Game 7 Player's List

The first half of the season is now behind us, and Allen still holds a nice lead going into the second half.

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2008-03-15 07:27:14
Stakz - Seat Reserved - 2008-03-16 11:51:51
DWett - Seat Reserved - 2008-03-17 06:30:01
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2008-03-17 08:40:10
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2008-03-17 09:20:21
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2008-03-17 13:26:26
akline - Seat Reserved - email
Max - Seat Reserved - verbal
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2008-03-18 08:14:24
SteveKerr - Seat Reserved - 2008-03-18 15:28:47
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - free hot chocolate, he's there!
ElElliott - Seat Reserved - she's driving him! might as well play ;)
McFlip - Seat Reserved - wants the FREE stuff!
JHJ - Seat Reserved - post


  • large double double please
  • sweet! Hot Chocolate for me :)
  • Hot Chocolate :)

    Of course Eleanor and I are in.
  • Can I get a raincheck?
  • Well, that will depend on the generous nature of Darryl...and the size of his Tim Card ;)
  • medium 2 sugar pls :D
  • Ummm

    Medium Hot Chocolate
  • medium hot choco..., might as well confirm me in! I was contemplating but da free stuff did it.
  • MCflip73 wrote: »
    medium hot choco..., might as well confirm me in! I was contemplating but da free stuff did it.

    Ohhh and add 1 honey creuller please..., I like to do the "dip dip" on my nice hot cocoa while playing ching hill poker.

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..., hot choco and honey creuller {drooling}
  • Geez Darryl, if this keeps up, you'll know how Derek felt last September when you won the MVP at the last Royal, and bought us all drinks. By the end of it all, I think he was up $1.50 ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    Geez Darryl, if this keeps up, you'll know how Derek felt last September when you won the MVP at the last Royal, and bought us all drinks. By the end of it all, I think he was up $1.50 ;)

    Damn straight! Whoever says MVP pays hasn't been MVP (can I count that high? ;) )
  • Sorry I couldn't make it AJ........... stuck travelling north for the W/E ....good luck all .... I have better luck with Tim's than I do at poker ...see ya's all next week......
  • Have a great long weekend Rob.

    Should be a real good game again. Haven't heard from Justin or Jeff yet, that would make it 16...nice turnout
  • count me in!!
  • JUSTIN is back on his game with a second place last week, and then taking first tonight. Justin and Chris were playing heads up for about a level + trading chips. Justin then hits two sets of trips and Chris's stack is down quite abit. Still, both of them have found their game back again. The race for top spot is going to be a good one.

    Except Allen is giving up the spots without a fight as he took down third spot. Bubble tonight was Mike "Stakz" and chump was Steve (much to Derek's pleasure).

    Great game everyone, have a great Easter!!!!
  • Good game last night Justin. Now if I only could get trips over and over again.
  • I've updated the Leader Board...Allen still holds a nice lead, but Chris has moved into second place with back to back money finishes. Should be a very good second half to the season.
  • Good game last night Justin. GG to you to Chris, when the cards arent coming at heads-up, there isnt much u can do about it. Well played though.

    P.S. Justin, i think you should still stick to OMAHA !!!! haha
  • Oops....screwed up the points...I've corrected them now. Sorry Derek.
    Thanks Chris.
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    and chump was Steve (much to Derek's pleasure).

    What? This needs clarification so Steve doesn't feel like mowing me down with his Mustang. I may have been pleased that I wasn't chump, but I did not take any pleasure in Steve's chumping. In fact, I don't believe that I had any pleasurable poker moments that evening. I think I won 2 hands (one pre-flop, and one on the flop). No pleasure here... 2nd chump still feels pretty chumpy!
  • derksen wrote: »
    What? This needs clarification so Steve doesn't feel like mowing me down with his Mustang. I may have been pleased that I wasn't chump, but I did not take any pleasure in Steve's chumping. In fact, I don't believe that I had any pleasurable poker moments that evening. I think I won 2 hands (one pre-flop, and one on the flop). No pleasure here... 2nd chump still feels pretty chumpy!

    Just when I was getting The Stang ready to come out of storage......

    I know your pain, oh I know your pain as Ching Hill had been brutal for the last two weeks.

    see you all Thursday
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