Guelph Tuesday AND Thursday?!?!?

8pm start guys. That's right..i'm switching it up a bit....
due to the success of last tuesday's game, i'm figuring that we'll have interest in both nights...
Tuesday will be for alternate games (7 stud, pl omaha hi /8, pineapple, HORSE, 5 card draw , limit?) Thursday will be for the regular NLHE.........same buy in both nights, same chip stacks...

10,000 in chips, 20 +5 bounty, 20 min game to follow (if there is interest!)

Anything else?

Tuesday (either omaha or 7 stud this tuesday)

1. Mark
2. Paul (my dad)
3. Timmeh
4. Sandro
5. Monks
6. Chris
7. Cowboy Mike
8. Keith (Tent)
Thursday (uhh...nlhe...)

1. Mark
2. Paul
3. Timmeh
4. Adam
5. Monks
6. Cowboy Mike
7. Jen
8. Adam 2


  • Count me in for both Tuesday and Thursday.
  • sounds good to me.. i'll be there thursday.. and next tuesday is my last tuesday night class.. so i should be able to make tuesdays after that..

    glad to hear you got a good turn out last week.
  • i'm in both nights
    great idear
  • wicked! glad we've got a lot of interest in this!
  • I can make Tuesday, but not Thurs. Going out of town. C ya at 8.
  • Sorry to say that an essay on co-ed and single gender phys ed classes calls my name tomorrow and not the case king, so I'm a no go

  • Not sure if i can make it for Tonight. Really tired, only had 3 hrs last night and i have to go in early tomorrow. I'll post in a bit to let everyone know.
  • Hey Mark

    what are we playing tonight?
  • lookin like i'ts gonna be omaha hi, but i'm open to suggestions when we all get here...
  • Stud might be better
  • look at you with the new name!

    fekkin hell maybe i should change mine ... is Quianne taken?
  • hehe
    graham is a nice guy and changed it for me! :)
    i LOVE 7 stud..dont tempt me sandro! :D
  • mark

    i can't find my berry ....any chance i left it there??

  • hey dude, i just had a quick look round, you're welcome to come back to look if you want...or if you can tell me where it might be???
    i looked around where you were sitting, by the front the living room???
    i dont know you have my number??
  • fekkin hell i'm rattled
    do you mind trying to call it 519-748-8185
    it's my only means of communication
  • sorry, i didn't get this message til this morning!!
    I'll call it when i get home...or maybe i'll call it now.....
  • 6 is good enough? any other stragglers?
  • yeah dude...we're good to go as far as i know... :)
  • We are heading out of town. Can't make it
    Keith is Lost
  • where are you going?
  • To the inlaws for Easter
  • lucky you! :)
    it wont be nearly as fun as poker tho.
    just sayin'....
  • I put off my departure to Montreal to Friday morning so I could play:)
    Hopefully the game is a go...
  • oh yeah dude, we have 6 confirmed...we're good to go! :)
    Cowboy mike is one of the 6..but even if only 5 show up, it'll be alright! :)
  • any word from jen?
  • dont know.....
    weird.... :)
  • i would love to play please e-mail me with adress and any other info, I am coming from fergus
  • i'll be there tonight! weee! 8pm!
  • its a good thing you posted that jen.. i would have showed up at 7.. heh.
  • looks like we got 8 tonight! wicked!
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