Game this week?

What with it being Valentines Day and all, just wondering if we should postpone this weeks game until next week. Only have a single signup other than myself, and had one request to play Wednesday, which I'm not able to do this week.

Heres the list as of now...we'll play by ear until Thursday

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-08 12:26:40
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-11 15:07:14
GarryC - Seat Reserved - 2008-02-12 08:05:39


  • Sorry AJ

    Skipping out > Castration, imo.

    See you next week!
  • I'll be there if you can wrangle up 8 people. We don't really to the v-day thing.
  • Looking abit light again Derek...I'll try giving Max a call and see if he's interested this week or not...haven't heard from Jeff yet either.

    Either way though, if not enough show, same as last sngs or low limit nl for those who want to join in.
  • Looking abit dry again this week...doubt we'll get 8 players Derek.

    But the table will be set up for anyone who DOES show for some low buyin SnG's or some 1/2 nl

    You don't have to be a member of the league to join in tonight...if you're interested, just post here or send me a pm and I'll fill you on the location details.
  • No games then??? Looks like we only have 3 ppls willing to play... I'll see you all next week then.

  • No LEAGUE game tonight, but the table is up and ready for whomsoever wishes to come out and play some cheap SnGs or a little 1/2nl.
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