Niagara Falls, St-Catharine, Fort Erie,Welland etc

I can either host or join a Home game if anyone is interested in the Niagara Falls region; NLHE only please, no dealer's choice etc. I would rather learn to play one game well than a dozen badly.


  • I have heard that there is a couple of casinos in that area? Have you checked out those?
  • ROFLMAO...nice one 13!!
  • Hey 13, looking for a "happy ending" in Niagara, St. Catharines...oops, nevermind. Wrong forum...
  • The casino here only plays cash games(except for Tuesday, and then its $35 entry for a 11seat table;) I used to go Tuesday till I got dealt Q7 pre-flop suited 3 times in a row, each time the same suit(hearts) and I asked for a deck change and they refused. Now I paly my tournaments on the computer and for 35 dollar I can get 7games in and not just one.
  • J pyjamas, youre too young for me
  • Eletmuesz, think about using the space bar, period key, and previewing your posts. If I'm too young, oh, never mind...
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