Bristol St. presents -- "Casual Thursday: The Return of Easy" - Thurs, March 20th 8pm

Based on timing, Bristol Street will play host to two events this week, with the second being a "Casual Thursday" (since Friday is a holiday). This is an extra special casual night because it also marks....

"The Return of Easy"

She's back for Easter and would like to play some poker, so come on out and celebrateher return to K/W for the weekend.

As always, Casual nights are about, low cost, non-serious poker and a lot of fun. What's in store for this Thursday? WHO KNOWS!!


***Look carefully for the hidden message. Here's a super-secret hint! Remove the word not from the sentence.

The first game will start up at 8pm and other games will continue as the night goes on.

I don't look for an reserve list, but let me know if you're coming so that I can get a rough idea of the numbers...

Confirmed, so far: (~12-14) "Easy", "Zithal", "8Ball", "DataMn", "IsaMe", "JohnnieH", "All-In", "Bluffy", "Beanie42", "Kanga", "FASSman", "FASSman+1", "stpboy"(later)


  • I think I'm in for this.... been a while since I seen the girl

  • Count me in too.

  • I THINK I'll be in too..will confirm later this week.
  • put me down as a firm mabey.
  • ItsaMe wrote: »
    put me down as a firm mabey.


  • Oh yeah....gigitty gigitty!


    EDIT: Just realized that makes for back2back nights at Bristol. I'm still in. Gigitty.
  • westside8 wrote: »
    I THINK I'll be in too..will confirm later this week. out.

    But I'll come by with a Baron or Waterloo Dark for a couple of lucky individuals...
  • Tentatively
  • Sign me up please.
  • I'll be there after work at eleven if that's ok.

  • stpboy wrote: »
    I'll be there after work at eleven if that's ok.


    Is that a.m. or p.m.?
  • Jenn and I will be there.
  • OUT

  • Out.

  • Hey

    I don't think I can make it after all.. sorry Easy! Love you girl!

  • We had a rash of additions and cancellations in the last 12 hours and the numbers are currently in the 12-14 range, so it looks like we're landing in the two table range which is nice for a casual evening of poker!

    To celebrate Easy's return here's a rough idea for...

    "The Return of Easy" tournament.

    NL tournament with one simple rule. If you're in a pot with Easy and beat her, roll a d6...

    1. "Easy" takes a shot.
    2. "Easy" takes a shot.
    3. "Easy" takes a shot.
    4. "Easy" takes a shot.
    5. "Easy" takes a shot.
    6. "Easy" takes a shot.

    What do you think?? ;)
  • westside8 wrote: » out.

    But I'll come by with a Baron or Waterloo Dark for a couple of lucky individuals...

    Count that out too...I think I'm leaving here in a few minutes...Sorry Easy!
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