Texas Hold'em Tournament in Kitchener, Feb. 13 (tomorrow)

Hello Folks:

I'm run a semi-regular Texas Hold'em poker tournament in Kitchener. I can seat up to 16 players (two tables), and would be happy to include any new players to my group. I've played with at the Bristol games a handful of times, so those players may know me (Dan). Details:

- Tomorrow (ya, short notice).
- RAKE FREE event. All money goes out to top 3 or 4 spots (depending on number of players).
- $10 buy-ins, $10 re-buys for first 4 rounds. $10 optional add on after re-buy cut-off. $10 gets you $1000 in chips.
- Standard Texas Hold'em Tournament format.
- BYOB, BYOSnacks.

If interested, e-mail me for directions: dan@deepnettech.com
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