Looking for Players

Once every couple of months I run a home game in Georgetown. Usually get 12 - 18 players show up but lately it's been tough to work around schedules and attendance has dropped a bit. So, I'm looking to add more players to my evite. If you're interested, PM me your details (name, email, phone) and I'll add you to my list.

Game details: $20-40 NLHE freezeouts (1 or 2 a night, depending on the blind structure we choose), payouts to top 3, tournament director on monitor...

P.S. This is run out of my home, so no hot heads or jackasses need reply.:rage:


  • What nights do you run your games? Can you supply the blind structure?
    Might be interested in coming out once in awhile, depending on my schedule.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    What nights do you run your games? Can you supply the blind structure?
    Might be interested in coming out once in awhile, depending on my schedule.

    I usually run them on Saturday nights, but that's not set in stone.

    I have 2 blind structures prepared, and I usually have a vote on which one the players want to use.

    I attached two gifs to this post, the 1st one is the 1500 chip structure and the 2nd is the 3500 chip structure. Again, these are also not set in stone, if I get a new suggested structure from one of the players I'll gladly put it to a vote.
  • Sounds like you got a nice setup.

    The first schedule is a turbo, but makes sense if you want to play 2 tourneys in one night. Patience Factor is 2.41. Skill Level is 1.

    The second schedule has significantly more play. Patience Factor is 4.96. Skill Level is 3.

  • The skill level of the players I usually get out vary from beginner to novice, so these kinda level the field a little. However, if I'm able to get more skilled players out (not too skilled of course), I personally wouldn't mind slowing it down a little more.

    btw, how'd you figure out the patience factor and skill level? Is there a formula?
  • MarcoGD wrote: »
    btw, how'd you figure out the patience factor and skill level? Is there a formula?

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