM in the shed is fully loaded...then I don't give a shit ;) Just pick me up off the lawn when the game's over.
  • I just don't like to drink on Thursday nights.

    I play in another game on Mondays (it's a re-buy game) where the winner has to bring two cases of beer to the following game. I usually try to get my money's worth on that one.
  • Doesn't bother me in the least. And if you're also asking if you act like a drunken monkey, the answer is not at all.

    I'd kill for a drink these days, but alas it's not in the cards until sometime after July 16th ;)

    We really do need to resurrect the End of Season party. I have a funny feeling Romer would smoke us all at Polish Poker!
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    We really do need to resurrect the End of Season party. I have a funny feeling Romer would smoke us all at Polish Poker!

    TOTALLY AGREE!! Been WAY too long for a celebration.

    There's four games left, and then the SET game, which takes us into May 1. Basically, anytime time after that is open for a party...and weather might be a damn sight nicer too.

    My place?? Cheap tournies with polish poker, and/or some .5/1 cash games? I'm open to suggestions.
  • Unless the drunk in question is breathing on me, open mouth with the smell of a brand of liquor I don't care for, I usually don't mind drunks in the game.

    Bottom line, if someone is going to be a jerk, they will be so, drunk or sober.
  • ElElliott wrote: »
    I'd kill for a drink these days, but alas it's not in the cards until sometime after July 16th ;)

    Congratulations to you and Mr. Bubble Boy.
  • Unless the drunk in question is breathing on me, open mouth with the smell of a brand of liquor I don't care for, I usually don't mind drunks in the game.

    Bottom line, if someone is going to be a jerk, they will be so, drunk or sober.

    Who is this Bus Driver guy and why is here posting here?
  • Unless the drunk in question is breathing on me, open mouth with the smell of a brand of liquor I don't care for, I usually don't mind drunks in the game.

    Bottom line, if someone is going to be a jerk, they will be so, drunk or sober.

    You took the words out of my mouth Jeff!

    Romer, I don't think that you have much to worry about with you're 'drinking'. If I haven't been asked to leave yet, you have a LOT of room left to offend people.... I set the bar very high!!
  • Romer, I think everyone on The Hill concurs...your drinking has no effect on us OR the way we play the game...hell, I encourage you drink MORE ;)
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