RC facebook page...

Someone please create one. Not it.



  • Search The Royal Cup of Poker in groups on facebook. Group has been created. Could be another nice way to share photos, stories etc.
    As always, there isn't anything specific on the group page that would give away time/location etc.

  • Cannot find it
  • I floated this idea to Sandro before RC4. He wasn't happy with idea. I guess he'd prefer it to be on the DL.
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I floated this idea to Sandro before RC4. He wasn't happy with idea. I guess he'd prefer it to be on the DL.

    I didn't totally object to it. I just want people to respect others privacy and that they need to make people aware of their pictures and possible information being out there on facebook. I don't use facebook myself and never will (mafia orders) LOL. I know some professions frown on it and I have also heard of emplyers searching facebook to look into employees (current and potential). I doubt how legal any of these things are or how true these stories may be but that being said. Please keep my name and the venue out of anything posted if anyone so chooses to start a group.
  • Off topic...

    Yes employers will search Facebook for items related to work. It can be viewed as a Security/Reputation issue.

    For example...Bob is on Facebook and starts a group that Acme Poker Products suck ass. Jim joins and says it does and here is why. Turns out Jim is an employee of Acme. Not good for business.

    Little things like that.
  • Yes, I'll be sure to keep everyone out of it that is not a part of the group. That includes location and date/time etc. I'm not THAT stupid lol.

  • I'm confused, don't we already have a site where we can post pictures and talk to eachother? Why facebook??
  • uh..becuz its the koolest?
  • I did a search too, can't find anything.

    We should have some sort of forum to discuss poker and shit, anyone have any ideas for a name?
  • It's just easier to have it all on one page rather then having to sift through 100+ posts to find out who won RC1, 2... Check who the MVP's were.... get to know those that participate in the royal. In my OP I did say that it was another way to share photos, stories etc.

    Send me a message Shannon McMahon on FB. I'll add you Q9.


    p.s. I have yet to add previous winners, MVP etc. but will....
  • Isn't he cute?

  • Johnnie..why you posting such horrible pics of me....your SCURRRRED arent you....see you tonite..:)
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    Isn't he cute?


    That would have to be the cutest i have ever seen Mark???? lol
  • That would have to be the cutest i have ever seen Mark???? lol

    AND the quietest! ;)
  • STR82ACE wrote: »
    AND the quietest! ;)

    Yes...and the quietest...lol....
  • Johnnie..why you posting such horrible pics of me....your SCURRRRED arent you....see you tonite..:)

    All the good pics of you I have are from the bar....none poker related :D
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    All the good pics of you I have are from the bar....none poker related :D

    hahaha...oh johnnie are you saying that a frequent the .bar???...No..notme..lol...but we did have a fun night thatnight..we will have to do it again soon...I celebrated my first St Paddys day this year...and i will have to say..it was TOO much fun...:)
  • hahaha...oh johnnie are you saying that a frequent the .bar???...No..notme..lol...but we did have a fun night thatnight..we will have to do it again soon...I celebrated my first St Paddys day this year...and i will have to say..it was TOO much fun...:)

    I was just assuming that we'd hit the bar after RC5...am I wrong?
  • JohnnieH wrote: »
    I was just assuming that we'd hit the bar after RC5...am I wrong?

    Oh..you are totally RIGHT :) We will for sure !!!!!....:) It will be a blast...not that chinese place tho...way too stinky...lol....we could do the spur lol
  • Oh..you are totally RIGHT :) We will for sure !!!!!....:) It will be a blast...not that chinese place tho...way too stinky...lol....we could do the spur lol

    The Spur?? I'm in!
  • FAcebook is way over rated too...... I couldnt find it either sheesh ..
  • me either, but now im dating 14yr old twins
  • Facebook seems like such a big threat to privacy, including Beacon ad tracking, identity theft, spamming, stalking, getting suspended by your school, getting fired by your employer, getting spied on by the CIA & other security services, etc., etc. See http://www.albumoftheday.com/facebook & http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,140182-c,onlineprivacy/article.html
    pokerdro wrote: »
    I just want people to respect others privacy and that they need to make people aware of their pictures and possible information being out there on facebook. I don't use facebook myself and never will (mafia orders)
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