Guelph Thursday (Feb 21)

Hey Guys,

i was in montreal this weekend, so i didn't get to post this game. Hopefully we'll be able to get enough players out this week to run the game!
Looking for at least 6!

Game is thursday at 7(ish). 20 dollar buy in with 10,000 in chips (yea, it's kind of deep stack). 5 dollar bounty (bring 25 total).
Any questions?!

1. Mark
2. Chris
3. Ryan
4. Andy


  • it is reading week this week and i'm heading out east.. so i'll be there next week.
  • oh really? i didn't know it was reading week!
  • i'm in !

    hopefully we can get enough
  • and i would like to play .. how do i get in ??
  • 25/50 to start, then pretty much doubles every 20 min or so
    (50/100, 100/200, 200/400 etc)
    Do you live in guelph zwambag? Email me for directions..quiane AT hotmail DOT com.
  • Mir out. Has to go to a shower.
    Me out I am having a bath :). First time for everything.
  • unfortunate....bathing is CRAZY!
    This game is looking iffy this week!
    when is the royal again sandro?! we godda get some practice in!
  • I'm available to play if you get enough.
  • HOpefully..i'll post tomorrow if the game is a go...we need at least 6 players!
  • i'm not around a computer all day today, so i wont be able to call this game til around 4:15ish
    so...check back here then, and i'll have an answer!
  • looking like this game is cancelled due to reading week and everyone being busy (Except us 4 die hards! :) )
    hopefully next week guys!!
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